This is a blog to encourage you who are in Christ to walk in the abundant life purchased for you through the blood shed on the Cross.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The Power of the Cross
Text:1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:2
Our text tells us that the preaching of the cross is the power of God to them that are saved and foolishness to them that perish, that is the unsaved. When we are preaching the cross, power is evidently released to manifest the blessings of God in the life of the believer. The Cross is the place of exchange of unconditional love for hatred and wickedness,eternal death for eternal life, curses for blessing, sickness and disease for wholeness and good health, poverty for riches, shame for glory, rejection for love, defeat for victory, failure for success, captivity and imprisonment for freedom and liberty, lack for abundance and prosperity, barrenness for fruitfulness, darkness for light, short life for long life etc, etc.
No wonder when Paul came to the Corinthians church , he was unequivocal in tellling them that all he was interested in knowing among them was Jesus and Jesus crucfied.(1 Corinthians 2:2). There was a lot happening in this church:strife, fornication , all sorts of division and different types of sinful acts.Paul was only concerned about their focus on Jesus Christ and Him criucified. Why? This is because, the root cause of those problems was their lack of attention and focus on the Cross of Jesus which will release power to overcome the spirit of iniquity plaguing the church.((2 Cor.2:11, 4:4,11:3). The happenings were symptoms of the fact that their minds and hearts were focused on lying vanities, resulting in them forsaking God's mercy and grace to live right.(Jonah 2:8). The Cross of Jesus depicts the pure amazing grace, love and mercy of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures say in Romans 6:14 sin shall not have dominion over us, because we are under grace and not under the law(doing right or doing wrong). So focusing on the happenings in the Corithians church would have brought Paul ubder the law and made Christ of no effect, God forbid.(Galatians 5:3). You are controlled and limited by what you focus your mind and attention on; and if on the Jesus Christ(the word of grace) and the cross of Jesus, then we are under grace, and if on our performance and effort, the good things and the bad things we do or not do, under the law. So beware.
Also Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 said the only thing he glories in , is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to him and he unto the world. The cross of Jesus represents a climatic exchange of heavens good for the evil of the earth that crosses out the world out of our minds and brings inti our heart affection for heaven and the King of kings.
So spend time to think and imagine the beatibng of Jesus with stripes for your healing and the shedding of Hios blood for your righteousness that requirement for anserwered prayers and for the flow of the covenant blessings into your life.
May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.
Our text tells us that the preaching of the cross is the power of God to them that are saved and foolishness to them that perish, that is the unsaved. When we are preaching the cross, power is evidently released to manifest the blessings of God in the life of the believer. The Cross is the place of exchange of unconditional love for hatred and wickedness,eternal death for eternal life, curses for blessing, sickness and disease for wholeness and good health, poverty for riches, shame for glory, rejection for love, defeat for victory, failure for success, captivity and imprisonment for freedom and liberty, lack for abundance and prosperity, barrenness for fruitfulness, darkness for light, short life for long life etc, etc.
No wonder when Paul came to the Corinthians church , he was unequivocal in tellling them that all he was interested in knowing among them was Jesus and Jesus crucfied.(1 Corinthians 2:2). There was a lot happening in this church:strife, fornication , all sorts of division and different types of sinful acts.Paul was only concerned about their focus on Jesus Christ and Him criucified. Why? This is because, the root cause of those problems was their lack of attention and focus on the Cross of Jesus which will release power to overcome the spirit of iniquity plaguing the church.((2 Cor.2:11, 4:4,11:3). The happenings were symptoms of the fact that their minds and hearts were focused on lying vanities, resulting in them forsaking God's mercy and grace to live right.(Jonah 2:8). The Cross of Jesus depicts the pure amazing grace, love and mercy of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures say in Romans 6:14 sin shall not have dominion over us, because we are under grace and not under the law(doing right or doing wrong). So focusing on the happenings in the Corithians church would have brought Paul ubder the law and made Christ of no effect, God forbid.(Galatians 5:3). You are controlled and limited by what you focus your mind and attention on; and if on the Jesus Christ(the word of grace) and the cross of Jesus, then we are under grace, and if on our performance and effort, the good things and the bad things we do or not do, under the law. So beware.
