Friday, October 22, 2010

The Name of Jesus is the Answer to Our Needs

Text: Acts 3:4-6,12,16, Collosians 3:17
Many believers are seeking for power to live a holy life and power to serve God, to work miracles , signs and wonders.
However in our text, Apostle Peter in Acts 3:12 was explaining the secret behind the miracle of healing the lame at the gate called Beautiful. He said the power that healed the lame did not come from him or was due to his holiness: but rather due to his faith in the Name of Jesus. In Acts 3:6, Peter said I do not have silver and gold, but such as I have give I thee ; and all that I have including but not limited to power to heal is loaded in the Name of Jesus.The Name of Jesus which Peter possessed did the miracle, not Peter; because Peter placed his faith in the name of Jesus(that is trust and unwavering confidence in the authority and power loaded in the name of Jesus).
Until the believer understands his relationship with the Name of Jesus, He cannot operate in victory. For example, the scriptures tell us in 2 Timothy 2:19 " they that name the name of Lord must depart from iniquity". The Bible also tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:11 " that ye are washed, ye are sanctified and ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.The Bible also says in James 5:14 that as the elders of the Church anoint the sick with oil in the name of the Lord, the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Spirit of God will raise him up and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.We see the name of Jesus has the combo action of forgiving sins, washing, sanctifying, justifying and also performing the miracle of healing. God says in Genesis 15:1, He is our shield and our exceeding great reward.So Jesus is our exceeding great reward and our shield.Therefore the believer has the right and priviledge to use the Name of Jesus because:
1.The Name belongs to the family of God and the birthright of believers.
2.The believer is baptized into the Name of Jesus
3.The believer has the Power of Attorney to use the Name from Our Lord Jesus Christ
4.The believer is commissioned to herald the Name of Jesus to the world
Our help (mercy and grace) is in the Name of Jesus(Psalm 124:8). The mercy from the Name of Jesus ensures that we do not receive the purnishment we deserve for the wrong we have done; and grace ensures that we receive benefits and favor that we do not deserve, all because of what Jesus hath done for us on The Cross.
There are wonders in the Name of Jesus. Begin right now to enjoy the blessings and provisions in the Name of Jesus. God bless you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Text:Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29, John 17:24

You were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world , not by your merit, but because you accepted Christ as personal Lord and received Him as Saviour and Redeemer through the foreknowledge and predestination of God.

Christ was chosen by God as His only begotten Son and all those who are "in Christ" partake of His being chosen by His Father. Just as we are the beneficiaries of the covenant between God the Father and His Son Jesus, so we are chosen because we chose Christ as Lord and Savior.The Father would no more reject us than He would reject Jesus because we are accepted by the Father through Christ.Rejection only comes when we approach Abba Father in any other way apart from Jesus Christ because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.There is no other way or name by which man can be saved except through Christ.

No man can claim that he is without blame in the sight of men because man looks on the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7) because man judges wholly by what we do and all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23). But the Lord looks on our born-again spirit which has been regenerated in Christ and He sees us holy and without blame.He judges by whether we believe in His Son or not, to justify us as righteous.To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly,his faith is counted for righteousness.(Romans 4:5)

God looks at us through Christ and everything in our life becomes covered by the blood of Jesus. We are holy and without blame before Him because of His love expressed through His Son.(Romans 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17,21)

