Text:Habbakuk 2:4, Ephesians 6:16, Romans 10:17
Faith in God is the singular instrument needed the enjoy the provisions of blessings in Christ.Jesus came on earth for the following purpose among many others:
1.To seek and save the lost-Luke 19:10
2.To give us abundant life-John 10:10
3.To destroy the works of the devil including sin sickness,poverty and death hindering mankind from relationship with Our Father and Our Creator -1 John 3:8
4.To restore our relationship with God, The Father-2Corinthians5:19-20,1 Timothy 3:16
5.To fulfil prophecy:Matthew 5:17.
Faith is our access to God's grace(unmerited favor)-God's abundant provisions in Christ.(Romans 5:2).Faith quenches the fiery darts of the enemy against us(Ephesians 6:16).Faith is the victory that overcomes the world(1 John 5:4).Infact the household of God is also called the household of faith-Galatians 6:10-Ephesians 2:19.
Faith is believing the Word of God despite all practical situational evidence to the contrary.Faith is appropriating our inheritance by believing the Word of God in our hearts and confessing with our mouths.All we receive from God can only be appropriated by faith.Everything exist and must be birthed in the spiritual realm.Faith is the conduit that recieves from the spirit realm and transfers to the physical realm.So faith is the evidence of things not seen but exists in the spirit realm.
The entire christian journey is about fighting the fight of faith.To be victorious in life therefore we must develop our faith.How?The Bible tells us in the parable of the Sower in Mark 4, that the devil fights those who hear the word of God.In 1st Peter 5:8-9, we are admonished to be vigilant and to resist the devil steadfast in our faith.That means we must refuse to bend, but hold tenacoiusly to the promises in the word of God despite contray evidential circumstances that the devil sends on our way.The devil knows that if he can get you to deny the word of God concerning the negative circumstances he is sending your way,then God cannot help you becuase your faith is not there.If we trust God(Psalm 18:30) and walk by faith exercising patience, God is there all the time to help us overcome the problem.He hath said He will never leave nor forsake us.
How do we biuld our faith?The Bible tells us faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.Therefore in addition to reading,studying, meditating on the word, we must hear the word.we can accomplish this in two ways:1)By listening to messages preached by servants of God and 2) By confessing the word of God.Our true faith is reflected in our actions which includes both our confessions and what we do every day.If we act differently from what we are confessing that is not true faith.
Faith is of the heart.When initially we begin to confess, our faith may be weak , and we may not initially believe with our heart. As we continue to confess the word, our faith will be growing and we will believe with our heart concerning the particular circumstances.If we do not confess and act on the Word of God our faith will not grow and we will not believe with our heart concerning the challenge.
Another way we can make our faith to grow to enable us believe with our heart is to think , meditate and act on the thoughts of God-the word of God.(Isaiah 55:8-9.)
God bless you.
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