Also Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 said the only thing he glories in , is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to him and he unto the world. The cross of Jesus represents a climatic exchange of heavens good for the evil of the earth that crosses out the world out of our minds and brings inti our heart affection for heaven and the King of kings.
So spend time to think and imagine the beatibng of Jesus with stripes for your healing and the shedding of Hios blood for your righteousness that requirement for anserwered prayers and for the flow of the covenant blessings into your life.
May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
What do you see before or around you?
Text:Proverbs 15:30, Titus 1:15,Phillipians 4:8,1John2:4-6
Some people see good always around them, while others see nothing but only evil.The difference comes from what we expose our minds to, either thinking and meditating on the finished work of the cross and thinking and meditating
on the word of grace and allow the Holy Spirit to control our minds or focusing and giving more attention to the world and it's allurements.(Matthew 6:22-23).If our heart is pure and believing, we will see all things as pure.If our heart is defiled and unbelieving, we see everything as impure.Our mind and conscience filters all that we see around based on whether our heart is believing or unbelieving.What we choose to fill our minds with or think about determines how we perceive things and the way we act.Phillipians 4:8 tells us what to think about:should be
excellent , praiseworthy and be of good report.
When we turn our thoughts to God and His word, we will discover more goodness even in situations that seems contrary.Such minds have little or no room for what is evil.
From Titus 1:16 we see that our conduct reflect what we believe.Our lifestyle speaks about what we value in life
and whether we have ordered our lives around what is important in the kingdom of God.
By watching our lives, people will know about God and about our faith. Set your affection and mind on things that
are above that is spiritual things than on physical things we see that are temporal and subject to change.
God bless you as you read.
The one single solution of God to all your problems and challenges
Text:1 Corinthians 1:18, 2 Corinthians 2:2.
Man born into this world is encumbered with many problems.As different as our faces so are our problems and challenges.Varied as the problems may be, God has only one sufficient solution to the all the problems of mankind:the cross of Christ.The basic universal problem of all humans is that we have all turned our backs on God and gone our own way.(Isaiah 53:6).The bible calls this iniquity and the punishment or evil consequences of iniquity.Jesus Himself was not guilty but the iniquity of all of us was laid upon him by the Father because of His love for humans. Jesus loves the Father and loves humans and willingly gave his life and took all the judgment, condemnation and punishment we deserve by his suffering, crucifixion, rejection from God, painful and shameful death , burial and resurrection.He literally took our place and exchanged it divinely for His own righteousness, holiness, blessings and riches, wholeness and all the blessings of abundant and eternal life.The evil due us came upon Jesus so that the good and blessings due Jesus might be offered to us who believe from the amazing grace and love of God for us . As we focus our mind and thoughts on the finished work of Christ seeing Jesus being beaten and striped for our healing and the blood being shared for our righteousness, we receive our blessings of wholeness and righteousness. Our prayers are always answered because they come from the righteous.Righteousness is now a gift exchanged for our sins on the cross(2 Cor.5:21).Our righteousness is irreversible.We should always acknowledge and confess our forgiveness of sins through the fountain of the blood of Jesus which continually cleanses us 24/7 (1John 1:7) and that we are always the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Set your mind always on the finished work of Christ on the cross.Power is released every time you do this and the devil is always defeated.(1 Cor.1:18).Your thoughts on the finished work on the cross and the resurrection creates the realities of your righteousness and releases your healing and prosperity. The battle is in the mind.The stronghold of iniquity and sin in the mind is overcome by the stronger hold of the blood of the eternal covenant(2 Cor.10:3-5,Zechariah 9 :11-12).That is the key to good health and prosperity in your life.Remember when the Jews had challenges, the Prophet was directed to cut a tree to find the mixing axe;to remove the poison from the poisonous meal, to heal them from deadly bite of fiery serpents by focusing on the bronze serpent representing finished work on the cross. It is like shining light to every dark area of our lives.The bronze represent the judgment due us laid upon Christ on the Cross,and the serpent being a cursed creature by God represents Jesus who became the curse for us so that we might be blessed.(Galatians 3:13-14). You are always the righteousness of God. It is irreversible because it is a gift , and the gift of God are without repentance.God says in Hebrews 8:12 that your sins and iniquity he will remember no more .That means he will not visit you with your iniquity and sins like in the Old covenant, but will convict you of who you are by the Holy Spirit and empower or engrace you to live righteously.That is God's grace and His amazing love.
