Text: Philemon 6, John 4:23-24, Mark 5:6-9, Psalm 8:2
Prayer is not an opportunity to recount every negative thing in our lives. God knows what's going on with you more than you do. Prayer is a principally an opportunity to acknowledge God’s provision through the finished work of Christ on the Cross and to principally worship God and let the Holy Spirit guide ,instruct and show us things that have been freely given to us.
We should spend most of the time in praising God for the answer. Rather than spending endless hours seeking God, why not spend time worshipping and let God seek you out. When God comes, all the problems are resolved(Psalm 114:1-7)
God has a provision for your problem before you even had the problem. For example, Jesus already died to produce your healing. By His stripes you were healed — that's past tense
(1 Peter. 2:24).
God already made the provision, whatever your need is, before you ever had the need.
Praise and Worship will draw out the blessings and a powerful tool against Satan. He cannot stand seeing God worshipped. One thing reserved for God alone is worship. The Father seeks those who will worship Him. He’s waiting for you. Why not begin now?
Our relationship with God is practically non existent without prayer. In simple terms I would say that prayer is "talking to God". It’s as simple as that. One may want to ask "when we are commanding or binding the devil or loosing our blessings, are we not praying?" I guess based on that simple definition of prayer, the answer to that is clearly "no." At that point, we are only supposed to be exercising the instructions we get from the prayers; the feedback we got from our interaction with God. Worshiping God through prayer brings us closer to Him. It is no longer a communication between two entities with some gap in between both, because HE now inhabits your prayers which is in form of worship. In most instances, this scenerio automatically makes it impossible for our circumstances to stay unchanged.