Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Your Imagination and Expectation determines your Abundant and Victorious Living

Text:Genesis 11:6,13:15, 6:5, Proverbs 23:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 8:24-25
Our hope is our imagination.When we dwell in thoughts on the word of God for some time it sparks an image-a mental picture in our minds. when the picture becomes clear, then we can see it in our minds eye and our expectation will deliver the reward.Our imagination which is hope gives substance to our faith.(Hebrews 11:1)
Since the fall of man , the thoughts and imaginations of man have tended to be negative.(Genesis 6:5). For our thoughts and imagination to agree with God's word, we must deliberately cast down all the traditions, mind sets and ideas and concepts that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and His Word and bring them to the obedience of Christ.(2 Corinthians 10:3-6).Until we do this we cannot revenge all disobedience warring against our abundant life.(2 Corinthians 10:5-6).We accomplish this by renewing our minds with the Word of God(Romans 12:2)by doing the Word of God. The more we do the word of God the more we renew our mind.
Our warfare with the enemy is principally mental and of the mind.We have the mind of Christ(1 Corithians 2:6).He triumphed, so we must triumph.He was favored by man and God so we must be favored. But Jesus always engaged in Word of God based positive thoughts and imagination which led to positive and blessed words and actions which carried power. How forcible are right words.(Job 6:25).
So the choice is ours. God will not think or imagine for us. No one can. We have to do it ourselves.The way we use our minds determine our abundant living. The carnal mind brings death and suffering, but the spiritually minded brings life and peace.(Romans 8:6).Over to you, the ball is in your court.God bless you

Monday, September 27, 2010

See it and Say it , Wait for it and then have it

Text:Hebrews 11:1, Proverbs 23:7, Mark 11:23-24
God saw the earth before He spoke it into existence. There are two ways to see things:either through the physical eyes or through imagination. Imagination is the art of painting the picture of the word of grace in our hearts which builds up our faith to receive the blessing. Patience holds up our faith until the blessing is delivered.In ephesians the essence of the spirit of wisdom and revelation is to open our understanding so that we might imagine our calling and know the graces bestowed upon us.
It is instructive to meditate on the word of grace through imagination-paiting the picture.Once the picture becomes very clear in our heart, then we can speak the blessing into existence. However we may need to wait patiently for the ship of faith to go forth and deliver the blessing.Imagination stage is like the conception stage of a woman.Zion travailed and the children were born.Imagination is ;like the (hoping stage);-----pregnancy stage is like the (faith and patience) and the delivery stage is like the " have it stage.
God bless

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Focus on God's grace to obey and serve God

Text:Job 36:11,Hebrews 4:16,12:28,Titus 2:11,Ephesians 2:8-9.

Man was created by God to willingly serve and worship Him!Whatever man focuses on outside God will attract man's attention, worship and service.The blessing and prosperity of man is contingent on man's willingness to obey and serve God(Job 36:11, 22:21-25, Isaiah 1:19).
After man sinned he fell short of God's glory and grace( favor and strength)-Romans 3:23 to remain in the presence of God.God in His Son Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross provided a way for man to return back to blessing by releasing the fullness of grace(power and favor) needed to obey and serve God; and also mercy that will answer to every accusation from the enemy but intead rejoice over judgment.
Grace and mercy are found in Christ Jesus.When we connect to Him through prayers, keeping our minds on Him, fellowshipping with Him and in particular obeying His words, we will enjoy prosperity and blessing here on earth and our mansions bright in heaven.
So we should daily focus on the supply of the spirit of grace from our Lord Jesus Christ through prayers; that would deliver us from sin and the wiles of the enemy and train us to reject and renouce ungodliness and worldly desires and to live a discreet , upright, devout lives in the present world; instead of focusing on the demand of obedience through self efforts which gender to works, frustrations and failures.Outside Jesus Christ we cannot achieve anything.
Therefore we must continue to pray without ceasing for mercy and grace from Jesus Christ . The act of connnecting to Christ Jesus through prayers and focus moment by moment consciously and daily is our faith in action. God bless you

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spiritual Understanding: The Principal Ingredient of Faith

Text: Psalm 119:144,82:5-7, Proverbs 21:16, 4:7, Romans 1:17,Matthew 13:23

God created the world from things formed on His inside. To see what God is saying which had been deposited inside us, we need spiritual understanding. Spiritual understanding is being able to see what God is saying in your heart. To receive anything from God you must have faith or believe for it in your heart or conceive it in your heart or see it in your heart and then confess it with your mouth.(Romans 10:9).Until you have faith in your heart, your confession will not produce. Spiritual understanding gives substance to the Word of God in our hearts. How do we get spiritual understanding?

