This is a blog to encourage you who are in Christ to walk in the abundant life purchased for you through the blood shed on the Cross.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Making your faith to produce result-Part 1
Text: Ephesians 1:3, 2:8-10, Matthew 9:29, Hebrews 4:2
Faith Plus the "Rhema" Word of God is the currency in heavenly places.
Our text tells us that God had blessed us already in Christ with all spiritual
blessings in heavenly places.
Every physical blessing or thing have a spiritual origin or component.(Romans 1:20)and
respond the word of God spoken in faith.
We access these blessings by releasing our faith.the currency of heaven is our faith and
the Word of God.When God sees our faith, the Spirit of graceis bound to supply.
Jesus said be it unto you according to your faith.
There are good works and blessings already prepared for us before the
foundation of the world. We access them by faith.
All things are possible with faith.
The next blog we will learn how we receive this faith.God bless
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Text: John 5:19,30
One of the greatest challenge of the Christian is knowing the benefits that accompany salvation(Hebrews 6:9) and not enjoying it or falling short of it.
The Bible says it is due to lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) and a lack of vision(Proverbs 29:18). Many Christians may say i have some knowledge in the
area of my need.For example, i know that"by his stripes I am healed", why am i still not healed.The scriptures says in 2 Corinthians 3:6, that it is the
spiritual understanding or revelation knowledge of the word of God that produces our blessings or life.Infact the letter ministers death or failure.
The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:6 of different levels of understanding including:a)Doctrine or something to be learned b)Prophesy or something that
can edify or inspire or comfort c)knowledge or something we understand well enough to teach others and d)revelation or that which transforms.
If we take understanding to mean that which we see then it means we must have faith vision or the spiritual sense of seeing. We are not the doers.
God is the Source and the Doer(James 1:17).We are conduits or channels through which God does things on this earth. We are instruments through
which God manifests His glory and will and power on this earth as it is in heaven.It is all about God and what He wants and not about us at all.
Yield the right of way to Him today in every area of your life. Ho owns you. You are His reasure(Exodus 19:5)
Our connection to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ is through the Holy Spirit in us. He unites us(God, the Father, God, the Son,God the Holy
Spirit and the Body of Christ) in our spirits. But we are bidimensional, that is we have the ability to switch to the flesh or the spirit. The Holy Spirit
leads us in all our journey here on earth and to eternity in heaven.It is our communion with the Holy Spirit expressed in true fellowship and partnership
with the Holy Spirit(Acts 5:30-32) in envangelism to reconcile mankind to God that releases God's grace(favor) and love,the perquisites for
enjoying our inheritance.(2 Corinthians 13:14) from our Head, Lord and Master, Jesus Christ and ultimately from Abba Father.
If we neglect our partnership with the Holy Spirit and His leadership role in bringing us to our destiny,we will shortchange ourselves of our blessings, and
we will continue and may ultimately end up in perpertual struggle with sin, sickness, poverty and may end up losing our place in heaven.Until we yield to the
leadership of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of holiness will not declare us as sons and daughters of God with power as He did for Christ.(Romans 1:4).
Without power, we are at the mercy of the spirit of iniquity and the devil, to steal, kill and destroy our blessings, God forbid.
For example the condition for access to our inheritance in Acts 26:18, 20:32, Ephesians 5:5-8,1 Corinthians 6:9, Collosians3:5, is that we should be
sanctified and do righteousness(1John 3:7).Sin, transgression and iniquity are as a result of unrenewed mind and pressures from the devil to make us
fall from grace.The Bible tells us in Titus 3:5 ans 1 Peter1:2. that the Holy ghost renews our mind and sanctifies us.However the Bible tells us in
1 Thessalonians 4:4 that it is our responsibility to possess our vessel in sanctifcation and honor, because we have been called to holiness and
not to uncleanliness(vs7). As we commit ourselves to genuine thirst and hunger for holiness and righteousness to fulfil the purpose of our being chosen
and for our creation:to serve God in love in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives(Ephesians1:4, Luke 1:74-75), yielding to the leadership and
obedience of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God through earnest prayers, sincere and continual worship, study and meditating the Word of God and
being Christ-like,the Holy Spirit has promised that He will empower us to be holy and do righteously and do all the spiritual activities.
Without the empowerment of the Spirit of God, walking and living in the Spirit, and obeying God is practically impossible. So today yield to the Spirit
through sincere thirst and hunger for His leadership and to please God; and let him direct what you say and do, like Jesus did in our text; and then
you will start living the abundant life promised and covenanted to every kingdom child of God. God bless you.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Before You Pray , Do You have a Faith Vision?
Text: Mark 11:24, Habakkuk 2:2, Genesis 13:15, Matthew 8:13, Proverbs 29:18
Without faith vision in prayers, we may not get the expected results. To make our praying different we must pray FROM THE ANSWER...WITH THE ANSWER IN MIND...from the answer to the issue or circumstances. This is how we pray. We pray from God's promise which is His answer already formed or painted on the canvas of our hearts as a vision or image and expect it to be fulfilled. This is calling those things that be not (in the physical but exist in the spiritual realm in our hearts) as though they were-that is faith. The Bible answers to every situation.
We learn always to do "everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving" and learn to "live by every Word of God" according to Philippians 4:6, 7; Luke 4:4. However before we pray we must hold the vision of the answer clearly in our heart and mind first. Start seeing on the inside of you, the person you prayed for as already healed; start seeing your bank account filled with the financial breakthrough you prayed for. See yourself healed and prospering; enjoying abundant life; living in a better accommodation; anointed and healing the sick; see yourself bringing many souls into the kingdom; see yourself as an overcomer ; see that intractable problem resolved etc.Habbakuk 2:2 says we should first have a vision; then write down the vision.
In Genesis 13:15, God told Abraham that all the land which he sees will be given to him. We don’t get what we pray for, but what we believe we receive when we pray. Jesus in Mark 11:24 tells us that what we believe after praying is what we will have. Therefore when you are praying pay attention to what you are seeing in your inside. If the vision is not the right vision or there is no vision at all, stop! change it before you pray.
Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, the people perish for lack of vision. There must be faith for prayers to be answered. Faith is impotent without faith vision-which is your hope built into a picture or image in your heart. We do this through our thoughts and imaginations empowered by our feelings and strong emotions.
We have learnt that promises of God predict the answers to our prayers and they are the formwork into which we pour our prayers. Promises like “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22); If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14), when applied to any situation or circumstances in our lives through first visioning and then released with our mouth with our heart believing and seeing the answer on the inside will cause the blessings to come, because the Triune God, Angels, even the adversaries, mankind and the whole creation all respond when the Word of God is released into the air from our hearts or spirit man through our mouths.
God bless you richly in Jesus Name.
Moving from Dream to Destiny through Faith Vision
Text: 1 John 1:1-3, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Mark 4:24, Matthew 13:13-16
The scriptures says in Isaiah 42:19-20 "“Who is blind , but my servant? or deaf as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD’s servant? Seeing many things but thou observest not; opening the ears but he heareth not.” ; in Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law happy is he"; and in Hosea 4:6 , " my people perish for lack of knowledge" So scriptural vision is related to the knowledge of the Word of God and keeping the law(the Word of God)
We understand that true vision is simply the unfolding of God’s plan concerning you and me through Jesus Christ (the Living Word of God) and implemented through partnership with the Holy Spirit(keeping the law or doing the Word of God). Since we are joint heirs with Christ; He is the Head and we are members of His body. We are the sheep .He is the Shepherd. The vision of Christ is the overall vision for the body of Christ.That is to seek and save them that are lost,(Luke 19:10) and to expand the kingdom of God unitl it covers the whole earth(Daniel 2:35).