When our faith is in Christ and His finished work on the Cross, then it becomes easy to work righteously before Him bearing the fruit of holiness, because the strength of sin is the law or condemnation(1 Corinthians 15:56).In Christ we have all the nercies and graces we need for our daily living.
Call unto God today in the Name of Jesus and receive your blessing.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Text:3 John 2, John 10:10, Philipians 4:19, 1 corinthians 3:23
Everything we see was created from the spiritual realm by God.Man's physical lack has it's roots in spiritual poverty. Any blessing outside God through Jesus Christ will ultimately destroy because the origin is darkness.The prosperity of fools(those who do not believe God or rely on self effort shall destroy them(Proverbs 1:23).
Our text tells us that man can prosper and be in good health in proportion to the prosperity of his soul.The prosperity of our soul is hinged on the fruit of righteousness we produce-holy living. Man that is born into this world is born into trouble according to Job.In fact man is in captivity and needs deliverance.That is no matter how educated or knowledgeable, rich or wealthy a man may be, he finds himself inextricably tied to some vices. Man desires and is in dire need of freedom of his spirit and soul , and needs help and power to remain in that freedom.
God saw the needs of man to be free and the need for [power to keep his freedom against the wiles of the enemy.
Man can therefore be said to have two great spiritual needs that will answer all other pecuniary needs of man.
1.One is Love through forgiveness.
After man fell from grace, it became difficult to be restored into his original glory. Man was bound by cords of sin (Proverbs 5:22), cords of affliction (Job 36:8-10), cords of wickedness of Satan and evil spirits (Psalm 129:4-5, Ephesians 6:12), cords of vanity through which iniquities are drawn (Isaiah 5:18, Acts 14:15). No matter what education, resources, ability, riches, and endowment a man has, he finds himself inexplicably bound to some vices. His inner being consciously or unconsciously longs for freedom from these vices. The soul of man is crying desperately for help to be free from sin; from sickness or affliction, poverty; from wickedness of evil spirits and Satan; from diverse vanities. The result of these bondages is that the former and latter rain of blessings reserved for mankind by the loving Almighty God and our Father in heaven are turned away and good things are withheld from man.(Jeremiah 5:25) The only way out of these bondages is for God to love us so much by taking away these burdens and breaking the cords, which holds us down through unforgiveness for our sins and we not forgiving others who have hurt us.
God heard this first cry for help, that cry for forgiveness and answered it at the Cross of Calvary through a Savior (Acts 13:22-23, 26, 38). God sent His only Son into the world to die for our sins, so that we might be forgiven. This is a gift for us-Gods’ gift of salvation. This gift is available for everyone who truly admits he has fallen short of Gods’ original glory for man and sinned; ask for forgiveness and repents (makes a choice and a decision to turn way from his sins) and puts his faith in the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary as representing his old sinful self crucified with Christ, died and buried with Christ, and the new man rising with Christ and by faith is seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father, God Almighty. It is for everyone who reaches out and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.Paul called it Gods’ indescribable gift (2Corinthians 9: 15)
2.Power to remain free and attain and enjoy God's goodness:
The second need of man is for goodness and blessings of good attitude, character, conduct, and manifestation of abundant life of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness and self control; provision-material (food, material, shelter, money), physical (good health, food, family) and spiritual, and protection from evil and wickedness in this world and finally for us to secure a place to LIVE with Him in eternity. All effort by man to attain this goodness and blessings failed, and met with hard labor and untold suffering yet with the inner longing of the soul remaining unsatisfied.
God heard our second cry for help, to attain goodness and blessings and answered it at Pentecost. At Pentecost God gave us another gift-the great gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 38). Our Father in heaven does not want us after receiving forgiveness for our sins to remain and live a life of defeat, discouragement and denial, but rather that we fulfill all our desires for goodness and the work of faith in Christ Jesus with power so that the name of our lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us and we in Him according to the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12). The Holy Spirit meets our needs to overcome our weaknesses to be really good and overcome our human frailties and live according to the Will of God as stated in the Scriptures in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.
Any man that makes the choice and decides to appropriate these two gifts including the work of the Son of God for us; and the work of the Spirit of God in us would live a life pleasing to God here on earth and would be assured of a place in heaven with our Father. Such a person will not only be blessed, but also be a blessing to other families on the earth as God originally planned it to be.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Your inheritance in the kingdom is dependent on your practise of righteousness

Text:Ephesians 5:5,14-17, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Isaiah 60:1-5,11, 61:6-7

