Sunday, May 29, 2011

Abiding in Christ is to Continue daily in His Word

Text:John 15:7, 8:3-32

In our first text Jesus gives the condition for answered prayers: which is to abide in Him and His Word.In our second text, the word "abide" in my Word is rendered " to continue" in my Word, which is the qualification for discipleship of Christ.

Until we continue practicing God's Word we will not be His disciples indeed, and we will not know the truth which shall make us free.

The choice to practice daily the Word of God will make us free from challenges of life and assure answered prayers any time we pray.Once we make the choice to daily practice God's Word, the grace of God is available to enable us continue in His Word and then enjoy our inheritance in Christ.

Haphazard and unstable approach to practicing God's word , rising and falling daily will put the believer in bondage and make it difficult to receive answers to prayers.

God bless you in Jesus Name as you choose to continue in the practice of God's Word daily depending solely on the grace of God which is sufficient for us, alleluia.