Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Is The Real Truth?

The truth of the gospel shall set you free. What is the truth? Lord Jesus, I confess you are my lord and savior. I believe you were raised from the dead. Therefore I am blessed (saved). Romans 10:9. The truth is The Gospel of The Cross. When confessed, it releases the power of God to release our blessings. (1 Corinthians 1:18). The truth releases us from the bondage of sin, sickness, oppression, the Devil and the world; as we confess and we meditate on it without ceasing. This is how we believe and receive from God.

Praise God. Jesus is Lord.

1 comment:

  1. The truth is a person - Jesus Christ.The truth is the word of God. You cannot work against the truth but for the truth. Though you may deny the truth, you can't destroy, defile, or dent the truth because it has come to stay. Just like oil floats over water, the same way the truth is above every falsehood of disease, disappointment, disgrace, disability, death, destruction, dismembership, debt, dungeon,etc. Therefore the truth has the ability and capability to set free.
    Below is the acronyms of TRUTH
    T - Trust in Jesus as Lord and personal Saviour
    R - Rely on the finished work on the cross by Him
    U - Understand that He died to set you free
    T - Thank Him always in all things
    H - Hold on to your faith in Him at all times.

    Charles Akom