God bless you richly and give you greater understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.
Man born into this world is encumbered with many problems.As different as our faces so are our problems and challenges.Varied as the problems may be, God has only one sufficient solution to the all the problems of mankind:the cross of Christ.The basic universal problem of all humans is that we have all turned our backs on God and gone our own way.(Isaiah 53:6).The bible calls this iniquity and the punishment or evil consequences of iniquity.Jesus Himself was not guilty but the iniquity of all of us was laid upon him by the Father because of His love for humans. Jesus loves the Father and loves humans and willingly gave his life and took all the judgment, condemnation and punishment we deserve by his suffering, crucifixion, rejection from God, painful and shameful death , burial and resurrection.He literally took our place and exchanged it divinely for His own righteousness, holiness, blessings and riches, wholeness and all the blessings of abundant and eternal life.The evil due us came upon Jesus so that the good and blessings due Jesus might be offered to us who believe from the amazing grace and love of God for us . As we focus our mind and thoughts on the finished work of Christ seeing Jesus being beaten and striped for our healing and the blood being shared for our righteousness, we receive our blessings of wholeness and righteousness. Our prayers are always answered because they come from the righteous.Righteousness is now a gift exchanged for our sins on the cross(2 Cor.5:21).Our righteousness is irreversible.We should always acknowledge and confess our forgiveness of sins through the fountain of the blood of Jesus which continually cleanses us 24/7 (1John 1:7) and that we are always the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Set your mind always on the finished work of Christ on the cross.Power is released every time you do this and the devil is always defeated.(1 Cor.1:18).Your thoughts on the finished work on the cross and the resurrection creates the realities of your righteousness and releases your healing and prosperity. The battle is in the mind.The stronghold of iniquity and sin in the mind is overcome by the stronger hold of the blood of the eternal covenant(2 Cor.10:3-5,Zechariah 9 :11-12).That is the key to good health and prosperity in your life.Remember when the Jews had challenges, the Prophet was directed to cut a tree to find the mixing axe;to remove the poison from the poisonous meal, to heal them from deadly bite of fiery serpents by focusing on the bronze serpent representing finished work on the cross. It is like shining light to every dark area of our lives.The bronze represent the judgment due us laid upon Christ on the Cross,and the serpent being a cursed creature by God represents Jesus who became the curse for us so that we might be blessed.(Galatians 3:13-14). You are always the righteousness of God. It is irreversible because it is a gift , and the gift of God are without repentance.God says in Hebrews 8:12 that your sins and iniquity he will remember no more .That means he will not visit you with your iniquity and sins like in the Old covenant, but will convict you of who you are by the Holy Spirit and empower or engrace you to live righteously.That is God's grace and His amazing love.
God bless you richly and give you greater understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
What is True Repentance? Repentance from deadworks.
Text:Hebrews 6:1, Mark 1:15, Hebrews 9:14
Repentance means a change of mind.Jesus was preaching the gospel in our text saying repent and believe the gospel-the good news.The goodnews is 'I will suffer and die for your sins,and through My blood that i will give, all your sins will be forgiven and you will be made right(reconciled) with God, the Father and you will receive eternal life (abundant life).
We have learnt so much about repentance from sin. In the New testament sin is a fruit of the tree of good and evil which has as its root ; dead works. Our first text tells us that this and faith towards God is the first foundation of our faith.So when we repent from deadworks(the root), we automatically take care of sin(the fruit), and then faith will be released.The blood of Jesus purges us from deadworks the root of the tree of good and evil to serve the living God.
