Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mountain Moving faith: Speak to the Mountain

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13,  Mark 11:23

There is life and death in the power of our tongue (Proverbs 18:20-21). Our words are powerful. With our words we can release life, and with our words, we can release death. There is power in our words-both positive and negative power. If you are fighting some type of challenge, you need to start speaking faith-filled words against that challenge. Speak what the word of God says about you concerning the challenge and speak it in faith.You cannot keep a thought from coming, but you can keep from taking that thought as your own(Matthew 6:31).You haven’t really taken a thought until you begin to speak it out.  How do we then operate on the word of God to receive our blessings from God? Speak to the mountain and call forth your blessings from the spirit realm in Jesus Name.!Alleluia

1.What is a mountain: Luke 17:6
What is a mountain in a believer's life? The mountain is the problem in your life. A mountain is anything that is a barrier to you completing God's Will. A mountain is anything that is slowing down or impeding your progress in the Kingdom of God. Many believers spend time praying to God about their mountain. They cry to God about what a hindrance or impossibility the mountain is in their life. Some people make up doctrines and traditions about God, to justify why the mountain is still in their life.

2.Who is responsible to speak to the mountain? Matthew  21:21, Isaiah 45:11
Many believers will pray to God for Him to speak to their mountain. God will never do what he has commanded you to do. You pray to God to receive what Jesus has made available to you (Mark 11:24).It is your responsibility to speak to the mountain in your life. Jesus didn't tell us to pray to God about our mountain. He said for us to speak to the mountain; speak to the mountain in His Name. Jesus didn't tell us to ignore or deny the mountain or problem. We are not to say, "I don't have a mountain" or "what problem?" We are not to practice positive thinking. A positive attitude is always good. But a positive attitude is not what Jesus said to do with mountains. Jesus said to speak to the mountain or problem and tell it to be moved .Jesus said that any believer can tell a mountain, "You be lifted up and thrown into the sea" (NLT), or "Go, throw yourself into the sea" (NIV), or "Go jump in the lake -no shuffling or shilly-shallying-and it's as good as done"(Message) .Jesus says, "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you"  from our text.

3.What is the role of prayer and fasting in speaking to the mountain? Matthew 17:20
Praying and fasting will not move a mountain. Prayer and fasting deals with unbelief or lack of confidence in God's Word .Many people get into natural unbelief by what they see, hear, touch, smell, taste or even feel. You must not allow natural unbelief to be a counter weight to faith(Matthew 17:20) Your spirit man must not be dominated by your unregenerated fallen flesh .Prayer is about your relationship with God through Jesus Christ and will increase your confidence about your relationship with God. God becomes your total source. Prayer and fasting will move you into a more confident [faithful] position to speak to the mountain .

4.How do we speak to the mountain: Mark 11:23, Zechariah 4:6-7

        a)Thank God whose desire is for you to prosper and be in good health, and to have abundant life

       b)Praise who through the finished work of the Cross had paid for us to receive and enjoy His blessings

      c)Command the recipient-the thing , your body, bank account, resume, family to receive and respond to the power of God in the promised word of God

d)Command the mountain to move out of the way and the blessings to come and declare or proclaim God’s favor over the situation, like Zerrubbabel did. Psalm 5:12, Zechariah 4;6-7

       e)If it does not move, continue to speak to it, the mountains may be many! Alleluia. They must bow.