Even though the believer is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.(2 Corinthians 5:21)in his spirit man, it is the responsibility of the believer to work out practically and establish this righteousness(Isaiah 54:14) by being spiritually minded or Word of God minded and actively resisting the devil by faith in the Name of Jesus(1 Peter 5:8-9). The believer must gird the loins of his mind and be sober and watchful so that the enemy does not corrupt his mind(1 Peter 1:13,2 Corinthians 11:3).
our first two texts say we will have no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God if we are whoremongers,adulterers,fornicators,effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind,thieves, drunkards,revilers,extortioners, idolaters or unclean persons. We are warned not to be deceived by vain words(from teachers and preachers who say it does not matter) because the wrath of God comes upon the persons described.
The second text concludes that such ones are those who do not practise the righteousness they received from God in Christ at salvation.Christ will give us light comes as we awake from sleep and arise from the dead(carnality) to our responsibility(spirituality) to pracctise and bring forth the fruit of righteousness which is holiness in daily living.Righteousness exalts, and sin brings reproach(Proverbs 34:14)
Our inheritance are with held up with the gentiles and they will not come to us until we arise and shine , that is when Christ shall shine his light upon us.The riches of the gentiles shall come to us; the abundance of the sea and our gates shall be continaully open so that the riches or forces of the gentiles will continually pour into our lives so thatt we can win kmore souls and expand the knigdom of God in preparation for the Lord's coming to take His people home.Righteousness and holy living is the key that opens the door to your inheritancein Christ and in God.The alternative is to lose your inheritance and suffer like the prodigal son.God forbid!Jesus said "I will say depart from me ye that work iniquity, I know you not(Matthew 7:23).We are either working righteousness or working iniquity. There is no middle ground.
Therefore be hungry and awake to righteousness for the time to shine has come.Christ is ready to shine his light upon you, and the glory of the lord waiting to rise upon you(isaiah 30:18).Then,in time of famine and destruction you shall laugh when you are established in righteousness. God bless you as you walk daily side by side with the Lord Jesus in practical holiness-the fruit of righteousness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The practice of righteousness will exalt you.

Text:Proverbs 14:34, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:24, 6:12-18

Righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach.We become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as we believe in the finished work of the Cross and give our lives to serve Christ.The grace of God received through faith reign by righteousness(Romans 5:21). Our throne as kings and our altar as priests in Christ are established by righteousness. In fact it is an abomination for kings to do wickedness. It is the believer's responsibility to bear the fruit of righteousness which is holy living.Then blessings become a natural phenomenon.
Three things are important to our daily victorious living:
1.Our Character-Who we are inside dependent on what we look at , think and meditate on and believe we are.God has given us His Word and his son , Jesus Christ to look at continuously, think and meditate on and believe on to become like His Son Jesus Christ.
2.Our Conduct-What we do which physically is what we do but spiritually means who we have chosen honor and to love unconditionally, by what we give(loving others), how we live(our attitude) and how we give it(our motives either prideful or humble); specifically whom we have chosen to yield ourselves as servants to obey either God or righteousness or sin or the Devil. The actions are actually symptoms of our Conduct.Cain's work was evil because he offered God substabnce in the course of time(not first fruit)and that was under a curse, whereas Abel's work was righteous because he offered God substance that was acceptable and was first fruit(Genesis 4). Even though we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus it is the fruit or practice or maintenance of righteousness which is Christ centered or focused living that will distinguish us and produce blessings in our lives.
3.Our Conversation-What we say always will create our world.Our world moves in the direction of our words. What we say always is influenced by what we look at(our philospohy of life),what we think in our hearts and what we believe.So Our character and Conduct has a reflection onour words and therefore on our future and our destiny.
Our faith is judged by what we say and do. When we do and say the Word of God we liberated and blessing begin to flow into our lives and to people we related and connected.
Therefore daily:
a)Let us give thanks and worship God and rejoice because He made the day and have prepared blessings for us in Christ even before the foundation of the world.
b)Let us present our body to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable service(Romans 12:1)
c)Let us look and continue to look, study and meditate on the law of liberty to renew our minds(Romans 12:2)to know the perfect will of God for the day.Let us wait upon the Holy Spirit for instructions daily and obey them.(Romans 6:14,Proverbs 8:17)
d)Let us behold the glory of God the Father and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ consciously in His Word.(2 corinthians 3:18)
e)Let us put on the new man(spirit man) created in true holiness and righteousness(Ephesians 4:23-24) to clothe our body and then our soul(renew the spirit of our minds with the Word of God) through proclamations.
f)Let us put on the whole armor of God by
i)girding our minds with the truth of the Word of God under the guardianshup of the Bishop of our soul-Jesus Christ. Be spiritually or word of God minded . Avoid carnal mindedness:it will give an open door to the enemy to come and steal the word of God, kill our joy in the Lord and destroy our relationship with God and faith in God.
ii)Put on the breastplate of righteousness through our proclamations.
iii)Put on the helmet of salvation.
iv)Take the shield of faith: the Blood of Jesus in the Name of Jesus through proclamations and quench the fiery darts of the devil-sin, sickness, lack, poverty, oppression, depression, works of the flesh,lying, stealing,strife, quarelling, moral depravity, prayerlessness, hatred, bitterness etc
v)Take the sword of the spirit-the word of God and intercede for all saints continually in the spirit
vi) Then stand giving thanks always and continual praise to God in the Name of Jesus.