Our faith sometimes seems impotent because it is founded on deadworks.So then what is
deadworks. Deadworks are goodworks based on the law or self effort which we do to make us right with God or to gain righteousness.
For example if we study the Bible or pray or give tithe and offering or do anything in the kingdom outside the help or prompting of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, thinking that will make us right with God that is deadworks.
If on the other hand we study the Bible or pray or pay tithe and offering depending on the help and the prompting of the Holy Spirit based on the Word of God, because we know we are already right with God and that we are the beloved of God only because of the finished work of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that we are righteous based on the Word of God(John 16:10,13; Ephesians 1:5-6,2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21).
That is because we are under grace ; and thus God will answer our prayers as we pray(1 Peter 3:10) , give us revelation knowledge through the Holy Spirit as we study the Bible(2 Corinthians 3:7,9) and meet our needs according to His riches in glory and of his grace through the Holy Spirit(2 Corinthians 9:8) , then faith power, revelation and grace to meet sufficiency in all things will be released by the Holy Spirit who witnesses to the truth.god bless.
May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name,Amen
Repentance means a change of mind.Jesus was preaching the gospel in our text saying repent and believe the gospel-the good news.The goodnews is 'I will suffer and die for your sins,and through My blood that i will give, all your sins will be forgiven and you will be made right(reconciled) with God, the Father and you will receive eternal life (abundant life).
We have learnt so much about repentance from sin. In the New testament sin is a fruit of the tree of good and evil which has as its root ; dead works. Our first text tells us that this and faith towards God is the first foundation of our faith.So when we repent from deadworks(the root), we automatically take care of sin(the fruit), and then faith will be released.The blood of Jesus purges us from deadworks the root of the tree of good and evil to serve the living God.
Our faith sometimes seems impotent because it is founded on deadworks.So then what is
deadworks. Deadworks are goodworks based on the law or self effort which we do to make us right with God or to gain righteousness.
For example if we study the Bible or pray or give tithe and offering or do anything in the kingdom outside the help or prompting of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, thinking that will make us right with God that is deadworks.
If on the other hand we study the Bible or pray or pay tithe and offering depending on the help and the prompting of the Holy Spirit based on the Word of God, because we know we are already right with God and that we are the beloved of God only because of the finished work of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that we are righteous based on the Word of God(John 16:10,13; Ephesians 1:5-6,2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21).
That is because we are under grace ; and thus God will answer our prayers as we pray(1 Peter 3:10) , give us revelation knowledge through the Holy Spirit as we study the Bible(2 Corinthians 3:7,9) and meet our needs according to His riches in glory and of his grace through the Holy Spirit(2 Corinthians 9:8) , then faith power, revelation and grace to meet sufficiency in all things will be released by the Holy Spirit who witnesses to the truth.god bless.
May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name,Amen
Monday, March 5, 2012
The interplay of spirit, soul and body in man's redemption
Text:1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 9:27, 2 Corinthian 7:1.
Man is a tripartite being .He is a spirit with a soul and housed in a physical body. Man assesses: the physical world with his body, the intellectual or sensual realm with his mind, the spirit world with his spirit. The Bible calls the flesh which I believe is comprised of the soul(mind) plus the body, and I believe the heart comprises the spirit and soul(mind).
So we can see that the soul(mind) is the intercession of the spirit realm and the physical realm and is the theatre of war or the spiritual battle ground.The physical realm has no access to the spirit realm except through the soul(mind); and the spirit has no access to the physical body except through the soul(mind).
The soul(mind) is the focus of the enemy.He blinds the mind of the unsaved(2Corinthians 4:4) so that they cannot translate into the kingdom of God.(Collosians 1:13).So intercessors are enjoined in Acts 26:18 to preach the gospel so that the eyes of gentiles(unbelievers) be opened, to turm them from darknes to light , and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins.For believers Satan labors day and night to corrupt their minds by complicated the gospel of grace(2 Corinthians11:3) and replacing with the gospel of works, thus making Christ of no effect.(Galatians 5:4).