1. Through Meditation: Every scripture carries amazing profiting, which can only be accessed through spiritual understanding and one of the channels through which you encounter that is meditation. Meditation can be defined as thinking through God’s Word on a subject matter for details. You ponder over questions like: “Why did God say this?” “What does it stand for?” “What has it to offer me?” Every scripture carries a definite profit (2 Timothy 3:16).God’s Word says: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” (1Timothy 4:15). When you meditate, you think through a subject matter for details, so you can maximize its value. Every scripture carries definite values.
Meditation can also be defined as speaking the word of God to ourselves or muttering on the word of God under our breath, until the word becomes so real to us. We need meditation time as well as intercession and supplications. We need meditation to bring out what we need to do for God’s Word to deliver results to us. In the process of pondering on the truth, light is shed on the issue which helps us to know which step to take to get to where we are going. For example, Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, engaged this channel of meditation for the wisdom that he possessed (Ecclesiastes 1:13, 16-17). Also, Isaac went to the field to meditate (Genesis 24:63).

2. Through Prayer of Seeking the Lord: Another channel through which we contact understanding is prayers. When you pray, ask, “Lord, What must I do to come out of this situation?” “What are you requiring me to do?” “What and where have I missed it?” In every area, we what can receive understanding through the prayer altar like Daniel who with the support of three other fiends including Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego who prayed earnestly to God to reveal and interpret the forgotten dream of King Nebuchadnezzar and God revealed to him the answers he was looking for. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us all that is, and that is needed for the solution.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meditation is Praying

Text: Psalm 5:1-2, Colossians 3:1, Joshua 1:8

Meditation is a form of praying. In our text the words "prayer" and "meditation “are used to mean the same thing. Therefore, communing with God through keeping our mind stayed on the things of the Lord is also prayer. (Isaiah 26:3)

When we pray through meditation we are praying the Word of God which has power within it to deliver our solution.

Meditation will help me to obey the word of God; give me good success, and make me prosperous. (Joshua 1:8)

Since in meditation we say the word of grace to ourselves and to God over and over again, muttering on it under our breath until it becomes revelation, this is like importunate praying until the answer comes.

For example we can pray John 16:13 by repeating over and over again; “I am led by the Holy Spirit. He leads me and guides me into all truth. He helps me make wise decisions so that I always say and do the right thing at the right time in the right way and at the right place”

In prayer we must also be sensitive to receive from God. It is a two way communication.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jesus Christ is All You Need

Text: Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18, 1 John 2:20, 26-27
When Peter first preached to the Gentiles in Acts 10:38, He declared to them-the Anointed and His Anointing and miracles happened. When Philip preached to the people of Samaria in Acts 8:6-8, He declared to them the Anointed and His Anointing. Many were healed and unclean spirits were driven out by the knowledge of the Anointed and his Anointing. When the Anointed with His Anointing was speaking in Luke 5:17 and Luke 6:17 , all were healed and the possessed were delivered. Eternal life or abundant life comes through the knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Anointed through His Anointing (John 17:3).
When you behold Jesus Christ through the Word of God, anointing will begin to flow through your body and circumstances, transforming you (2 Corinthians 3:18)
We are to live our life through the Anointed and His Anointing (1 John 4:9, 5:11, Galatians 2:20). How?
Meditate (Think) on the above scriptures, your mind will be renewed and you become like what you think.(Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2). Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions and your actions become your habits and your habits become your character and your character becomes your destiny.
Therefore watch your thoughts and what you say. Take no thought saying (Matthew 6:31). Once the thoughts are released through words, the process begins. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Your Blessing is in Your Tongue

