Monday, December 27, 2010

Change Your World By speaking the Word of God from your Mouth

Text:Mark 11:23-24, Romans 10:9

The year 2010 is coming to an end.Thank God for His mercies and grace in our lives.Have you prayed and have not experienced any result may be for years or weeks or months or for some time now.Remember we cannot be effective witness if our lives do not show a new life borne out of our encounter with Christ.Our lives more than our words or preaching is the epistle men are reading.Any person with a challenge who encountered Christ receive a solution.Christ in us cannot share his glory with any other stranger. It is the position of believers to ensure this by our intolerance of any negative situation in our lives or around us.The world is waiting and groaning for our manifestations as sons and daughters of God.

From our texts, God expects us to remove the mountain first and then release our faith in prayers and then acknowledge that our answer has come, and then we will have it.He said for every one that asketh receiveth if we did not ask amiss as in James 4:3.

If we have not yet received our inherited blessings in Christ, we are to use our mouths to speak against any mountain standing against our receipt of our blessings.The word of God in your mouth is the sword of the spirit and when you confess the word of faith(agree in your words), you cut out what you don't desire in your life especially the obstacles and the strangers in your life.The word of God is fire, hammer, stone and burns out obstacles,grinds to powder obstructions and scatters adversaries.There is no limit to the ability contained in the word of God in your mouth.Jesus said in Luke 21:15 that i have given you mouth and wisdom which no adversary or mountain can gainsay.

The secret is to keep proclaiming and acting on the word of God and the desired change will come. Job said in Job 14:14 i will wait until my desired change come.
Keep saying it -declare the answer in the word and speak against the mountains and praise and thank God continually for the answer already provided in Christ and victory is assured. You can start right now.Do not tolerate the obstacle. Remove it with the ammunitions(the word of God) released from your mouth, and keep declaring the answer and thanking God as acknowledgement.God bless

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Solution to that Challenge is in the Word of God

Text: Proverbs 4:20-22, 24:13-14, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3, Revelation 1:3
The purpose of this teaching is to learn the answer to our challenges in life are in the Word of God. Jesus Christ is the Answer. Jesus Christ is the living word of God. Everything under the Word of God and is created to obey the Word of God. Through the finished work of the Cross and the grace of God, everything was placed under the Living Word(Ephesians 1:22-23.Matthew 28:20). God has given us a sure way to receive the answers to our problems and challenges. It is His Word. Every answer or solution we need is found in the Bible. Many believers are not walking victoriously in certain areas of their lives.
This is because the devil continuously wages a war of distraction against them in their faith walk. He manages to take them away from the one thing that can bring them victory — the Word of God. He will do everything possible to prevent them from opening the Bible because he knows that the Word of God will deliver them. Even when they open, He makes sure they do not meditate in order to obey nor listen to what the Holy Spirit is teaching them from the Word of God.
The distraction can be very subtle: A lot of things to get done outside the Word of God or it may take the form of a challenge that makes you feel that you need to focus all your attention on it. The enemy knows that if he can get you to take your eyes off the Word of God, he can keep you from winning the battle.
When you are going through a challenging situation, it is not enough to know that God has the answer and pray a wordless prayer, expecting He would answer. God said “bring forth your strong reasons”(Isaiah 41:21) and He only hastens to perform His Word(Jeremiah 1:12). Therefore find the scripture in which God has promised the solution. Meditate on it until the truth of that scripture is revealed to you in your spirit (the habitation of your faith) and becomes part of your inner consciousness to build up and mix with your faith. When you then release the wisdom of God(Word of God mixed with your faith) from your mouth, the testimony will be assured as no adversary can gainsay against you.(Luke 21:15) .When you do this, no devil can prevent that Word from God from bearing fruit in your life.
Let the Word of God abide in you and the answer will come forth. Even Jesus Himself used the Word to defeat the devil in the wilderness — “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) The way to defeat the enemy is with “It is written…”There is no substitute for the written Word. God tells us that we will find life and health if we give our attention to His Word by reading and hearing the Word, and keep it in the midst of our hearts through meditation, thinking and imagination. So get into the Word and let God’s promises abide in your spirit and mind, and the solution to the challenge will not be farfetched.