There is a part of this vision that concerns you and me in the restoration of the earth and God’s creation back to Him. As we focus on and follow Jesus and the Holy Spirit guidance in our daily lives, we are fulfilling our vision and purpose in life, because without Him we cannot do nothing(John 15:5 , Matthew 4:19).Jesus told us His followers in John 16:5-15 to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling our mandate. To do this we have to be blind and deaf to our senses and the world around us. How?Through total reliance, dependence and submission to the "logos" and the "rhema" Word of God.
1. Through “logos” we receive directions from the Word of God: Psalm 119:105,130, Hosea 4:6, John 6:63, Revelations 1:3, 1 Timothy 4:15, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 1:3, Joshua 1:8
As we read, study, meditate, confess, pray and praise the Word of God and reverence the triune God we contact the knowledge of the Spirit(power) in the Word and the life(blessings) in the Word(John 6:63).
We receive more of the spirit and life in the Word as we read and meditate and pray more the Word of God. The quantum of faith and grace which comes from the Word of God is multiplied as our knowledge of the Word increases (1 Peter 1:2).
Therefore it is instructive that we spend quality time with the Word of God in reading, studying, meditating, praying, confessing and praising God, if we are to enjoy the abundant life, the Lord Jesus Christ purchased for us on the Cross of Calvary. All spiritual activities should evolve and be founded on the written Word of God. This is akeen to building up potential energy inside us.
2. Through “ Rhema” we receive instructions and guidance from the Holy Spirit on acting on the "logos" in side us:1 Corinthians 2:9-11, John 14:10,24; Revelation 2:29,3:22
With logos inside us , we are prepared to hear “rhema” from the Holy Spirit on how , what and when to apply the logos and the instructions on what to do to manifest our inheritance we have in Christ in us for abundant and blessed life and to be a channel of blessings to others.
“Rhema” is akeen to converting potential energy to kinetic energy. Through obeying “rhema” , blessings and power in the Word of God are released into our lives and through us to others in the world (John 7:37).The Spirit of God is always speaking “rhema” to us. (Revelation 2:29,3:22)
We have to listen and attend to Him to hear. Take heed what you hear.(Mark 4:24). We have to create the environment to hear from the Spirit through meditation on the Word of God or
on the vision we have received(Acts 10:19), singing songs like in holy solemnity and gladness of heart(Isaiah 30:29), hymns, and speaking psalms to ourselves(Ephesians 5:18) and through praying without ceasing especially praying in the Spirit(1 Corinthians 14:2).
In the last days, there will be a famine of the “rhema” words of the LORD from the Holy Spirit(Amos 8:11-13) and therefore a famine of blessings and power , because people will be wandering from sea to sea, and from the north to the east ,running to and fro to seek the word of the LORD and shall not find it, and the fair virgins and yooung men shall faint for thirst.
Therefore we must give attention to the “logos” or written Word of God and to the “rhema” or the voice of the Holy Spirit to keep and do the Word, manifest our inheritance and be a blessing to the world.”Where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law happy is he(Proverbs 29:18).
Remember the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God, for the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain until now.(Romans 8:19-22)
God bless you as you submit to the Word of God and the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Harvesting Your Blessings: Understanding Your Abraham’s Heritage
Text: Genesis 26:1-14
Our text shows the challenges, the forerunner of Abraham’s heritage, Isaac had in his life. There was famine in the land, Gerar .He using his five senses sought for ways out-leave Gerar to Egypt. Gerar means land of meditation, typifying Zion where we meditate on our blessings and depend on the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit, while Egypt typifies the World when we apply our five senses based on worldly precepts to reach our goals. He thought by turning to the world and through self effort, he could get out of the famine applying his five senses or that his challenges were as a result of his location or other externalities and influences. The loving Almighty Father, knowing that what he lacked was the knowledge of who he is, and the knowledge of his inheritance from I AM in Abraham, checked him and redirected his focus, attention and consciousness appropriately to the oath which, He, God had sworn to his father Abraham to bless him and his seed after him, and that they will possess the gate of their enemies. With the new consciousness, attention, direction, perspective engrafted in his heart, mind, spirit and soul by the Holy Spirit through meditation as foundation any seed sown yielded hundred fold from God. (Genesis 26:12). Before this understanding came any seed he sowed yielded nothing because there was no foundation or good soil in the heart, mind, spirit and soul to sow the seed on, and the Holy Spirit was not involved, and therefore there was no harvest. All he needed was to commence his outreach of seed sowing for a better life by understanding his inheritance from God through meditation on the Word of God concerning Abraham his father‘s obedience to God the Father and the oath sworn to his father(Genesis 26:3-6). So Isaac connected to his inheritance by obeying God’s instructions to remain in Gerar in Philistines,; meditating on the Word of God and then sowing the seed continually for one year and became very great and was sought after by Kings and other great men because they understood God the Creator of heaven and earth hath blessed him greatly and was with him.
We harvest the blessings from our seed sown by understanding our connection to the Abraham’s heritage through our redemption in Christ, and then do what Isaac did to harvest his blessings.So how do the Gentile believer connect to Abraham’s blessing today? BY FAITH(Galatians 3:9,13-14, 29, 4:28)
Jesus purchased the redemption of the Gentile believer by becoming a curse for us by hanging on a tree to qualify us for the blessing sworn to Abraham on oath by God and giving us the Holy Spirit, the administrator and executor of the inherited blessings of Abraham. Jesus is the Seed of Abraham and the inheritor of Abraham’s blessings (Galatians 3:16,29). Once we receive Christ and become his followers and genuine members of his body, hating evil and departing from evil(iniquities) which He (Christ) came to take away through the shedding of His blood)(Acts 3:26, Matthew 1:21, John 1;29) we become the manifest seed of Abraham, and joint heirs with Christ to Abraham’s blessings and joint heirs of the world.(Romans 4:13).
Now as Isaac is, so we are,(Galatians 4:28) we should then do what Isaac did. What did Isaac do?
a)He meditated on the word of Oath sworn to his father Abraham-his Abraham's inherited blessings and internalized it in his soul, mind, heart and spirit. Therefore he does not need to struggle or seek for blessings in the world (Egypt) but rather to listen to instructions of the Holy Spirit.It is the blessing sworn to Abraham by God through Christ that maketh the believer rich and adds no sorrow(proverbs 10:22)and as the believer seeks the kingdom , the fruit of the blessing include power,riches, honor,strength, wisdom, glory and blessing begin to manifest to be seen by the world and we become blessings to the world.(Revelation 5:12)
b.Put God in remembrance of His promises through heartfelt prayers that makes tremendous power of God available to withstand opposition and make your seed fruitful(James 5:16).Remember Isaac intreated God for his wife Rebecca to be fruitful(Genesis 25:21).Promises and prophecies are made to producethrough warfare(1 Timothy 1:18-19,1 Corinthians 16:9)
c.Sow your seed continuously and keep the dynamics flowing.Let every need provoke in you the need to sow a seed. be more seed conscious than need conscious.(Galatians 6:7-9)
d.Praise and give thanks to God continuously for his mercy and grace of making you a partaker of Abraham's covenant blessings through redemption in Christ, and also for honoring his word of multiplying your seed sown.(Matthew 19:29). Let the earth praise and the earth will yield her increase(Psalm 67:5-7).The environment for multiplication, restoration and increase are created through heartfelt praise.(Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 16:11) or else the tree and branches will wither away (Joel 1:12), because of lack of joy,God forbid.