The knowledge, thought and imagination which all happen in the mind of man of the believer is under attack of the enemy, and is the theatre of warfare and the stronghold of Satan against the believer.(2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Once Satan can get you into living by the principle of good and evil(works) based on the five senses- instead of living by the principle of faith in Christ depending on the leadership and direction of the Spirit of grace(Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) you are held in bondage. A believer then lives like an unbeliever, because he is a babe in Christ and still under the law(Galatians 4:1-4), and will likely be a roller coster as far as the issue of sin is concerned because sin has dominion over him(Romans 6:14)
Therefore it is instructive we set our minds on Jesus Christ and The Word of God to release our faith to ward off the incursion of the enemy. Spend quality time in prayer, reading ,studying and meditating the word(to hide the word in your heart) and be ready to release the word of grace against any attack on your mind at any time. God bless you.
Man is a tripartite being .He is a spirit with a soul and housed in a physical body. Man assesses: the physical world with his body, the intellectual or sensual realm with his mind, the spirit world with his spirit. The Bible calls the flesh which I believe is comprised of the soul(mind) plus the body, and I believe the heart comprises the spirit and soul(mind).
So we can see that the soul(mind) is the intercession of the spirit realm and the physical realm and is the theatre of war or the spiritual battle ground.The physical realm has no access to the spirit realm except through the soul(mind); and the spirit has no access to the physical body except through the soul(mind).
The soul(mind) is the focus of the enemy.He blinds the mind of the unsaved(2Corinthians 4:4) so that they cannot translate into the kingdom of God.(Collosians 1:13).So intercessors are enjoined in Acts 26:18 to preach the gospel so that the eyes of gentiles(unbelievers) be opened, to turm them from darknes to light , and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins.For believers Satan labors day and night to corrupt their minds by complicated the gospel of grace(2 Corinthians11:3) and replacing with the gospel of works, thus making Christ of no effect.(Galatians 5:4).
The knowledge, thought and imagination which all happen in the mind of man of the believer is under attack of the enemy, and is the theatre of warfare and the stronghold of Satan against the believer.(2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Once Satan can get you into living by the principle of good and evil(works) based on the five senses- instead of living by the principle of faith in Christ depending on the leadership and direction of the Spirit of grace(Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) you are held in bondage. A believer then lives like an unbeliever, because he is a babe in Christ and still under the law(Galatians 4:1-4), and will likely be a roller coster as far as the issue of sin is concerned because sin has dominion over him(Romans 6:14)
Therefore it is instructive we set our minds on Jesus Christ and The Word of God to release our faith to ward off the incursion of the enemy. Spend quality time in prayer, reading ,studying and meditating the word(to hide the word in your heart) and be ready to release the word of grace against any attack on your mind at any time. God bless you.
The constant awareness of the spirit realm is the key
Text: Proverbs 19:2, 2 Corinthians 4:18
It is the ignorance of the interplay of the spirit realm with the physical realm that makes a believer suffer deprivation.There is a spiritual realm that controls and originates all that happen in the physical realm.Seeking to know and focus on what is happening in the spirit realm constantly and acting on our knowledge and instructions received is what pulls us over in the challenges of life.People are disobedient because of the negative influence of the spirit of disobedience.(Ephesians 2:2).And people are obedient because of the positive influence of the Holy Spirit.(1 Peter 1:22). All our blessings in Christ are stored up in the spirit realm .(Ephesians 1:3).So how can I assess the spirit realm for my breakthrough?
It is the ignorance of the interplay of the spirit realm with the physical realm that makes a believer suffer deprivation.There is a spiritual realm that controls and originates all that happen in the physical realm.Seeking to know and focus on what is happening in the spirit realm constantly and acting on our knowledge and instructions received is what pulls us over in the challenges of life.People are disobedient because of the negative influence of the spirit of disobedience.(Ephesians 2:2).And people are obedient because of the positive influence of the Holy Spirit.(1 Peter 1:22). All our blessings in Christ are stored up in the spirit realm .(Ephesians 1:3).So how can I assess the spirit realm for my breakthrough?
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