2.Speak Boldly to the Challenge and to God-Hebrews 4:16, 13:5-6; Mark 11:23-24; Psalm 103:20
Take the word out of your spirit and speak it. Let the angels take the word and do exploit with the Word of God. Wait patiently and assuredly for the answer. While waiting continue to give God praise and worship God to strengthen your faith that will receive and quench the fiery dart of the devil standing against your blessing

3. Prayer : In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I commit to make the Word of God priority in my daily living. I believe the Word of God is the answer to every challenge in life
I receive grace to read, study, meditate and follow what the Word of God says
Therefore daily I will seek from the Lord the Word for me to prevail and overcome. My body belongs to God. I’ve got authority in the Word of God over Satan, the world and the flesh. I know it, And God knows it. I hold fast to the Word I have received until I see the manifestations in Jesus Name.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Your heart and Mind Must Agree for Inheritance to Manifest

Text: Acts 20:32, Galatians 5:22, Romans 12:2-3

When a believer faces a problem or a challenge, the spirit of faith in the heart received at salvation (Galatians 5:22, Romans 12:3) rises up looking for the Word of God to mix with to bring forth a solution ,blessing or testimony based on the inheritance from the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the grace of God through Christ Jesus as espoused in the gospel(Hebrews 4:2).

Once we release our faith from our hearts through words, action, behavior or thoughts, the mind like a computer starts searching for the Word of God that hath earlier been deposited or stored there through reading, study, confession and meditation on the word of God. The mixing of both Word and Faith brings the profit or the desired solution or blessing.

It is therefore important that the heart and mind agree with the Word of God to release the benefits and profit of salvation and bring forth the manifestation of our inheritance in Christ. God bless you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Know Who you are in Christ To Overcome Any Addiction in Your Life

Text: James 1:23-25

The Bible in Hosea 4:6 says my people perish for lack of knowledge of Who they are ,What they are to do and How they are to do it. Our text says the Word of God is like a mirror. When we look in the Word, we don’t see ourselves the way the Devil says we are or other people say we are, but the way God says we are. Our text tells us that when we go to the mirror we see what God says we are, and when we walk away, we forget who we are according to the Word of God and do not practice to do the Word of God, and thereby allowing iniquity to prevail in our lives
Many interpret this to mean, that our sinfulness are highlighted by the Word of God. But looking at it in a better way is to see ourselves in the mirror of the Word of God as God sees us.

God doesn’t see our failures and sin; He sees the Blood of Jesus. God sees us healed without sickness. God sees us free without bondage. God sees us full of joy without sorrow. God sees us as winners and not losers. God sees us rich and not poor. God sees us holy and not sinful.

We take a look at the mirror of the Word of God, and forget what we saw and plead the negative situation or problem, and we plead guilt and condemnation thereby empowering the enemy.
Instead we should plead the blood of Jesus always as our access to our blessings in the Name of Jesus. When the Son of God sets us free we are free indeed. We should claim the blood of Jesus for our lives as the antidote to all problems.

To the drug addict, to the smoker, to the adulterer, we can boldly say: though they have said or tried several times to overcome their addiction to no avail in their own strength, because they had no willpower in themselves, but now in Christ Jesus their will power has been restored and redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. They can now claim the blood of Jesus for their freedom and victory over those uncontrollable habits in Jesus Name. This is because when Jesus sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane, our willpower was redeemed and given back to us.

