Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mix faith with the Word of God for Profit

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7, Hebrews 4:2, 12:2

Whatever we do in the kingdom, whether praying ,fasting, confessions, giving etc, it must begin from inside our spirit man(heart), for God to be involved in it and must be founded on in the Word of God which produces a suoernatural force called faith that  moves God's hand in our favor.

Faith in the Word of God can also be seen as faith of God in us which is a gift(Ephesians 2:8-9) mixed with the word of God planted in our spirit. So without the Word of God being engrafted in our spirit (James 1:21), faith has nothing to work with. Jesus ,The Word of life in us working with the gift of faith in us produces the miracle.

The treasure is in the earthen vessel. Faith is of the inside. Until the word of God is planted in your spirit through meditation ; and you focus , look and wait on Jesus to build up your faith, and then mix the word of grace with faith there may be no miracle or grace or favor from God.

Sin condemns and dehrones, but Grace teaches and enthrones

Text: Romans 8:1-2, Galatians 4:1-6, Titus 2:11-14

Sin, which is external influence dethrones man from the miracle arena and makes him a toiler whereas the Spirit of grace which works from your inside and with your spirit(Galatians 5:18) makes you a believer- a faith man, the child of a faith God and enthrones in an arena of daily miraculous living. Alleluia.

 It is your choice to either enthrone self effort to obey the commandments or enthrone the spirit of grace by following Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to do the commandments.

In both scenarios you are a child of God; but with the former you are a servant even though you are an heir with Jesus and therefore subject to the inclement weather and sufferings of the world-sin, sickness, poverty, lack etc., because you are under the works of the law but with the latter, you are a son and then an heir, and you are experiencing constant miraculous and supernatural exploits because you are under grace.(Galatians 4:1-6) Sin cannot have dominion over you (Romans 6:14).

In fact temptations are actually your route to stardom and supernatural exploits (James 1:2,12).

Whilst the child(believer under the works of the law) will be complaining and murmuring because of temptations, sons are counting all joy , because they see temptations as a route and source of blessings as they are awaiting a crown of life, Alleluia(James1:2,120. After Jesus was tempted He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14)

 The commandments to obey through self effort are the works of the law including the ten commandments engraved in tables of stones and 600 of do’s and don’ts which ministers death and condemnation to the practitioners if they fail in one of them and makes Jesus of no effect(2 Corinthians 3:3-7,James 2:10, Galatians 5:4)

The commandment to do and follow through the Spirit of grace includes believing on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ and loving one another as He gave us commandment(1 John 3:23, Galatians 5;14) which is the epistle of Christ written with the Spirit of  the living God in fleshy tables of the heart(2 Corinthians 3:3)

When you follow the Holy Spirit in your daily activities through prayers, meditation and word study, you are under grace based on the word of God.(Hebrews 4:15-16), 13:5-6).

When you follow your senses and other people based on your intellect  or externalities, you are under the law.(Romans 8:14)

How can the believer work in the supernatural miracle realm?

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7, Haggai 2:6-9

God is a miracle working God, and has put in the believer the miracle working capacity that enable him to be a witty inventor and discover many great things-computers, internet, airplane, electricity etc.Believers who work from their inside(their spirit) out are partnering with God to work miracles. Believers who work from outside(their flesh) can never be miracle workers. God partners with the believer from the inside to change the outside world.

 As long as the believer allows his spirit to dominate the flesh through praying without ceasing or regular praying coupled with fasting as and when led by the Spirit, he will walk in the supernatural, miracle realm. Otherwise if the believer does pray regularly i.e. prayerless which allows his mind or intellect to dominate his spirit, the believer will suffer the shaking of nations instead of the latter house which God says will be more glorious than the former and will be full of silver and gold.(Haggai 2:6-9)

More Prayers, More blessings and More Power

Text: Matthew 7:7-11, Isaiah 49:15, Romans 8:32,  James 5:16

The more we pray continuously, the more Christ supplies us  continuously with His Spirit (Luke 11:13) and the more we pray continuously , the more faith He sees and finds in us continuously and He continuously supplies us with our needs(Luke 18:8), the more we pray continuously, the more power we receive continuously.

The key word here is continual praying which is emphasized in Luke 11:8 as ‘importunity’ and in Luke 18:7 as “cry day and night unto God”. We are admonished in 2 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing”.

The enemy of our soul and destiny accuses the believer before God day and night (Revelation 12:10), and the believer must give our Advocate, Our Lord Jesus Christ our prayers and our claim for justice day and night to win the battle  in the Courts of our God. God says to the believer, bring forth your strong reasons in the Court(Isaiah 41:21).

