Text:Ephesians 5:5,14-17, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Isaiah 60:1-5,11, 61:6-7
Even though the believer is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.(2 Corinthians 5:21)in his spirit man, it is the responsibility of the believer to work out practically and establish this righteousness(Isaiah 54:14) by being spiritually minded or Word of God minded and actively resisting the devil by faith in the Name of Jesus(1 Peter 5:8-9). The believer must gird the loins of his mind and be sober and watchful so that the enemy does not corrupt his mind(1 Peter 1:13,2 Corinthians 11:3).
our first two texts say we will have no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God if we are whoremongers,adulterers,fornicators,effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind,thieves, drunkards,revilers,extortioners, idolaters or unclean persons. We are warned not to be deceived by vain words(from teachers and preachers who say it does not matter) because the wrath of God comes upon the persons described.
The second text concludes that such ones are those who do not practise the righteousness they received from God in Christ at salvation.Christ will give us light comes as we awake from sleep and arise from the dead(carnality) to our responsibility(spirituality) to pracctise and bring forth the fruit of righteousness which is holiness in daily living.Righteousness exalts, and sin brings reproach(Proverbs 34:14)
Our inheritance are with held up with the gentiles and they will not come to us until we arise and shine , that is when Christ shall shine his light upon us.The riches of the gentiles shall come to us; the abundance of the sea and our gates shall be continaully open so that the riches or forces of the gentiles will continually pour into our lives so thatt we can win kmore souls and expand the knigdom of God in preparation for the Lord's coming to take His people home.Righteousness and holy living is the key that opens the door to your inheritancein Christ and in God.The alternative is to lose your inheritance and suffer like the prodigal son.God forbid!Jesus said "I will say depart from me ye that work iniquity, I know you not(Matthew 7:23).We are either working righteousness or working iniquity. There is no middle ground.
Therefore be hungry and awake to righteousness for the time to shine has come.Christ is ready to shine his light upon you, and the glory of the lord waiting to rise upon you(isaiah 30:18).Then,in time of famine and destruction you shall laugh when you are established in righteousness. God bless you as you walk daily side by side with the Lord Jesus in practical holiness-the fruit of righteousness.
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