All we have to do is to say “Father, I give you my will. I submit my will to the great IAM, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my life” and Jesus Christ will strengthen your will to do His will and the addiction will have to give way in Jesus Name, Amen.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Text; Isaiah 54:1-17,53:5, Galatians 4:27, Habakkuk 3:17-19

In our text, God’s Word says to those who are experiencing barrenness in any area of their lives to rejoice and “sing O barren”. Why should God admonish the barren to rejoice when she or he is under a humiliating and frustrating situation in his or her life? For the avoidance of doubt , barrenness here covers all facets of our physical, soulish and spiritual life, where there is no fruit bearing. It could be in soul winning (Romans 1:13); in holiness (Romans 6:22); in righteousness (Hebrews 12:11); in love (Galatians 5:22-23); in our lips –giving continual thanks and praise to God and our Lord Jesus(Hebrews 13:15); in our mouth (Proverbs 18:20, 13:2, 12:14), in our body(Psalm 127:3,92:14);in our labor(1 Corinthians.15:58); in knowledge (Hosea 4:6); in our thoughts (Jeremiah 6:19), of our hands or the ground(Proverbs 12:14, Genesis 4:3) This is because in Isaiah 53:5 the Bible says “the chastisement for our peace (blessing, completeness, healing etc) was laid upon Jesus.

All these benefits and blessings are ours because Jesus was punished on the Cross of Calvary for our sins, transgression and iniquity of ourselves and our fore-fathers which gave rise to barrenness and sickness in our lives, and He paid with His precious blood on the Cross to redeem us from these curses so that we do not bear the yoke and burden of barrenness anymore as members of the body of Christ(Galatians 3:13-14, 1 John 2:2).

So The Lord wants us to look at our lives and in any area where there is barrenness for us ,to start rejoicing as if the fruit we desire to see was already with us. We should begin to think, speak and act as if the barrenness is no more. Faith calleth those things which are not as though they were, and declares the end from the beginning(Romans 4:17, Isaiah 46:10)

We should start planning what we would do when our desired blessings are manifested physically. God says, “Rejoice because you are prosperous in Christ.” In Christ, you are already blessed with every spiritual blessing, including prosperity etc. (Ephesians 1:3) “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)

If you are sick, start rejoicing now in your healing because Jesus has already borne your diseases and carried your pains, and by His stripes you have already been healed. (Isaiah 53:4–5, 1 Peter 2:24)

Whatever barren situation you are in, rejoice and tell God, “Father, because of the sacrifice of Your Son on the Cross of Calvary and the redemptive blood shared for my sake, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. You have already given me everything. Therefore I am going to start to think, speak and act like it is so and rejoice!” until the manifestation of my blessing comes.

As you rejoice in the Lord you will be established in righteousness (Isaiah 54 vs.14) and even though the adversary may gather together against you, they will fall for your sake (Isaiah 54:15) and no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper and any mouth that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.This is our heritage in Christ and our righteousness is of me saith the Lord (Isaiah 54:17).

God bless you as you rejoice in the Lord continually in this season of thanksgiving. Our God is good and worthy of our praises.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Abundant Life in Christ manifests through LOVE for God and Others

Text: John 3:16; 1 John 3:15, 4:7-8; Matthew 22:37-40; 1 Corinthians 2:9,13:2; John 14:15

God’s power flows towards and manifests in our lives when we think, say and do or walk in love with god and then with man. When we walk in love, it is a proof that we are genuinely connected to God. And when we are connected to the source of blessing, the blessings begin to flow.
Everyone who walks in hatred is disconnected from the source of life. That means he is like a branch that has been cut off from the vine. He has no life in him so everything around him is bond to wither and die off.(John 3:15, 4:7)

Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40:…thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Everything in the kingdom: faith, grace, power, praise, healing, salvation, sanctification, Holy Spirit and gifts etc are predicated on love. That means nothing works without love, especially love for God and for your neighbor. Therefore we should let love for God by our first priority. Let it be the basis for everything we do. If we love God for who He is, He will abundantly bless us. If we are only seeking miracles from God and not seeking God Himself, we will remain stranded for a long time and our blessings will be delayed. The unmerited favor of God is reserved for believers who genuinely love God -1 Corinthians 2:9

The evidence that we love God and the true meaning of love for God is to obey Him in all things. Jesus said, If ye love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15.
And what is His commandment: That we should believe on the Name of his Son, Jesus Christ and love one another as He gave us commandment.-1 John 3:23
Jesus said : By this shall men know that ye are my disciples if ye love one another-John 13:35