Our spirit man has been reborn and inhabited by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and cannot sin because the seed of God remains there and is sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.(John 3:5, Ephesians 1:13, 4:24)

Our souls have been purchased but not yet redeemed.Our souls are in sin before God without the atoning Blood of Jesus cleansing us. (Romans 11:32, James 2:10, 4:17), because we are being renewed day by day and being transformed from glory to g;lory into the image of Christ by the Spirit of God. Sometimes our mind, emotions ,will and conscience yield to the flesh and we sin.The scriptures posits that "the end of our faith is the salvation of our souls".(1 Peter 1:9).

We also do well to bring our body under subjection(1 Corinthians 9:27), but occasionally we falter.Apostles Paul admonishes us to gird our mind with diligence.

We therefore must plead the Blood of Jesus in prayers(1 John 1:7, Hebrews 9:22,12:24)continuously or as often as we can and bring our testimonies of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross before the Judge of the Universe to keep the enemy off our backs and not give him opportunity to steal our faith(Ephesians 4:27, Jeremiah 20:10-11, 1 Peter 5:7-9).

Remember Christ is in you, from whom you expect God's glory or God's miracle working power.(Colossians 1:27) as you pray and worship Him. Shalom.

Wait on Jesus Christ for Your Miracle

Text: Galatians 3:5

Jesus Christ , Our Savior ministers to the believer: the Holy Spirit and Miracles(God's favor or grace continuously as He hears your faith in Him.(Hebrews 8:2,7:22). As you focus and wait on Him, He will exchange your challenges for blessings and give you faith to overcome your challenges and receive your miracles.

Other texts:Phillipians 1:19, Isaiah 30:18,40:28-31,64:4

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is The Finished work of Christ effective in your life?

Text: Galatians 5:3-5, Collosians 1:20-22

Man that is born into this life that depends totally on God's favor and omnipotence to survive, because the earth, it's fullness and all that is therein  belong to God.(Psalm 24:1).Favor of God distinguishes men and nations.It is righteousness that exalts a nation, sin (the debts owed God) is a reproachto any people(Proverbs 14:34). By strength shall no prevail(1 Samuel 2:9).

The children of Israel prevailed in all their sojourn through God's favor.(Exodus 12:36, Psalm 44:3).What qualifies us for favor is our right standing with God(righteousness), which is made possible when we pay the debts we owe God due to our sins.the psalmist says in Psalm 5:12 that God will bless the righteous and compass him about with favour like a shield.

Since the fall of man, God hath concluded every man a sinner so that He may have mercy on man.(Romans 11:32).We cannot pay the debts of our sins to God  and be in right standing with God to receive and enjoy God's divine favor, through circumcision or obeying the ten commandments and over 600 other laws(that is we cannot be justfied by works or obedience to these laws and commandments).

If we choose obedience to these laws  and circumcision as a means of paying the debt we owe God to be in right standing with Him and enjoy His divine favor, we have to obey ALL the laws and commandments without failing in any one of them, which is impossible.The bible say if we fail in one we fail in all.(James 2:10).And our text tells us if we go via the route of  the works of the law, we make Christ of no effect in our lives and are fallen from grace.

Howbeit if we place our trust and belief solely on the vicarious death of Christ on the cross of calvary and the shedding of His blood to atone for our sins and  as complete and final payments for the debts we owe God due to our past, present and future sins against God(that is justification by faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross and faith in the blood of Jesus) we will be in right standing before God to receive His favor that would unleash immeasurable blessings into our lives through our Lord Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. Under these circumstances, Christ and His grace is made effectual in our lives and we start enjoying the benefits of the Cross of Christ.

Our text tells us that what is therefore needed now is only our faith in the blood of Jesus as sufficient payments of the debts we owe God and activating this faith through words, thoughts and deeds of  love because faith works by love to enjoy right standing with God to receive His favor.(Galatians 5:6).

The resultant effect and impact of grace on our lives will be walking in the newness of life and holiness; and abounding in goods works by the help of the Holy Spirit.(Romans 6:4,22;Ephesians 2:10, 2 Corinthians 9:8)

Our consciousness of this basis for our justification creates a flow of God's blessings, inspiration and direction into every area of  our lives, and we are transformed into the same image of Christ from glory to glory as by the Spirit of God.(2 Corinthians 9:8)

May the Holy Spirit give us more understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.

The Christian is part of the seed of Abraham-Jesus Christ

Text:EphesiaRomans 4:13, 8:17, Acts 17:28, Galatians 2:20

From our text, God before the foundation chose every man in His Son,Jesus Christ to be holy and without blame before him in love.We are only accepted by God in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit baptised us into Christ when we became born again(1 Corinthians 12:13,Galatians 3:27), and we have put on Christ as the clothing of our spirit man and therefore should not make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof.(Romans 13:14).