Our text shows the challenges, the forerunner of Abraham’s heritage, Isaac had in his life. There was famine in the land, Gerar .He using his five senses sought for ways out-leave Gerar to Egypt. Gerar means land of meditation, typifying Zion where we meditate on our blessings and depend on the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit, while Egypt typifies the World when we apply our five senses based on worldly precepts to reach our goals. He thought by turning to the world and through self effort, he could get out of the famine applying his five senses or that his challenges were as a result of his location or other externalities and influences. The loving Almighty Father, knowing that what he lacked was the knowledge of who he is, and the knowledge of his inheritance from I AM in Abraham, checked him and redirected his focus, attention and consciousness appropriately to the oath which, He, God had sworn to his father Abraham to bless him and his seed after him, and that they will possess the gate of their enemies. With the new consciousness, attention, direction, perspective engrafted in his heart, mind, spirit and soul by the Holy Spirit through meditation as foundation any seed sown yielded hundred fold from God. (Genesis 26:12). Before this understanding came any seed he sowed yielded nothing because there was no foundation or good soil in the heart, mind, spirit and soul to sow the seed on, and the Holy Spirit was not involved, and therefore there was no harvest. All he needed was to commence his outreach of seed sowing for a better life by understanding his inheritance from God through meditation on the Word of God concerning Abraham his father‘s obedience to God the Father and the oath sworn to his father(Genesis 26:3-6). So Isaac connected to his inheritance by obeying God’s instructions to remain in Gerar in Philistines,; meditating on the Word of God and then sowing the seed continually for one year and became very great and was sought after by Kings and other great men because they understood God the Creator of heaven and earth hath blessed him greatly and was with him.
We harvest the blessings from our seed sown by understanding our connection to the Abraham’s heritage through our redemption in Christ, and then do what Isaac did to harvest his blessings.So how do the Gentile believer connect to Abraham’s blessing today? BY FAITH(Galatians 3:9,13-14, 29, 4:28)
Jesus purchased the redemption of the Gentile believer by becoming a curse for us by hanging on a tree to qualify us for the blessing sworn to Abraham on oath by God and giving us the Holy Spirit, the administrator and executor of the inherited blessings of Abraham. Jesus is the Seed of Abraham and the inheritor of Abraham’s blessings (Galatians 3:16,29). Once we receive Christ and become his followers and genuine members of his body, hating evil and departing from evil(iniquities) which He (Christ) came to take away through the shedding of His blood)(Acts 3:26, Matthew 1:21, John 1;29) we become the manifest seed of Abraham, and joint heirs with Christ to Abraham’s blessings and joint heirs of the world.(Romans 4:13).
Now as Isaac is, so we are,(Galatians 4:28) we should then do what Isaac did. What did Isaac do?
a)He meditated on the word of Oath sworn to his father Abraham-his Abraham's inherited blessings and internalized it in his soul, mind, heart and spirit. Therefore he does not need to struggle or seek for blessings in the world (Egypt) but rather to listen to instructions of the Holy Spirit.It is the blessing sworn to Abraham by God through Christ that maketh the believer rich and adds no sorrow(proverbs 10:22)and as the believer seeks the kingdom , the fruit of the blessing include power,riches, honor,strength, wisdom, glory and blessing begin to manifest to be seen by the world and we become blessings to the world.(Revelation 5:12)
b.Put God in remembrance of His promises through heartfelt prayers that makes tremendous power of God available to withstand opposition and make your seed fruitful(James 5:16).Remember Isaac intreated God for his wife Rebecca to be fruitful(Genesis 25:21).Promises and prophecies are made to producethrough warfare(1 Timothy 1:18-19,1 Corinthians 16:9)
c.Sow your seed continuously and keep the dynamics flowing.Let every need provoke in you the need to sow a seed. be more seed conscious than need conscious.(Galatians 6:7-9)
d.Praise and give thanks to God continuously for his mercy and grace of making you a partaker of Abraham's covenant blessings through redemption in Christ, and also for honoring his word of multiplying your seed sown.(Matthew 19:29). Let the earth praise and the earth will yield her increase(Psalm 67:5-7).The environment for multiplication, restoration and increase are created through heartfelt praise.(Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 16:11) or else the tree and branches will wither away (Joel 1:12), because of lack of joy,God forbid.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Abiding in Christ is to Continue daily in His Word
Text:John 15:7, 8:3-32
In our first text Jesus gives the condition for answered prayers: which is to abide in Him and His Word.In our second text, the word "abide" in my Word is rendered " to continue" in my Word, which is the qualification for discipleship of Christ.
Until we continue practicing God's Word we will not be His disciples indeed, and we will not know the truth which shall make us free.
The choice to practice daily the Word of God will make us free from challenges of life and assure answered prayers any time we pray.Once we make the choice to daily practice God's Word, the grace of God is available to enable us continue in His Word and then enjoy our inheritance in Christ.
Haphazard and unstable approach to practicing God's word , rising and falling daily will put the believer in bondage and make it difficult to receive answers to prayers.
God bless you in Jesus Name as you choose to continue in the practice of God's Word daily depending solely on the grace of God which is sufficient for us, alleluia.
In our first text Jesus gives the condition for answered prayers: which is to abide in Him and His Word.In our second text, the word "abide" in my Word is rendered " to continue" in my Word, which is the qualification for discipleship of Christ.
Until we continue practicing God's Word we will not be His disciples indeed, and we will not know the truth which shall make us free.
The choice to practice daily the Word of God will make us free from challenges of life and assure answered prayers any time we pray.Once we make the choice to daily practice God's Word, the grace of God is available to enable us continue in His Word and then enjoy our inheritance in Christ.
Haphazard and unstable approach to practicing God's word , rising and falling daily will put the believer in bondage and make it difficult to receive answers to prayers.
God bless you in Jesus Name as you choose to continue in the practice of God's Word daily depending solely on the grace of God which is sufficient for us, alleluia.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Come to Jesus, the Solution Provider to your Challenge
Text:Jeremiah 32:27,Acts 10:36-38,Matthew 11:28-30,28:18,2 Corinthians 1:20
In the Bible, every time faith and the word met and mixed together, profit, blessing, miracle is the result.(Hebrews 4:2, Romans 10:9-10).The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus(the Living Word of God) and faith arose in her heart and she said to herself , if I may but touch the helm of his garment, I will be made whole.(Mark 5:25-34). She went looking for the Living Word of God.When they met(faith in the woman and the Living Word of God), blessing resulted.There is nothing too hard for Jesus(the Living Word of God) to accomplish(Jer.32:27).God anointed the Living Word of God-Jesus Christ to heal and to provide the solution to that your challenge(Acts 10:36-38) through His Word.The Living Word of God has a Name called Jesus Christ-the Word of God.His Name means "the Anointed Savior".All power in heaven and in earth had been vested on Him(Jesus).He is Lord of all(everything)(Acts 10:36).The armies of heaven(Revelation 19:14) and angels(Psalm 103:20, Hebrews 1:13-14) are always following the Word of God to execute whatever in the word of grace,faith can lay hold upon.God hastens to perform His Word which the eye had well seen(Jer.1:12).All the promises of God are yes and amen in Him(the Living Word of God).(2 Cor.1:20)
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, the Head of the Church has invited everyone with a challenge-that is laboring and with a heavy laden or burden to come to Him-the Living Word of God and He will provide the solution.(Matthew 11:28-30).Blind Bartimaeus(Mark 10:46-52) responded and got his miracle.The Demoniac at Gardarene responded and got his miracle.(Mark 5:6-20). The Centurion responded on behalf of his servant and the servant received his miracle(Matthew 8:5-13). The ten lepers responded and got their miracle.(Luke 17:11-19).The men of Gennesaret responded and they were all healed(Matthew 14:34-36) and many other uncountable miracles due to an encounter of faith residing in the recipient with the Living Word of God.