Love is a commandment and the fulfillment of the whole law. If we love God and our neighbor, we have fulfilled the whole law and we will experience God’s manifest presence, grace, mercy and favor in our lives.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seek and be hungry for the presence of God

Text: Proverbs 27:7, Leviticis 9:6, 2 Chronicles 12:14

Our text says if we are hungry for God(focus our attention on God and His Word and look away friom our challenges), bitter things in our lives will be turned to sweet.When we obey God's command , the glory of God will appear to us(Leviticus 9:6)
Rehoboam in 2 Chronicles 12:14 did evil because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord. Until we make up our minds and consciously , moment by moment prepare our heart to seek the Lord, we will fall into sinful habits.(Amos 4:12)

Therefore God requests us to give him our hearts.(Proverbs 23:26).God is the preparer of our hearts(Proverbs 16:1), but it is our responsibility to voluntarily and willingly give God our hearts so that He can prepare it to be a good ground ready for harvest of blessings.

One of the principal ways of doing this is by singing psalms and praises, worshipping God and giving thanks and making melody in our hearts. The gates of heaven and the court of heaven require singing songs of thanksgiving and praises to open them.(Psalm 100:1-4)

God bless you as you engage your heart in this season of thanksgiving-Jeremiah 30:19a harvest of blessings will be your portion by the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus Name, Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Giving thanks to Jesus Christ releases the power of God through Faith

Text: Hebrews 13:15-16, 1 Peter 1:5, Romans 4:20


The natural response to the supply of unconditional favor or grace to us is THANK YOU JESUS. Our text in the Amplified version says we are offering sacrifices to God like the burnt offerings of bullocks offered to GOD by King Solomon in 1 Kings 3:3-14 and Prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 7:7-10 which provoked God's immediate response to bless and to deliver Israel respectively and as advised by Prophet Hosea in Hosea 14:2 to engender the outpouring of God's blessings as a way out of iniquity which made Israel to fall and suffer shame.


Friday, October 22, 2010

The Name of Jesus is the Answer to Our Needs

Text: Acts 3:4-6,12,16, Collosians 3:17
Many believers are seeking for power to live a holy life and power to serve God, to work miracles , signs and wonders.
However in our text, Apostle Peter in Acts 3:12 was explaining the secret behind the miracle of healing the lame at the gate called Beautiful. He said the power that healed the lame did not come from him or was due to his holiness: but rather due to his faith in the Name of Jesus. In Acts 3:6, Peter said I do not have silver and gold, but such as I have give I thee ; and all that I have including but not limited to power to heal is loaded in the Name of Jesus.The Name of Jesus which Peter possessed did the miracle, not Peter; because Peter placed his faith in the name of Jesus(that is trust and unwavering confidence in the authority and power loaded in the name of Jesus).
Until the believer understands his relationship with the Name of Jesus, He cannot operate in victory. For example, the scriptures tell us in 2 Timothy 2:19 " they that name the name of Lord must depart from iniquity". The Bible also tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:11 " that ye are washed, ye are sanctified and ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.The Bible also says in James 5:14 that as the elders of the Church anoint the sick with oil in the name of the Lord, the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Spirit of God will raise him up and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.We see the name of Jesus has the combo action of forgiving sins, washing, sanctifying, justifying and also performing the miracle of healing. God says in Genesis 15:1, He is our shield and our exceeding great reward.So Jesus is our exceeding great reward and our shield.Therefore the believer has the right and priviledge to use the Name of Jesus because:
1.The Name belongs to the family of God and the birthright of believers.
2.The believer is baptized into the Name of Jesus
3.The believer has the Power of Attorney to use the Name from Our Lord Jesus Christ
4.The believer is commissioned to herald the Name of Jesus to the world
Our help (mercy and grace) is in the Name of Jesus(Psalm 124:8). The mercy from the Name of Jesus ensures that we do not receive the purnishment we deserve for the wrong we have done; and grace ensures that we receive benefits and favor that we do not deserve, all because of what Jesus hath done for us on The Cross.
There are wonders in the Name of Jesus. Begin right now to enjoy the blessings and provisions in the Name of Jesus. God bless you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Text:Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29, John 17:24

You were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world , not by your merit, but because you accepted Christ as personal Lord and received Him as Saviour and Redeemer through the foreknowledge and predestination of God.

