This is a blog to encourage you who are in Christ to walk in the abundant life purchased for you through the blood shed on the Cross.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Perfecting our faith: receiving the word of God
Text:Hebrews 4:2,Mark 4:20,24
Text:Hebrews 4:2, Mark 4:20-26
This month ,the Holy Spirit has been teaching us about perfecting our faith.
In this blog we wish to learn the missing seed in the faith work.
Our text tells us that it is the gospel of grace(Acts 13:43) that mixes with faith to produce profit.
Faith is of the heart and the mixing takes place in the heart.
In Mark 4:2 we are told the kingdom operates under the principle of seed time and harvest.Faith seed(Luke 17:6) mixed with the Word seed(Luke 8:11) will produce profit.
When we became born again, we received the seed of faith into our heart as a component of the fruit of the spirit(Galatians 5:22).
Our text tells us in Mark 4:20 that the good ground which produce 30,60 and 100 fold fruit is such as which HEAR the WORD and receive THE WORD.So until you receive the word into your heart ,conception of the fruit cannot take place.The process of receiving the word into your heart is called MEDITATION:constantly speaking the word to yourself,to others and in every situation.
The word tells us that there is seed, time and then harvest.The time is a time of watering the seed with the rain of the word. Paul planteth, Apollos watereth, then God gave the increase(1 Corinthians 3:6).The process of watering is called MEDITATION:constantly speaking the word of God to yourself, to others and in every situation until it sparks an inner image or picture of the harvest you are expecting or until you receive the harvests.
It is pertinent to say here that as you set out to engage yourself in the growth cycle of the word of grace to produce a harvest, Satan will work hard to take the word sown in your heart by sponsoring affliction,persecution,worries from the cares of this world,deceitfulness,lusts of the eyes(covetousness, pride,strife,contention),lusts of the flesh(adultery,fornication,ego,pride) ,unforgiveness and offences etc.
Most of the happenings in the families is Satan's program to steal the word.Be wise.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Perfecting our faith: cultivating biblical hope
Text:Hebrews 6:19 ,2 Peter 2:19, Romans 8:24 , Hebrews 11:1
Bible hope is not a wish which we expect to pass. It is a spiritual seed, a dream, an inner image conceived in the soul of man by the word of God.It is what faith requires to bring the blessings of God into manifestation in the believers life.
Meditation by constantly speaking God's word as it relates to the circumstance or situation to yourself, to others and in every situation-calling those things which are not as though they were is one of the ways of cultivating biblical hope.
When the word of God enters into your heart, it brings light to the circumstance(2 Peter 1:19)because it enters as light.And As we continue to speak the word of God to ourselves, to others and in every situation, the light gets brighter and brighter. It grows and develops on our inside ultimately giving birth to an inner image of what we are believing to receive from God.
First we have a more sure word of prophecy(2 Peter 2:19) and then a more sure and steady hope, the anchor of the soul.( Hebrews 6:19)
This was what Abraham, Joshua and Peter did to manifest their destiny in God.Whereas in the past we may have seen ourselves childless like Abraham, lacking money or sick or with one challenge or the other, but once we hear the word of God concerning the situation and receive the seed of the word of God into our hearts by hearing and speaking it continuously to ourselves, to others and in every situation, we begin to see the word inside us as a bright inner image or picture or dream, and then as we declare what we see, we turn our faith loose to produce fruit. Alleluia, glory to God in the highest.
Perfecting our faith: Contrasting Biblical hope from natural hope
Text:Hebrews 11:1 , Romans 8:24
From our text we can see that faith is first and foremost the substance of things hoped for.So understanding the contrasts between biblical ad natural hope is important in perfecting our faith.
Natural hope is synonymous with wishing. I am hoping to get a job or a new home.Biblical hope is Holy Spirit inspired,inner image or picture or dreams within us deliberately cultivated based on the promises of God's word and heaven's unfailing and unlimited provisions.
Faith gives substance to bible based hopes or inner image or picture in the spirit realm and makes it manifest in the natural realm.
Biblical hope is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ-the Living Word of God.(1 Timothy 1:1)
Our intense expectation that the inner image or biblical hope will come to pass guarantees that the spiritual seed of hope cultivated will produce fruit in the kingdom and results in the rewards of our inheritance. Alleluia.
So when believers do not take time to cultivate biblical hope within their hearts, faith is left with nothing to do or work on and becomes ineffectual.
Cultivating biblical hope is very crucial to perfecting our faith and will be the subject of the next blog. Shalom and God bless you richly.
Perfecting our faith in Jesus and His finished work.
Text:1 Thessalonians 3:9-10, Hebrews 12:2
Faith is what we live by in the kingdom .It is the currency in the kingdom of God.It is the work of God we are expected to do (John 6:29) .Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.It is by faith we please God. The children of Israel were overthrown in the wilderness because they did not please God.(1 Corinthians 10:5).They were led through the wilderness instead of a shorter route because they did not have a fighting spirit:they were not exercising faith in God(Exodus 13:17-18).Faith is the victory that overcomes the world, by it we quench the fiery darts of the devil, and the elders subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of aliens.(Hebrews 11:33-34)
Our text tells us that our faith could be lacking something, thus making it ineffective.Faith works by love and has other accompaniements like patience, joy,good conscience, forgiveness etc. So when we pray day and night, focusing on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, our faith will become more potent to deliver our inheritance.
The Lord promised in Luke 18:7-8 that He will answer us speedily, if we pray day and night. He also promised in Psalm 138:8 that He will perfect all that concerneth us, will not forsake us ,the work of His Hands, because His mercy for us endureth forever.Faithful is he that calleth us to live and walk by faith who will also do it.(1 Thessalonian 5 :24). Alleluia, glory to God in the highest.
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