God bless you as we together walk in the Spirit bringing many unto righteousness in Christ into the kingdom and waiting for the arrival of our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer Jesus Christ to take us home.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Word of God connects us to The Author

Text: 2 corinthian 3:18

As we study the Word of God we must let it connect us to the Author of the Word . Until we connect to the Author behind the Word we cannot enjoy the benefits. Transformation of life comes as we behold the glory of Jesus Christ as by the Spirit of God as in a glass. God bless you

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Are You Truly Saved?

Text: Luke 13: 22-27

"Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able”-Luke 13:23-24.”For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved-Romans 10:13

In our text, Jesus said that many will seek to enter salvation and will not be able to. There are many reasons for this, but it is not because God refused salvation to anyone. "The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men . . ." (Titus. 2:11) and God "is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter. 3:9). Repentance means change of mind from our ways to God’s way of doing things as espoused by Jesus in the Word of God or else we are working in iniquity.

There is an effort involved in obtaining salvation. The effort is not for the purpose of earning salvation. That is a free gift (Romans. 5:15); but we do have to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy. 6:12). Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross and the grace of God (Jesus’ goodness) is what saves us - not our own goodness - and Satan is constantly trying to destroy our faith.(Luke 22:31-32). We have to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3). True salvation is not just mental assent, but a real heart-felt commitment that empowers us to walk in righteousness and constantly overcome the entreaties and trickery of the enemy to yield back to sinful living. Jesus saved us from sin, so we should not encourage or go back to it. Sin dethrones the believer from the position of kings and priests to the position of slaves and separates us from the Source of our blessings.(Galatians.4:1-3)
The grace (favor) for salvation can only reign in our lives through righteousness and reverence for God. (Romans 5:21). We become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus at salvation and it is our responsibility to walk according to our new nature in Christ by our dependence on the help of the Holy Spirit.(Romans 8:1,11)

1.Salvation is Reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ:2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Many people today think that going to church and associating with Christians will provide them with salvation. Some people think that they are Christians because their parents were. But salvation is having a personal relationship with the Lord. It is reconciliation with God, the Father through Jesus Christ. You cannot inherit salvation through the natural birth process. "You must be born again."
We can be rest assured that all those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (right standing with God) shall be filled (Matthew 5:6). "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."How can we be reconciled to God, and be redeemed from the power of Sin which separated us from God? You are redeemed by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Activity: If you are set for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Now I know I am born again!"