So it is today that every time we take the Bible to read, study and meditate with a perspective ,consciousness and mindset to receive a blessing or to intercede for somebody, people or nations to receive a blessing; is like we are going to the Living Word of God -Jesus Christ for solution to our challenge.Faith in us will mix with the Word of God as we agree with our inheritance in the Word of God in our thinking and mindset,(aptly demonstrated by our confessions or what we speak, and our actions and attitude running contrary to the prevailing physical circumstances and situation) miracle and blessing will result.In The Bible,no one who went to Jesus, just as a spectator or observer received anything.Only those who went to the Living Word of God with a perspective mindset and consciousness to receive a blessing were able to draw power or virtue from the Living Word to manifest the expected blessings.So it is with us today.Apart from worship time all other times must be to receive our inheritance for others through intercession or for ourselves as the case may be.
The Lord Jesus watches over his Word to perform it.A brethren armed with this understanding who had a health challenge, went to the Word of God with the challenge; read and studied the Bible, prayed and then went to bed.Jesus Christ, the Great Physician appeared to the brethren that night and healed the brethren! Glory to God in the Highest,for His mercy endureth forever. Alleluia.Praise be to the holy, wonderful Name of Jesus Christ.
You are next in line to share your testimony of the encounter of your faith with the Living Word of God, in Jesus Name, Amen. God bless you.
In the Bible, every time faith and the word met and mixed together, profit, blessing, miracle is the result.(Hebrews 4:2, Romans 10:9-10).The woman with the issue of blood heard about Jesus(the Living Word of God) and faith arose in her heart and she said to herself , if I may but touch the helm of his garment, I will be made whole.(Mark 5:25-34). She went looking for the Living Word of God.When they met(faith in the woman and the Living Word of God), blessing resulted.There is nothing too hard for Jesus(the Living Word of God) to accomplish(Jer.32:27).God anointed the Living Word of God-Jesus Christ to heal and to provide the solution to that your challenge(Acts 10:36-38) through His Word.The Living Word of God has a Name called Jesus Christ-the Word of God.His Name means "the Anointed Savior".All power in heaven and in earth had been vested on Him(Jesus).He is Lord of all(everything)(Acts 10:36).The armies of heaven(Revelation 19:14) and angels(Psalm 103:20, Hebrews 1:13-14) are always following the Word of God to execute whatever in the word of grace,faith can lay hold upon.God hastens to perform His Word which the eye had well seen(Jer.1:12).All the promises of God are yes and amen in Him(the Living Word of God).(2 Cor.1:20)
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, the Head of the Church has invited everyone with a challenge-that is laboring and with a heavy laden or burden to come to Him-the Living Word of God and He will provide the solution.(Matthew 11:28-30).Blind Bartimaeus(Mark 10:46-52) responded and got his miracle.The Demoniac at Gardarene responded and got his miracle.(Mark 5:6-20). The Centurion responded on behalf of his servant and the servant received his miracle(Matthew 8:5-13). The ten lepers responded and got their miracle.(Luke 17:11-19).The men of Gennesaret responded and they were all healed(Matthew 14:34-36) and many other uncountable miracles due to an encounter of faith residing in the recipient with the Living Word of God.
So it is today that every time we take the Bible to read, study and meditate with a perspective ,consciousness and mindset to receive a blessing or to intercede for somebody, people or nations to receive a blessing; is like we are going to the Living Word of God -Jesus Christ for solution to our challenge.Faith in us will mix with the Word of God as we agree with our inheritance in the Word of God in our thinking and mindset,(aptly demonstrated by our confessions or what we speak, and our actions and attitude running contrary to the prevailing physical circumstances and situation) miracle and blessing will result.In The Bible,no one who went to Jesus, just as a spectator or observer received anything.Only those who went to the Living Word of God with a perspective mindset and consciousness to receive a blessing were able to draw power or virtue from the Living Word to manifest the expected blessings.So it is with us today.Apart from worship time all other times must be to receive our inheritance for others through intercession or for ourselves as the case may be.
The Lord Jesus watches over his Word to perform it.A brethren armed with this understanding who had a health challenge, went to the Word of God with the challenge; read and studied the Bible, prayed and then went to bed.Jesus Christ, the Great Physician appeared to the brethren that night and healed the brethren! Glory to God in the Highest,for His mercy endureth forever. Alleluia.Praise be to the holy, wonderful Name of Jesus Christ.
You are next in line to share your testimony of the encounter of your faith with the Living Word of God, in Jesus Name, Amen. God bless you.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Seeking the Lord in a practical way
Text:Proverbs 8:17,33, Luke 5:16, Psalm 46:10
Jesus always withdrew to a solitary place to seek God, the Father(Luke 5:16).Go to a quiet place.Give thanks,praises and worship to our God.Let your heart be still before the Lord(and not wander about) and focus your whole being on Him.(Psalm 46:10)He knows when we are searching for Him with our heart.He has promised He will respond to us and be gracious and merciful(Jeremiah 29:12-14,Isaiah 30:18,29-31).
God will give us a word from the Bible as we are worshipping Him or speaking the prayer language, and word of wisdom will be given us(1 Corithians 2:7,14:2). We can also experience the shekinah glory of God(2 Chronicles 5:13-14) or a strong witness in our spirit about issues God wants us to know about and deal with. The Lord can also give us a word of knowledge concerning particular issues of the kingdom of God.
As we minister to God, God sees it as love; captivity is removed, restoration comes and favor and blessings are ministered and added to us by Abba Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ(Jeremiah 29:13-14,Proverbs 8:17,33)
Therefore learn to wake up early and seek the Lord-the heaven's radio frequency period, and enjoy the wonderful life changing experience of seeking God while He may be found. God bless you.
Jesus always withdrew to a solitary place to seek God, the Father(Luke 5:16).Go to a quiet place.Give thanks,praises and worship to our God.Let your heart be still before the Lord(and not wander about) and focus your whole being on Him.(Psalm 46:10)He knows when we are searching for Him with our heart.He has promised He will respond to us and be gracious and merciful(Jeremiah 29:12-14,Isaiah 30:18,29-31).
God will give us a word from the Bible as we are worshipping Him or speaking the prayer language, and word of wisdom will be given us(1 Corithians 2:7,14:2). We can also experience the shekinah glory of God(2 Chronicles 5:13-14) or a strong witness in our spirit about issues God wants us to know about and deal with. The Lord can also give us a word of knowledge concerning particular issues of the kingdom of God.
As we minister to God, God sees it as love; captivity is removed, restoration comes and favor and blessings are ministered and added to us by Abba Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ(Jeremiah 29:13-14,Proverbs 8:17,33)
Therefore learn to wake up early and seek the Lord-the heaven's radio frequency period, and enjoy the wonderful life changing experience of seeking God while He may be found. God bless you.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Seek the face of the Lord early in the morning
Text:Proverbs 8:17,33
Communication is the greatest asset in love. The best of God is reserved for His lovers.(1 Corinthians 2:9). Seeking God early in the morning is the secret to the believer's triumph in life. (Psalm 27:8, 63:1, Isaiah 26:9) . We are not sufficient in ourselves to pray, to think anything or to do anything (2 Corinthians 3:5, Romans 8:26,4:5, Philippians 2:13).Our sufficiency is of God.
As we seek God early we will never lack ,because we will be lightened and shame will end in our lives(Psalm 34:5),durable riches and honor will be given to us(Proverbs 8:17).The believer should not seek great things but rather seek the great God and the great Savior, Jesus Christ(Matthew 6:33).God is our exceeding great reward and our only and great need.(Genesis 15:2).All we need is found in Jesus Christ, because in Him consist all things(Colossians 1:17,Phillippians 4:19).
Do not focus on achievement, but focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and He will use you to do what He pleases on this earth that belongs to Him. Instead of laboring and seeking for ways out of any challenge, seek the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the way out every wilderness or challenge. He has the solution and is the solution Provider. He knew right before hand that you will be faced with the challenge, and has made a provision for a way of escape. (Acts4:27-29, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2:9-10).
