Text:Proverbs 14:34, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:24, 6:12-18
Righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach.We become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as we believe in the finished work of the Cross and give our lives to serve Christ.The grace of God received through faith reign by righteousness(Romans 5:21). Our throne as kings and our altar as priests in Christ are established by righteousness. In fact it is an abomination for kings to do wickedness. It is the believer's responsibility to bear the fruit of righteousness which is holy living.Then blessings become a natural phenomenon.
Three things are important to our daily victorious living:
1.Our Character-Who we are inside dependent on what we look at , think and meditate on and believe we are.God has given us His Word and his son , Jesus Christ to look at continuously, think and meditate on and believe on to become like His Son Jesus Christ.
2.Our Conduct-What we do which physically is what we do but spiritually means who we have chosen honor and to love unconditionally, by what we give(loving others), how we live(our attitude) and how we give it(our motives either prideful or humble); specifically whom we have chosen to yield ourselves as servants to obey either God or righteousness or sin or the Devil. The actions are actually symptoms of our Conduct.Cain's work was evil because he offered God substabnce in the course of time(not first fruit)and that was under a curse, whereas Abel's work was righteous because he offered God substance that was acceptable and was first fruit(Genesis 4). Even though we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus it is the fruit or practice or maintenance of righteousness which is Christ centered or focused living that will distinguish us and produce blessings in our lives.
3.Our Conversation-What we say always will create our world.Our world moves in the direction of our words. What we say always is influenced by what we look at(our philospohy of life),what we think in our hearts and what we believe.So Our character and Conduct has a reflection onour words and therefore on our future and our destiny.
Our faith is judged by what we say and do. When we do and say the Word of God we liberated and blessing begin to flow into our lives and to people we related and connected.
Therefore daily:
a)Let us give thanks and worship God and rejoice because He made the day and have prepared blessings for us in Christ even before the foundation of the world.
b)Let us present our body to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable service(Romans 12:1)
c)Let us look and continue to look, study and meditate on the law of liberty to renew our minds(Romans 12:2)to know the perfect will of God for the day.Let us wait upon the Holy Spirit for instructions daily and obey them.(Romans 6:14,Proverbs 8:17)
d)Let us behold the glory of God the Father and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ consciously in His Word.(2 corinthians 3:18)
e)Let us put on the new man(spirit man) created in true holiness and righteousness(Ephesians 4:23-24) to clothe our body and then our soul(renew the spirit of our minds with the Word of God) through proclamations.
f)Let us put on the whole armor of God by
i)girding our minds with the truth of the Word of God under the guardianshup of the Bishop of our soul-Jesus Christ. Be spiritually or word of God minded . Avoid carnal mindedness:it will give an open door to the enemy to come and steal the word of God, kill our joy in the Lord and destroy our relationship with God and faith in God.
ii)Put on the breastplate of righteousness through our proclamations.
iii)Put on the helmet of salvation.
iv)Take the shield of faith: the Blood of Jesus in the Name of Jesus through proclamations and quench the fiery darts of the devil-sin, sickness, lack, poverty, oppression, depression, works of the flesh,lying, stealing,strife, quarelling, moral depravity, prayerlessness, hatred, bitterness etc
v)Take the sword of the spirit-the word of God and intercede for all saints continually in the spirit
vi) Then stand giving thanks always and continual praise to God in the Name of Jesus.
God bless you as we together walk in the Spirit bringing many unto righteousness in Christ into the kingdom and waiting for the arrival of our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer Jesus Christ to take us home.
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