Text: James 3:10, Psalm 34:13-14, Isaiah 44:26
Nine of the eleven plagues that came against Israel, as recorded in the book of Numbers, were caused by misuse of the tongue. So your mouth and your words—will either work for you, and bring health and healing and blessing to your life, or they will work against you, bringing nothing but harm.
Make them work for your good from today. Make them get aligned with what God has said and is saying as from today. Speak the Word—and keep speaking it and keep speaking it. As you do, God will confirm it. And He says, you are healed, prospered, delivered, blessed, wealthy etc.What are you saying. He has said ,....... so that you may blodly say and declare,; and ultimately to testify that the Lord is my helper, there is nothing man can do to me.(Hebrews 13:5-6).The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed(2 Corinthians 13:1). God said it, I believe it and then I said it, that settles it. Alleluia.
The challenge, we have therefore, comes in holding fast and not swaying from God’s Word. And in part, that means we need to keep our tongue in line with what God says about our healing every time and everywhere.
As we meditate on the following scriptures: Proverbs 10:11, 12:18, 13:3, 15:4, 16:24, 18:20-21 ,1 Peter 3:10-11 , it becomes abundantly clear that our tongue determines the course of our nature and life.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Doing Spiritual Warfare with Prophetic Declarations

Text: Psalm 103:20, 29:1-8

The believer is the temple of the Living God. The Spirit of Christ dwells in us. Believers are children of God. When a believer declares the Word of God out of his heart: that is the Voice of his Word (Psalm 103:20). God and His Word is the same (John 1:1). When we use our voice to declare the truth of God’s Word planted in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, that becomes the more sure Word of prophecy(2 Peter 1:19).The more sure Word of prophecy causes light to shine in whatever area we are confronted with. We are releasing light when we speak the Word of God to any situation and activating angelic intervention.

Ezekiel in Ezekiel 37 was commanded by God to prophesy to the lifeless bones and to the winds. He obeyed and the results came.

Jesus admonished us in Mark 11:23 to prophesy or speak to any mountain in our lives in operating our faith before praying. In Matthew 4:4 through prophetic declarations: it is written Jesus overcame the enemy.

Today it is important to believe Hebrews 2:14 that the power of the enemy has been completely destroyed. The only power He has now is to deceive. Our battle is against the wiles (deception) of the devil (Ephesians 6:11), not the devil himself that is the deception of sin and sinful acts. When we yield to sin by believing his lies, it is like we hand over power in Christ to Satan.
Strife, complaining, murmuring, back biting , lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life and in fact any work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21, 1 John 2:15-16 is giving the enemy our own authority) to intimidate us. God forbid.

Our responsibility is to enforce the defeat of Satan by Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary by declaring the truth (John 8:32). When we release from our mouths the Light –the Word of God, as commanded by Jesus Christ in mark 11:23, darkness automatically bows. So Jesus defeated Satan and took the keys of hell and death from him, and made an open show of him triumphing over him (Colossians 2:15, Revelation 1:18)

What happens when we declare God’s word prophetically?

a) Power is released to accomplish the task-Psalm 29:4
b) The toughest mountain or obstacle is broken. Nothing can resist the word.- Psalm 29:5
c) The mountains will jump and skip away quickly -Psalm 29:6
d) It divides the fire released by the enemy so that we walk through unscathed like the three Hebrew children.- Psalm 29:7.

So when you diligently feed on the Word of God through meditation and study, and then release what is inside you through prophetic declaration “it is written or thus saith the Lord, you are releasing arrows against opposition and they will certainly bow and depart. The Word of God you speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit is prophetic and will liberate you anywhere and anytime. God bless

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jesus Christ-The Alpha and Omega