When you seek Him, He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).Abundant rest means abundant faith you need for triumph in life. They that believe have entered into their rest (Hebrews 4:3), and Jesus is the Source and the Finisher (who perfects and matures-Hebrews 12:2) of our faith as we seek Him. Faith is our victory over the wickedness in the world and quenches the fiery darts of the devil (1 John 5:4, Ephesians 6:16). As we seek Him He will give us desires and what to pray for.(Psalm 37:4)
As long as King Uzziah sought the Lord, He made him to prosper(2 Chronicle 26:5)
The next blog will teach us how to seek the Lord in a practical way. God bless you
Communication is the greatest asset in love. The best of God is reserved for His lovers.(1 Corinthians 2:9). Seeking God early in the morning is the secret to the believer's triumph in life. (Psalm 27:8, 63:1, Isaiah 26:9) . We are not sufficient in ourselves to pray, to think anything or to do anything (2 Corinthians 3:5, Romans 8:26,4:5, Philippians 2:13).Our sufficiency is of God.
As we seek God early we will never lack ,because we will be lightened and shame will end in our lives(Psalm 34:5),durable riches and honor will be given to us(Proverbs 8:17).The believer should not seek great things but rather seek the great God and the great Savior, Jesus Christ(Matthew 6:33).God is our exceeding great reward and our only and great need.(Genesis 15:2).All we need is found in Jesus Christ, because in Him consist all things(Colossians 1:17,Phillippians 4:19).
Do not focus on achievement, but focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and He will use you to do what He pleases on this earth that belongs to Him. Instead of laboring and seeking for ways out of any challenge, seek the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the way out every wilderness or challenge. He has the solution and is the solution Provider. He knew right before hand that you will be faced with the challenge, and has made a provision for a way of escape. (Acts4:27-29, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2:9-10).
When you seek Him, He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).Abundant rest means abundant faith you need for triumph in life. They that believe have entered into their rest (Hebrews 4:3), and Jesus is the Source and the Finisher (who perfects and matures-Hebrews 12:2) of our faith as we seek Him. Faith is our victory over the wickedness in the world and quenches the fiery darts of the devil (1 John 5:4, Ephesians 6:16). As we seek Him He will give us desires and what to pray for.(Psalm 37:4)
As long as King Uzziah sought the Lord, He made him to prosper(2 Chronicle 26:5)
The next blog will teach us how to seek the Lord in a practical way. God bless you
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Power of Confession
Text: Romans 10:9-10, 1 John 1:9, 2 Corinthians 13:1
Another meaning for “Confession” is to “agree with”. So when we confess the word of God , we are actually agreeing with the word of God, and when we confess, we are actually agreeing that we have sinned according to the Word of God. But there is a stark difference between speaking the word and confessing. Many a time we take them to be the same. That is not so. Until I add the word” confess”, or “agree” I have actually not confessed or agree. When I say” I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior” I mean I agree that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. That is different from me, repeating Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
The Bible says if two of us shall agree as touching anything, God will do it for us.(Matthew 18:19).Infact in 2 Corinthians 13:1, The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed. The word agree there actually means “lending our voice “to the same time.
So learn to add the word “confess or agree” and voice activated the word of God as you make your confession of the Word of grace, and set the angels in motion to deliver the blessing(Psalm 103:20).
God bless you.
Another meaning for “Confession” is to “agree with”. So when we confess the word of God , we are actually agreeing with the word of God, and when we confess, we are actually agreeing that we have sinned according to the Word of God. But there is a stark difference between speaking the word and confessing. Many a time we take them to be the same. That is not so. Until I add the word” confess”, or “agree” I have actually not confessed or agree. When I say” I confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior” I mean I agree that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. That is different from me, repeating Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
The Bible says if two of us shall agree as touching anything, God will do it for us.(Matthew 18:19).Infact in 2 Corinthians 13:1, The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed. The word agree there actually means “lending our voice “to the same time.
So learn to add the word “confess or agree” and voice activated the word of God as you make your confession of the Word of grace, and set the angels in motion to deliver the blessing(Psalm 103:20).
God bless you.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Faith and Beliefs?
Text: Matthew 17:20,John 12:42-50,8:12, Romans 8:14
God in His Word tells us What He hath given us already through His Son, Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross(Acts 20:32)and a set of instructions on what we are to do to access these blessings, despite the natural circumstances prevailing. These revelation knowledge and set of instructions as we personalize or accept them makes up our beliefs.
When we act on these instructions or knowledge despite the prevailing natural circumstances, faith IS GENERATED. What we say and think and do in AGREEMENT with the Word of God despite the natural circumstances is our FAITH.
The Bible says Abraham believed God, that is; received and accepted the information or the Word of God or His Will and instructions from God.Acting on the instructions of God was his strong or living faith(Romans 4:19-20).Living faith is faith that has works coupled with it(James 2:17).
For example to have faith in the blood of Jesus(Romans 3:25) , I have to know God's provision and instructions on what to do as it pertains to the blood of Jesus which is my belief. My level of knowledge is my level of belief.Doing the instructions of the Holy Spirit as given in the Word of God concerning the blood of Jesus is my faith.
Therefore the proof of your faith is the obedience to instructions from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God or my beliefs.The Lord said in Luke 6:46, how can you say you have faith in me by confessing with your mouth; Lord , Lord and do not the things which I say?My heart and mouth and action must agree for faith to be in place.
Unbelief means we act independently or outside the instructions of the Holy Ghost and the Word of God.When we do this,the Bible says in Galatians 4:1-3, that we remain as children under the rulership of our flesh, the world and give place to the enemy to oppress and devour our blessings, God forbid.
Every believer therefore should wait on the Holy Spirit's instructions and guidelines daily by studying and meditating the Word of God, praying the Word of God and praying in tongues and be ready to obey the instructions and our lives will be heaven on earth as abundance, abundant and victorious life will be our portion in Jesus Name.
Any act of disobedience is the property of the devil.It is like giving him a foothold or handing over to him the hard won dominion Jesus procured for us on the Cross. Therefore we should repent quickly of it and win back our dominion by getting back to Our Leader(Holy Spirit) quickly for right direction and instructions.
The purpose of salvation is to make us Commanders of the things God hath made and not beggars or negotiators.(Isaiah 45:11).So the ball is in our court.
God bless you as you diligently obey the instructions and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and take our position as commanders with the word of God as our instrument of victory.
God bless
God in His Word tells us What He hath given us already through His Son, Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross(Acts 20:32)and a set of instructions on what we are to do to access these blessings, despite the natural circumstances prevailing. These revelation knowledge and set of instructions as we personalize or accept them makes up our beliefs.
When we act on these instructions or knowledge despite the prevailing natural circumstances, faith IS GENERATED. What we say and think and do in AGREEMENT with the Word of God despite the natural circumstances is our FAITH.
The Bible says Abraham believed God, that is; received and accepted the information or the Word of God or His Will and instructions from God.Acting on the instructions of God was his strong or living faith(Romans 4:19-20).Living faith is faith that has works coupled with it(James 2:17).
For example to have faith in the blood of Jesus(Romans 3:25) , I have to know God's provision and instructions on what to do as it pertains to the blood of Jesus which is my belief. My level of knowledge is my level of belief.Doing the instructions of the Holy Spirit as given in the Word of God concerning the blood of Jesus is my faith.
Therefore the proof of your faith is the obedience to instructions from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God or my beliefs.The Lord said in Luke 6:46, how can you say you have faith in me by confessing with your mouth; Lord , Lord and do not the things which I say?My heart and mouth and action must agree for faith to be in place.
Unbelief means we act independently or outside the instructions of the Holy Ghost and the Word of God.When we do this,the Bible says in Galatians 4:1-3, that we remain as children under the rulership of our flesh, the world and give place to the enemy to oppress and devour our blessings, God forbid.