2.Spiritual Exercises for the truly born again Christian:1 Timothy 4:6-8,2 Timothy 2:19

Once you are born again there are certain regular exercises you need to do to maintain your relationship with Jesus Christ and make you stronger in the Lord and better coordinated to serve the Lord and enables you to enjoy the benefits of salvation under contention from the enemy. These include but not limited to:

a) Daily studying, praying the Word of God and Meditating the Word of God( 1 Timothy 4:13-15):This would make us shed our worldly concerns and grow closer to God which is where we want to be.

b) Regular scriptural fasting: This would enable us to take control of our physical and emotional urges and to take command of our bodies (1 Corinthian 9:27). Remember the flesh is warring against the spirit and they are contrary one to another.

c) Practice giving to the poor regularly: Sharing with the poor will help them and rid us of the desire to have things and for material wealth. It will increase the fruit of our righteousness (2 Cor. 9:8-10).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Make up your mind and Have a clear vision of who you want to be in life

Text: John 15:5,Luke 6:46-49,Matthew 7:24-28, Deuteronomy 30:19,

Every day be conscious and have a clear vision(think, believe and speak) of what you want to be or become tomorrow.What you become tomorrow is more of a function of who you believe which determines what you say, think or do.Our Savior had one consuming passion-to please God, the Father. Therefore His daily focus and consciousness was on and about the Father.His main goal was to seek and save humanity that was lost in the garden of Eden. The Father's pleasure ruled his words, thoughts and deeds.(John 8:29, 5:19). The Holy Spirit was on hand to fulfil His consuming passion to please the Father, because the Holy Spirit is given to them that obey Him(Acts 5:32, 13:2). He had the Holy Spirit without measure(John 3:34).We were all created to please God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ(Revelation 4:11)
We should have one consuming passion:to please Jesus Christ(John 15:5): to seeek and save those sinners that are lost(Luke 15:7,10) and restoration of backsliders or the dead back to life in the kingdom.(Luke 15:32). When we make up our minds and develop within us a clear vision of what we desire to be tomorrow:Christ-like in character, conduct and conversation(Romans 8:29-30) and pleasing God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit will be on hand to help us to achieve our goals and aspiration which is in reality the will of God for us.
Behind our clear VISION we should have a PURPOSE to bring it to tangible expression,and behind the purpose must be an unwavering FAITH that what we desire is already ours i.e. Christ-likeness and lost souls restored to the kingdom; and all we aspire daily is to take possession of it.(Mark 11:23-24) through unceasing prayer of faith.
God bless as you seriously and consciously consider why you are here in life and make the necessary conscious effort to do what pleases our Lord Jesus Christ and God, the Father.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Mind Set determines Your Living

Text: 1 Peter 1:13, 2 Corinthians 4:4,11:3, Romans 8:6

What you think about will determine what you believe, and what you believe will determine what you speak(Proverbs 23:7,2 Corinthians 4:13). It is instructive that we control our thoughts to be excellent and praise worthy -think on the Word of God, the triune God-God The Father, Lord Jesus Christ and the precious Holy Spirit;think on things that are true, honest, just ,pure, lovely and of good report-faith based thoughts(Phillipians 4:8).

The Devil fights to blind the mindsof unbelievers(2 Corinthians 4:4),to corrupt the thoughts and minds of believers(2 Corinthians 11:3) and to steal, kill or destroy our belief system or faith(John 10:10,Luke 22 vs 31-32).We have our faith in our spiritman as part of the fruit of the spirit which must be complimented with our faith or belief in our minds and consciousness to produce results. Faith held in a pure conscience delivers according to promises declared prophetically from the Word of God for our lives.(1 Timothy 1:19).

The state of our conscience or consciousness in our minds therefore determines the effectiveness or strength or productivity of our faith .The mystery of faith must be held in a pure, good conscience to produce.(1 Timothy 3:9). We must exercise ourselves to always have a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man for our faith to produce.(Acts 24:16)
Therefore we must girt the loins of our mind with truth of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:13, Ephesians 6:14) and be sober, watching for any negative intrusion into our minds, and casting down such words, thoughts and imaginations and replacing them with the Word of God(2 Corinthians 10:5-6), and having readiness to revenge every disobedience orchestrated by the enemy when your own obedience of faith is complete(Acts 6:7). That is our daily and moment by moment battle of life.

Once our mind can accept and receive the blessings throuugh faith, we then begin to experience it outwardly.
God bless you as you pray everyday for grace and mercy needed to be watchful and for your mind to be girt about with truth and for your conscience to be purified.(Hebrews 9:14, 13:20) and the grace to exercise scriptural faith in the finished work on the Cross.