The Christian is a member of the body of Christ, of His flesh and of His bones(Ephesians 5;30,
1 Corinthians 12:27).

God sees the Christian inside Christ chosen before the foundation of the world. So on the cross, the christian was inside the loins of Christ spiritually just like the jews were in the loins of Abraham.(Romans 6:3,Hebrews 7:5). On the cross our old man is crucified with Christ that the body of sin might be destroyed,that henceforth we should not serve sin, but rather be servants of righteousness and servants to God(romans 6:6,18-22), and bear fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life.

God had sworn and made Abraham and his seed the heir of the world through the righteousness of faith which speaketh(Romans 4:13, 10:5).Isaac is like the Christian, a part of the seed(Galatians 4:28), in Christ are heirs according to the promise.

The promise to be the heir of the world was made to Abraham and his seed, and not to seeds as of many, but as of one seed.Abraham had one seed. Jesus Christ is the only seed of Abraham(Galatians 3:16).

Isaac, the Jews and all believers are joint heirs with Christ and therefore seed of Abraham and are seen as part of Christ by God, the Father. Therefore the whole world belong to Christ; and also to the Jews and Christians baptised into Christ; and in and through Christ, the believer receives, takes and enjoy God's bountiful blessings. Jesus Christ is our Source , and God, the Father is His Source.Alleluia.We are complete in Christ.(Collosians 2:10) As He is in this world so we are in this world(1 John 4:17).All things are ours; we are Christ's and Christ is God's.(1 Corinthians 3:21-23). In Christ we are righteous, redeemed, sanctified, full of wisdom, full of knowledge, anointed and full of power.(1 Corinthians 1:24,30).

That is the way God sees us. That is the way we get our needs met-in and through Christ. That is heaven's protocol for the Christian.All we need for life and godliness are in Christ. God demonstrated this during the sojourn of Isrealites to and from the promised land. The manna they ate, the Rock Moses struck that gave water which they drank from were actually Jesus and Jesus crucified.

Through the Cross of Christ where we receive mercy through the blood of Jesus and help from the Spirit of grace from the throne of grace. God sees us in Christ. All that is Christ is ours. The more we are conscious of this truth and behold Jesus Christ through prayers, praises, scripture reading, study, meditation, confession, seeing the word of grace in our minds as pictures and listening to the instructions of the Spirit of grace and promptly obeying and confessing or declaring the rhema word from the Holy Spirit seen in our minds, the more our needs are met and we are transformed from glory to glory(Genesis 13:15, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 4:18)

Alleluia, glory to God in the highestSshalom. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding, give you the grace to make the right choices and bless you richly, Amen

Monday, April 9, 2012

Harvesting Seed Sown:Puting Pressure on the Seed to Produce

Text:Genesis 8:22, Galatians 6:7, Romans 4:17,  Hebrews 4:2

From our text, God had put down a spiritual law to guide every area of life for all  mankind- the law of seed time and harvest:'Be not deceived, God is not mocked:what soever a man sows , that shall he also reap;"........ seed time and harvest shall not cease as long as the earth remaineth.....".

Jesus Christ our Lord is the Seed of Abraham(Galatians 3:16).God sowed His only begotten son as seed (Genesis 3:15).God put pressure on the seed sown by continually declaring the word of promise through the mouths of His prophets and servants until it became a reality,when the word was made flesh-Jesus Christ(John 1:14)

The Bible is a book of seeds.The seed is the word of God(Luke 8:11). The  sower soweth the word(Mark 4:14)

Every word spoken, something thought about, or action  or deed done are seeds sown into that situation or circumstances.

If the word , thoughts or deed align with the word of God(that aligns with the word of God-"He hath said,..........that we may boldly say", something thought about or meditated on that gives us a picture of what we need) : that is sowing to the Spirit(John 6:63, Ezekiel 2:2, Ephesians 6:17) then they will produce abundant life, peace and life everlasting or if sown to the flesh(contrary to the word of grace and works of the law), they will produce hardship and corruption.

So we put pressure on the seed we have sown by continually declaring the word of His grace or divine promises concerning the seed sown until manifestation.

You have been giving tithe and offerings and you have not reaped the harvest: continue to thank God for the harvest and put pressure on the tithe and offering seed sown by declaring Phillipians 4:19 until the word becomes abundant and is manifested into a harvest.

You have prayed for healing and you have not received the healing:continue to thank God for the healing  and put pressure on the prayer seed sown by declaring either of 1st Peter 2:24, or  Isaiah 53:5, or Matthew 8:17  until the word becomes abundant  and is manifested into a harvest.

Summary: Plant the seed(word, thought or action in alignment with God's word) and continue to pressure the seed by thanking God and declarring the word of grace pertaining to the seed until the harvests manifest.

Shalom and God bless you richly. Alleluia.