Every believer therefore should wait on the Holy Spirit's instructions and guidelines daily by studying and meditating the Word of God, praying the Word of God and praying in tongues and be ready to obey the instructions and our lives will be heaven on earth as abundance, abundant and victorious life will be our portion in Jesus Name.
Any act of disobedience is the property of the devil.It is like giving him a foothold or handing over to him the hard won dominion Jesus procured for us on the Cross. Therefore we should repent quickly of it and win back our dominion by getting back to Our Leader(Holy Spirit) quickly for right direction and instructions.
The purpose of salvation is to make us Commanders of the things God hath made and not beggars or negotiators.(Isaiah 45:11).So the ball is in our court.
God bless you as you diligently obey the instructions and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and take our position as commanders with the word of God as our instrument of victory.
God bless
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Appropriating Faith in God
Text:Habbakuk 2:4, Ephesians 6:16, Romans 10:17
Faith in God is the singular instrument needed the enjoy the provisions of blessings in Christ.Jesus came on earth for the following purpose among many others:
1.To seek and save the lost-Luke 19:10
2.To give us abundant life-John 10:10
3.To destroy the works of the devil including sin sickness,poverty and death hindering mankind from relationship with Our Father and Our Creator -1 John 3:8
4.To restore our relationship with God, The Father-2Corinthians5:19-20,1 Timothy 3:16
5.To fulfil prophecy:Matthew 5:17.
Faith is our access to God's grace(unmerited favor)-God's abundant provisions in Christ.(Romans 5:2).Faith quenches the fiery darts of the enemy against us(Ephesians 6:16).Faith is the victory that overcomes the world(1 John 5:4).Infact the household of God is also called the household of faith-Galatians 6:10-Ephesians 2:19.
Faith is believing the Word of God despite all practical situational evidence to the contrary.Faith is appropriating our inheritance by believing the Word of God in our hearts and confessing with our mouths.All we receive from God can only be appropriated by faith.Everything exist and must be birthed in the spiritual realm.Faith is the conduit that recieves from the spirit realm and transfers to the physical realm.So faith is the evidence of things not seen but exists in the spirit realm.
The entire christian journey is about fighting the fight of faith.To be victorious in life therefore we must develop our faith.How?The Bible tells us in the parable of the Sower in Mark 4, that the devil fights those who hear the word of God.In 1st Peter 5:8-9, we are admonished to be vigilant and to resist the devil steadfast in our faith.That means we must refuse to bend, but hold tenacoiusly to the promises in the word of God despite contray evidential circumstances that the devil sends on our way.The devil knows that if he can get you to deny the word of God concerning the negative circumstances he is sending your way,then God cannot help you becuase your faith is not there.If we trust God(Psalm 18:30) and walk by faith exercising patience, God is there all the time to help us overcome the problem.He hath said He will never leave nor forsake us.
How do we biuld our faith?The Bible tells us faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.Therefore in addition to reading,studying, meditating on the word, we must hear the word.we can accomplish this in two ways:1)By listening to messages preached by servants of God and 2) By confessing the word of God.Our true faith is reflected in our actions which includes both our confessions and what we do every day.If we act differently from what we are confessing that is not true faith.
Faith is of the heart.When initially we begin to confess, our faith may be weak , and we may not initially believe with our heart. As we continue to confess the word, our faith will be growing and we will believe with our heart concerning the particular circumstances.If we do not confess and act on the Word of God our faith will not grow and we will not believe with our heart concerning the challenge.
Another way we can make our faith to grow to enable us believe with our heart is to think , meditate and act on the thoughts of God-the word of God.(Isaiah 55:8-9.)
God bless you.
Faith in God is the singular instrument needed the enjoy the provisions of blessings in Christ.Jesus came on earth for the following purpose among many others:
1.To seek and save the lost-Luke 19:10
2.To give us abundant life-John 10:10
3.To destroy the works of the devil including sin sickness,poverty and death hindering mankind from relationship with Our Father and Our Creator -1 John 3:8
4.To restore our relationship with God, The Father-2Corinthians5:19-20,1 Timothy 3:16
5.To fulfil prophecy:Matthew 5:17.
Faith is our access to God's grace(unmerited favor)-God's abundant provisions in Christ.(Romans 5:2).Faith quenches the fiery darts of the enemy against us(Ephesians 6:16).Faith is the victory that overcomes the world(1 John 5:4).Infact the household of God is also called the household of faith-Galatians 6:10-Ephesians 2:19.
Faith is believing the Word of God despite all practical situational evidence to the contrary.Faith is appropriating our inheritance by believing the Word of God in our hearts and confessing with our mouths.All we receive from God can only be appropriated by faith.Everything exist and must be birthed in the spiritual realm.Faith is the conduit that recieves from the spirit realm and transfers to the physical realm.So faith is the evidence of things not seen but exists in the spirit realm.
The entire christian journey is about fighting the fight of faith.To be victorious in life therefore we must develop our faith.How?The Bible tells us in the parable of the Sower in Mark 4, that the devil fights those who hear the word of God.In 1st Peter 5:8-9, we are admonished to be vigilant and to resist the devil steadfast in our faith.That means we must refuse to bend, but hold tenacoiusly to the promises in the word of God despite contray evidential circumstances that the devil sends on our way.The devil knows that if he can get you to deny the word of God concerning the negative circumstances he is sending your way,then God cannot help you becuase your faith is not there.If we trust God(Psalm 18:30) and walk by faith exercising patience, God is there all the time to help us overcome the problem.He hath said He will never leave nor forsake us.
How do we biuld our faith?The Bible tells us faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.Therefore in addition to reading,studying, meditating on the word, we must hear the word.we can accomplish this in two ways:1)By listening to messages preached by servants of God and 2) By confessing the word of God.Our true faith is reflected in our actions which includes both our confessions and what we do every day.If we act differently from what we are confessing that is not true faith.
Faith is of the heart.When initially we begin to confess, our faith may be weak , and we may not initially believe with our heart. As we continue to confess the word, our faith will be growing and we will believe with our heart concerning the particular circumstances.If we do not confess and act on the Word of God our faith will not grow and we will not believe with our heart concerning the challenge.
Another way we can make our faith to grow to enable us believe with our heart is to think , meditate and act on the thoughts of God-the word of God.(Isaiah 55:8-9.)
God bless you.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Money Can Fail
Text:Genesis 47:13,15;41:37-46
All over the world today annfortunately in the church also, money has been exalted beyond what it should be: a tool and a means of exchange to fulfil God's purpose and mandate on this earth.
From our text, we see that in the land of Egypt, during a famine a time came when money failed, and all the Egyptians had to turn the servant of God and thereby to God for sustenance and survival.What did Joseph carry or have that outlived and overshadowed the influence of money in Egypt:the SPIRIT OF WISDOM.Infact the reason why Pharoah appointed him , head of government from our text was the spirit of wisdom manifesting in his life(Genesis 41:38-39).
The Christian is admonished in Proverbs 4:7 to get wisdom becase it is the principal thing, and understanding will come with her. in Ecclesiates 7:12, the Bible says wisdom apart from being a defence like money will also give life. In Proverbs 3:16-17, wisdom has length of days on the right hand and on the left hand :riches and honor, and her ways are full of pleasantness and her paths are peace.
The good news is that as Christians we have this WISDOM living inside us. Jesus Christ is the wisdom and power of God(1 Corinthians 1:24) and Christ is living and is the hope of glory(Collosians 1:27) and in Christ is hidden the treasure of wisdom and knowledge.(Collosians 2:3). So more of Christ and less of me , and more of wisdom I manifest. Allof Christ and none of me, all of wisdom of God I manifest.