Text: Revelations 1:11-18, Isaiah 53:1, Romans 8:6

In the life of a man, there are many prevailing circumstances. Man is frantically looking for solution. The sick will go to the doctor; the poor and needy will look unto the government and maybe the rich and well to do for help; and man goes to toil and work to get money to meet his daily needs. For a sick person, the doctor may diagnose and give a report. For the poor or needy, the government‘s bailout or the rich may provide temporary but not sufficient relief; for the debt ridden, the bank account and the mountain of unpaid bills may speak volumes.
Our text tells us that Jesus Christ is the beginning of the beginnings; the ending of endings; the first and the last. He is the unchangeable changer in every situation or circumstance. He has the first and last word. The doctor’s report is not the final report on your health. The report of the Lord saying you are healed is the final report (1 Peter 2:24). The negative bank account balance is not the final report. The report of the Lord saying you are rich because He became poor that you might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). The redemption from the curse of poverty, sickness, barrenness, stagnation, sin and oppression of the wicked one through the finished work on the Cross of Calvary is the final report (Galatians 3:13-14). Therefore claim your release from any curse hindering your progress.
All other reports are temporal, subject to change, but the report of the Lord is forever and permanent (2 Corinthians 4:18). Whatever you receive from the Lord is forever (Ecclesiastes 3:14) but the prosperity of fools shall ultimately destroy them (Proverbs 1:32). If you believe in the report of the Lord as written in the covenanted promises-the Word of God, you have life and peace. If on the other hand, you believe in the situation report you bring death and failure to the situation.(Romans 8:6) The choice is yours.
So for any situation in your life right now, go to Jesus Christ and The Word of God for answer. It is this word of grace through which we access our inheritance in Christ ( Acts 20:32). Therefore claim your inheritance and overcome any adversary hindering you.
However, the report of the Lord will only be delivered by the arm of the Lord, to those who believe in Jesus Christ and His report in His Word(Isaiah 53:1) and are not living in disobedience to the covenant.(Luke 6:46-49;13:24-27)
Everything starts with dealing with sinner and the sin question which inhibits the delivery of the report or the blessing of the Lord. We do this by acknowledging our sinful nature, our sinful past, asking God the Father to forgive us our sin and wash us with the Blood of his Son, Jesus Christ and receiving Jesus Christ and His Word into our heart and soul, as personal Lord and Savior and becoming members of the family of God.
Then we become born again of the Spirit. We are new creation in Christ in our spirit man(2 Corinthians 5:17), created in righteousness and true holiness(Ephesians 4:24)
Let those who are willing to give their lives to Christ or be restored to genuine fellowship with the Lord : now commit themselves to the Lord as we go to the Lord in prayer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jesus Christ-The Lord of All

Text: Acts 10:36, Ephesians 1:22; John 14:13-14, 16:23-24
We had learned that Jesus Christ is the beginning of the beginnings; the first and the last. He is the unchangeable changer in every situation or circumstance. He has the first and last word. The doctor’s report is not the final report on your health. The report of the Lord saying you are healed is the final report. The negative bank account balance is not the final report. The report of the Lord saying you are rich because He became that you might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). That the curse of poverty, sickness, sin and oppression of the wicked one was destroyed on the Cross of Calvary, is the final report (Galatians 3:13-14).
This week we learn that Jesus Christ had restored all that man lost in the Garden of Eden. He is the Lord of all .So for any situation in your life right now, go to Jesus Christ and The Word of God for answer. It is this word of grace through which we access our inheritance in Christ ( Acts 20:32).
However we cannot receive the benefits of Jesus being Lord of all things and blessings to us, unless we are members of the household of God.
Every thing starts with dealing with sinner and the sin question which inhibits he delivery of the report or the blessing of the Lord. We do this by acknowledging our sinful nature, our sinful past, asking God the Father to forgive us our sin and wash us with the Blood of his Son, Jesus Christ and receiving Jesus Christ and His Word into our heart and soul, as personal Lord and Savior and becoming members of the family of God.
Then we become born again of the Spirit.
Let those who are willing to give their lives to Christ now commit themselves to the Lord as we go to the Lord in prayer.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Miracle is Inside You-The Ball is in Your Court

Text: Matthew 9:27-30, 12:35; 2 Corinthians 4:6-7;Mark 11:23, Philemon 6
God works on what is already inside of you when He wants to perform a miracle. It is what you acknowledge consistently in Christ released with your mouth that you receive.
In our text Jesus Christ performed the miracles on two blind men because they believed that He could heal them. Jesus said it should be unto them according to their faith and their eyes were opened. What they believed came out of their mouth. The Bible tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. You can have whatsoever you say (Mark 11:23). When you speak according to your faith, that which you say is what you will have.
The power of life and death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The Bible says in Proverbs 15:2 - “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” You are the one to determine whether you will have miracles or just keep on watching those who get their miracles.
Those who are not yet born again have to believe the report of the Lord, which says that if you shall call on the name of the Lord, you shall be saved. Many of those who are not born again remain so because they do not believe that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved. Everyone who comes to Him will not be cast out. With Christ, your miracles are assured.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Mystery of Godliness Will Swallow the Mystery of Iniquity

Text: 1 Timothy 3:16, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
The Bible in Proverbs 21:16 says “he that wandereth out of the way of understanding abideth in the congregation of the dead. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding all founded on Jesus Christ are the keys to victory in the kingdom-Proverbs 24:3-4. The purpose of Christ finished work on the Cross is to redeem and purify man from past iniquities (lawlessness and rebellion against constituted authority) to become a people zealous of good works -Titus 2:14; and to turn us away from future iniquities in order to bless us-Acts 3:26. This is the action of the mystery of godliness-Christ and the Holy Spirit -Colossians 1:27, 1 John 4:4 against the mystery of iniquity. The Bible says in our text that the mystery of godliness is greater than the mystery of iniquity.