The responsibilty is for us as Christian to stir up this gift(2 Timothy 1:5-6) in us by focusing our thoughts and mind on Jesus Christ, the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the finished work of the Cross through prayers, meditation, study of the Bible, faith, love, confession, declaration and our actions and most importantly by fellowshipping with the HOLY SPIRIT through speaking in tongues, fasting and prayer, worship , praise and adoration.
Infact Paul's prayers in Ephesians 1:18-19 is for God to enlighten our minds into the wisdom of God because He hath abounded towards in all wisdom and prudence(Ephesians 1:8).
May God continue to give us knowledge , understanding and wisdom In Jesus Name, Amen
All over the world today annfortunately in the church also, money has been exalted beyond what it should be: a tool and a means of exchange to fulfil God's purpose and mandate on this earth.
From our text, we see that in the land of Egypt, during a famine a time came when money failed, and all the Egyptians had to turn the servant of God and thereby to God for sustenance and survival.What did Joseph carry or have that outlived and overshadowed the influence of money in Egypt:the SPIRIT OF WISDOM.Infact the reason why Pharoah appointed him , head of government from our text was the spirit of wisdom manifesting in his life(Genesis 41:38-39).
The Christian is admonished in Proverbs 4:7 to get wisdom becase it is the principal thing, and understanding will come with her. in Ecclesiates 7:12, the Bible says wisdom apart from being a defence like money will also give life. In Proverbs 3:16-17, wisdom has length of days on the right hand and on the left hand :riches and honor, and her ways are full of pleasantness and her paths are peace.
The good news is that as Christians we have this WISDOM living inside us. Jesus Christ is the wisdom and power of God(1 Corinthians 1:24) and Christ is living and is the hope of glory(Collosians 1:27) and in Christ is hidden the treasure of wisdom and knowledge.(Collosians 2:3). So more of Christ and less of me , and more of wisdom I manifest. Allof Christ and none of me, all of wisdom of God I manifest.
The responsibilty is for us as Christian to stir up this gift(2 Timothy 1:5-6) in us by focusing our thoughts and mind on Jesus Christ, the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the finished work of the Cross through prayers, meditation, study of the Bible, faith, love, confession, declaration and our actions and most importantly by fellowshipping with the HOLY SPIRIT through speaking in tongues, fasting and prayer, worship , praise and adoration.
Infact Paul's prayers in Ephesians 1:18-19 is for God to enlighten our minds into the wisdom of God because He hath abounded towards in all wisdom and prudence(Ephesians 1:8).
May God continue to give us knowledge , understanding and wisdom In Jesus Name, Amen
Monday, January 17, 2011
How does God see me?
Text: Ephesians 5:1, 1:4,Luke 1:74-75 Psalm 82:5, John 10:35
Our first text tells us to be imitators of God. Our second text tells us we are chosen by God in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before him in love.In Hebrews 13:12,20-21,9:14, 1 John 1:7, Revelation 1:5 the scriptures says we are made perfect,sanctified, purged , cleansed and washed: made holy in the blood of the eternal covenant-the blood of Jesus.As we come to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, we also come to the blood of sprinkling which speaks better things: mercy and grace than the blood of Abel, which speaks condemnation and accusation.
The Bible says in Psalm 82:5 "They know not, neither will they understand: they walk in darkness........, I have said , Ye are gods, and all of you are the children of the most High”. In John 10:35, the Bible says God called them gods unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken. Therefore our understanding and knowledge of who we are in Christ and how God sees us will enable us to walk in light. When we walk in the light, the scripture tells us in 1 John 1:7, that the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin, and in Revelation 12:10,we overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and by the word of our testimony of the finished work on the Cross:IT IS FINISHED. Thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
(2 Corinthians 2:14).
God sees every believer(our spirit man) covered in the blood of Jesus always.Because He sees us covered in the blood of Jesus: He sees us righteous, holy, perfect, bold, healed and blessed. The question is how do you see yourself? In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed (2 Corinthians 13:1).It is our agreement with God that we are covered in the blood of Jesus and baptised into one body-Jesus Christ(1 Corinthians 12:13) through knowledge,meditation, imagination, actions and declarations that will bring the manifestation into physical reality. So from today start seeing your spirit man covered in the blood of Jesus and bring your mind(knowledge,thoughts, imagination) and body to agree with this truth, and the problems challenging you will give way in Jesus Name.
Jesus said " He gave us mouth and wisdom that no adversary can gainsay(Luke 21:15). Use your mouth to plead the blood of Jesus(the wisdom of God) against the adversary and to claim your righteousness in Christ today and let the blessings flow so that you can be a channel of blessing to the world around you.
Our first text tells us to be imitators of God. Our second text tells us we are chosen by God in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before him in love.In Hebrews 13:12,20-21,9:14, 1 John 1:7, Revelation 1:5 the scriptures says we are made perfect,sanctified, purged , cleansed and washed: made holy in the blood of the eternal covenant-the blood of Jesus.As we come to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, we also come to the blood of sprinkling which speaks better things: mercy and grace than the blood of Abel, which speaks condemnation and accusation.
The Bible says in Psalm 82:5 "They know not, neither will they understand: they walk in darkness........, I have said , Ye are gods, and all of you are the children of the most High”. In John 10:35, the Bible says God called them gods unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken. Therefore our understanding and knowledge of who we are in Christ and how God sees us will enable us to walk in light. When we walk in the light, the scripture tells us in 1 John 1:7, that the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin, and in Revelation 12:10,we overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and by the word of our testimony of the finished work on the Cross:IT IS FINISHED. Thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
(2 Corinthians 2:14).
God sees every believer(our spirit man) covered in the blood of Jesus always.Because He sees us covered in the blood of Jesus: He sees us righteous, holy, perfect, bold, healed and blessed. The question is how do you see yourself? In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed (2 Corinthians 13:1).It is our agreement with God that we are covered in the blood of Jesus and baptised into one body-Jesus Christ(1 Corinthians 12:13) through knowledge,meditation, imagination, actions and declarations that will bring the manifestation into physical reality. So from today start seeing your spirit man covered in the blood of Jesus and bring your mind(knowledge,thoughts, imagination) and body to agree with this truth, and the problems challenging you will give way in Jesus Name.
Jesus said " He gave us mouth and wisdom that no adversary can gainsay(Luke 21:15). Use your mouth to plead the blood of Jesus(the wisdom of God) against the adversary and to claim your righteousness in Christ today and let the blessings flow so that you can be a channel of blessing to the world around you.
Speak to the Mountain before you about Jesus and His Blood
Text: Luke 8:22-25, Mark 11:23
The Lord had just taught His disciples the parable of the sower, and advised in verse18, that they should take heed what they hear. What you give your attention to: your eyes to see and your ears to hear determine whether you live by faith or fear or worry.
Afterwards He told them they should go to the other side of the lake and they launched forth. The Lord obviously knew what he would do(John 6:6) and was teaching them how to operate in faith. The storm was boisterous and fear came to the disciples instead of faith. They heard in their ears based on what they saw that they were going to perish if help did not come, even though their faith-JESUS CHRIST was with them in the ship. The circumstances spoke to them; just like the fig tree spoke to Jesus in Matthew 21:19.Every thing God created speaks, whether audible or inaudible voice. They speak blessings or cursing, fear or faith, victory or failure, poverty or riches, sickness or health. Man is the deciding factor. His agreement or disagrement with thecircumstances determines what prevails.
They woke Him up from sleep, instead of rebuking the storm or speaking to the mountain in His Name. Then He asked them , where is your faith?You may be passing through a storm now, and you are wondering! Lord are you there? He hath said " I will never leave you nor forsake, so that you may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and i will not fear.........(Hebrews 13:5). He that is you is greater than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4).Remember Christ is you the hope of glory(Colossians 1:27)
In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed (2 Corinthians 13:1). Jesus said " He gave us mouth and wisdom, no adversary can gainsay(Luke 21:15). Use your mouth to plead the blood of Jesus(the wisdom of God) against the adversary or mountain and to claim your righteousness and blessings in Christ Jesus today( the blood is the price paid by the Lord for your blessings) and let the blessings flow so that you can be a channel of blessing to the world around you as a cson or daughter of Abraham(Genesis 12:3, 22:17-18, Galatians 3:29)
God bless you as you spend quality time in prayers and meditation on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the word of God this year to shine the light in you -Christ Jesus for the world around to be blessed. The gentiles and kings are eagerly waiting to come to your light (Isaih 60:3). SO LIGHT UP YOUR WORLD!
The Lord had just taught His disciples the parable of the sower, and advised in verse18, that they should take heed what they hear. What you give your attention to: your eyes to see and your ears to hear determine whether you live by faith or fear or worry.
Afterwards He told them they should go to the other side of the lake and they launched forth. The Lord obviously knew what he would do(John 6:6) and was teaching them how to operate in faith. The storm was boisterous and fear came to the disciples instead of faith. They heard in their ears based on what they saw that they were going to perish if help did not come, even though their faith-JESUS CHRIST was with them in the ship. The circumstances spoke to them; just like the fig tree spoke to Jesus in Matthew 21:19.Every thing God created speaks, whether audible or inaudible voice. They speak blessings or cursing, fear or faith, victory or failure, poverty or riches, sickness or health. Man is the deciding factor. His agreement or disagrement with thecircumstances determines what prevails.
They woke Him up from sleep, instead of rebuking the storm or speaking to the mountain in His Name. Then He asked them , where is your faith?You may be passing through a storm now, and you are wondering! Lord are you there? He hath said " I will never leave you nor forsake, so that you may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and i will not fear.........(Hebrews 13:5). He that is you is greater than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4).Remember Christ is you the hope of glory(Colossians 1:27)
In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed (2 Corinthians 13:1). Jesus said " He gave us mouth and wisdom, no adversary can gainsay(Luke 21:15). Use your mouth to plead the blood of Jesus(the wisdom of God) against the adversary or mountain and to claim your righteousness and blessings in Christ Jesus today( the blood is the price paid by the Lord for your blessings) and let the blessings flow so that you can be a channel of blessing to the world around you as a cson or daughter of Abraham(Genesis 12:3, 22:17-18, Galatians 3:29)
God bless you as you spend quality time in prayers and meditation on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the word of God this year to shine the light in you -Christ Jesus for the world around to be blessed. The gentiles and kings are eagerly waiting to come to your light (Isaih 60:3). SO LIGHT UP YOUR WORLD!
Where is your faith?
Text: Luke 8:25
The Lord had just taught His disciples the parable of the Sower, and advised in verse18, that they should take heed what they hear. What you give your attention to: your eyes to see and your ears to hear determine whether you live by faith or fear or worry. Afterwards He told them they should go to the other side of the lake and they launched forth. The Lord obviously knew what he would do(John 6:6) and was teaching them how to operate in faith.
The storm was boisterous and fear came to the disciples instead of faith. They heard in their ears based on what they saw that they were going to perish if help did not come, even though their faith-JESUS CHRIST was with them in the ship. They woke Him up from sleep, instead of rebuking the storm in His Name. Then He asked them, where is your faith?
You may be passing through a storm now, and you are wondering! Lord , are you there? And the Holy Spirit is asking you:”Where is your faith " because I have told you in MY Word” I will never leave you nor forsake you, so that you may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.........(Hebrews 13:5). He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4).Remember Christ is you the hope of glory(Colossians 1:27).The Psalmist says" I will look unto the hills from whence cometh my help, My helpn is in tne name of the Lod who made heaven and earth.Where are you looking. Your focus determines your faith or fear.
Now to the question, where is your faith! From the above and the word of God in Romans 3:25, our faith is in the blood of Jesus, by which our righteousness can be declared thus releasing God's enablement or grace to overcome the challenge and give us the breakthrough we need.
The Bible says in Psalm 82:5 "They know not, neither will they understand: they walk in darkness........, Therefore our understanding and knowledge of who we are in Christ will enable us to walk in light. When we walk in the light, the scripture tells us in 1 John 1:7, that the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin, and in Revelation 12:10,we overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and by the word of our testimony of the finished work on the Cross:IT IS FINISHED. Thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.( 2 Corinthians 2:14)
Therefore rather than proclaiming fear we need to plead and claim the blood of Jesus as the repository of our victory over sin, self, mountains and the devil. There is a decree in heaven, that when we plead the blood of Jesus and exercise our faith and claim on the blood in the Name of Jesus(remember faith is for taking), the obstacle must bow and passover(Exodus 12:24). Even the red scarlet handkerchief of Rahab and the blood of bulls on the door posts of the children of Israel in Egypt brought deliverance from captivity and danger respectively.Pharoah defied all the other signs and wonders; but when the blood came, he virtually begged the children of Israel to leave and gave them gifts.How much more the Blood of Jesus.
The BLOOD OF JESUS IS FOR OUR ALL ROUND TRIUMPH IN OUR LIVES. Meditate ON THIS truth today and your profiting will appear to all.(1 Timothy 4:15)
The Lord had just taught His disciples the parable of the Sower, and advised in verse18, that they should take heed what they hear. What you give your attention to: your eyes to see and your ears to hear determine whether you live by faith or fear or worry. Afterwards He told them they should go to the other side of the lake and they launched forth. The Lord obviously knew what he would do(John 6:6) and was teaching them how to operate in faith.
The storm was boisterous and fear came to the disciples instead of faith. They heard in their ears based on what they saw that they were going to perish if help did not come, even though their faith-JESUS CHRIST was with them in the ship. They woke Him up from sleep, instead of rebuking the storm in His Name. Then He asked them, where is your faith?
You may be passing through a storm now, and you are wondering! Lord , are you there? And the Holy Spirit is asking you:”Where is your faith " because I have told you in MY Word” I will never leave you nor forsake you, so that you may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.........(Hebrews 13:5). He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world(1 John 4:4).Remember Christ is you the hope of glory(Colossians 1:27).The Psalmist says" I will look unto the hills from whence cometh my help, My helpn is in tne name of the Lod who made heaven and earth.Where are you looking. Your focus determines your faith or fear.
Now to the question, where is your faith! From the above and the word of God in Romans 3:25, our faith is in the blood of Jesus, by which our righteousness can be declared thus releasing God's enablement or grace to overcome the challenge and give us the breakthrough we need.
The Bible says in Psalm 82:5 "They know not, neither will they understand: they walk in darkness........, Therefore our understanding and knowledge of who we are in Christ will enable us to walk in light. When we walk in the light, the scripture tells us in 1 John 1:7, that the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin, and in Revelation 12:10,we overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus and by the word of our testimony of the finished work on the Cross:IT IS FINISHED. Thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.( 2 Corinthians 2:14)
Therefore rather than proclaiming fear we need to plead and claim the blood of Jesus as the repository of our victory over sin, self, mountains and the devil. There is a decree in heaven, that when we plead the blood of Jesus and exercise our faith and claim on the blood in the Name of Jesus(remember faith is for taking), the obstacle must bow and passover(Exodus 12:24). Even the red scarlet handkerchief of Rahab and the blood of bulls on the door posts of the children of Israel in Egypt brought deliverance from captivity and danger respectively.Pharoah defied all the other signs and wonders; but when the blood came, he virtually begged the children of Israel to leave and gave them gifts.How much more the Blood of Jesus.
The BLOOD OF JESUS IS FOR OUR ALL ROUND TRIUMPH IN OUR LIVES. Meditate ON THIS truth today and your profiting will appear to all.(1 Timothy 4:15)
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