The reason why a person works in the flesh is because of the operation of the mystery of iniquity (Satan and it’s cohorts) already at work on the earth which is releasing continually unclean and seducing spirits into people’s lives from their mouths.- Revelation 16:13-14, 1 Timothy 4:1-3.

The Bible tells us in Romans 8:2, that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus had made us free from the law of sin and death. We activate the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus: by feeding on the Word of God(Micah 7:14): studying and meditating continuously on the blessings from the finished work on the cross and better things that accompany salvation(Hebrews 6:9; Colossians 2:15, Ephesians 2:6, Romans 16:20, 8:37,Hebrews 2:14).

The rod of Aaron in Moses hand swallowed the rod of Pharaoh’s magicians. Jesus gave the believer against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease(Matthew 10:1).The power is in the Word of God.(Luke 5:17, 6:17).Jesus had given the believer a mouth and wisdom (Word of God) so that the adversary cannot gainsay (Luke 21:15.So like Aaron's rod in Moses hand,the Word of God in the believer’s mouth as a two-edged sword will become a standard used by the Spirit of God living inside us to swallow the flood of unclean and seducing spirits released by the adversary against man.(Isaiah 59:19)

The Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord who God had redeemed from his enemies say and declare that he is redeemed (Psalm 107:2)

That is the essence of praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The enemy is releasing enchantments continually .The believer must consume these divinations and enchantments (Numbers 23:23) with the Word of God as a two edged sword in his mouth. We pray the answer. Power of life and death -Proverbs 18:21; blessing and cursing -James 3:10 are in the mouth. ).
The ball is in the believers Court. Over to you brother and Sister. The battle is raging in your mind. Will you keep your mouth shut. God told Joshua that the key to success is to speaking the Word of God to himself daily(meditate) to generate the power needed to observe to do the Word. In Ephesians 5:18, we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit always .How? By speaking psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to ourselves and singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord,giving continuous thanks to God for all things in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
God bless you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prayer Changes Things in Our Lives and Blesses the People and Community around Us

Text: Ezekiel 47:1-12, Luke 11:5-13, Luk:18:1-8

Our first text speaks about a river — the river of God — that flows from the altar in the temple of God. This river, as it flows, gets ever broader and deeper, and it brings life and enrichment to wherever it flows to. It is buoyant with life and brings fruit wherever it flows. That is also a picture of the church and the work of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Out of the church flows the work of the Spirit on earth — first through the church and then out through the doors into the surrounding community, bringing life and fruit wherever it flows through prayer.
The transforming, life-giving work of the Holy Spirit only comes through powerful praying without ceasing. It comes through prayer-saturated churches.

Our second text, Luke 11:5-13 even though speaks about persevering in prayer, has a hidden little message in its powerful thoughts. At the end, Jesus says, “How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” The passage initially wasn’t about the Holy Spirit; it was about asking for what we need — ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. And what do we get as we pray more and more? The Holy Spirit through Luke says we get the Holy Spirit! We get the river of God that flows in and through us.

Our third text, Luke 18:1-8 tells us that importunate praying (prayer of knocking intensity until I receive my answer) generates faith for service ; the type of faith that Jesus is looking out for to bless.

The Apostles waited in the upper room for ten days in prayer and fasting: the result was infilling and baptism in the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4). The Apostles prayed in Acts 4:23-31 when they were threatened: the result was in filling of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is what we get when we pray (Philippians 1:19) and the result: direction, guidance, wisdom, strength on what to do, how to do and when to do and how to access the resources needed to accomplish the assignment.

The Bible says that God hath revealed to the Holy Spirit the blessings he hath prepared for His children; and that through the Holy Spirit we will know the things our Father God hath freely given to us(1 Corinthians 2:9-12). So when we pray we don’t receive answers because we either ask amiss (James 4:3) or we are looking for the answer in the wrong format and/or place. May God give us understanding and revelation knowledge in Jesus Name. Through faith we have access and are able to receive God’s favor and grace from the throne of grace(Romans 5:2, Hebrews 4:16)