Christ was chosen by God as His only begotten Son and all those who are "in Christ" partake of His being chosen by His Father. Just as we are the beneficiaries of the covenant between God the Father and His Son Jesus, so we are chosen because we chose Christ as Lord and Savior.The Father would no more reject us than He would reject Jesus because we are accepted by the Father through Christ.Rejection only comes when we approach Abba Father in any other way apart from Jesus Christ because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.There is no other way or name by which man can be saved except through Christ.

No man can claim that he is without blame in the sight of men because man looks on the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7) because man judges wholly by what we do and all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23). But the Lord looks on our born-again spirit which has been regenerated in Christ and He sees us holy and without blame.He judges by whether we believe in His Son or not, to justify us as righteous.To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly,his faith is counted for righteousness.(Romans 4:5)

God looks at us through Christ and everything in our life becomes covered by the blood of Jesus. We are holy and without blame before Him because of His love expressed through His Son.(Romans 11:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17,21)

When our faith is in Christ and His finished work on the Cross, then it becomes easy to work righteously before Him bearing the fruit of holiness, because the strength of sin is the law or condemnation(1 Corinthians 15:56).In Christ we have all the nercies and graces we need for our daily living.
Call unto God today in the Name of Jesus and receive your blessing.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Text:3 John 2, John 10:10, Philipians 4:19, 1 corinthians 3:23
Everything we see was created from the spiritual realm by God.Man's physical lack has it's roots in spiritual poverty. Any blessing outside God through Jesus Christ will ultimately destroy because the origin is darkness.The prosperity of fools(those who do not believe God or rely on self effort shall destroy them(Proverbs 1:23).
Our text tells us that man can prosper and be in good health in proportion to the prosperity of his soul.The prosperity of our soul is hinged on the fruit of righteousness we produce-holy living. Man that is born into this world is born into trouble according to Job.In fact man is in captivity and needs deliverance.That is no matter how educated or knowledgeable, rich or wealthy a man may be, he finds himself inextricably tied to some vices. Man desires and is in dire need of freedom of his spirit and soul , and needs help and power to remain in that freedom.
God saw the needs of man to be free and the need for [power to keep his freedom against the wiles of the enemy.
Man can therefore be said to have two great spiritual needs that will answer all other pecuniary needs of man.
1.One is Love through forgiveness.
After man fell from grace, it became difficult to be restored into his original glory. Man was bound by cords of sin (Proverbs 5:22), cords of affliction (Job 36:8-10), cords of wickedness of Satan and evil spirits (Psalm 129:4-5, Ephesians 6:12), cords of vanity through which iniquities are drawn (Isaiah 5:18, Acts 14:15). No matter what education, resources, ability, riches, and endowment a man has, he finds himself inexplicably bound to some vices. His inner being consciously or unconsciously longs for freedom from these vices. The soul of man is crying desperately for help to be free from sin; from sickness or affliction, poverty; from wickedness of evil spirits and Satan; from diverse vanities. The result of these bondages is that the former and latter rain of blessings reserved for mankind by the loving Almighty God and our Father in heaven are turned away and good things are withheld from man.(Jeremiah 5:25) The only way out of these bondages is for God to love us so much by taking away these burdens and breaking the cords, which holds us down through unforgiveness for our sins and we not forgiving others who have hurt us.
God heard this first cry for help, that cry for forgiveness and answered it at the Cross of Calvary through a Savior (Acts 13:22-23, 26, 38). God sent His only Son into the world to die for our sins, so that we might be forgiven. This is a gift for us-Gods’ gift of salvation. This gift is available for everyone who truly admits he has fallen short of Gods’ original glory for man and sinned; ask for forgiveness and repents (makes a choice and a decision to turn way from his sins) and puts his faith in the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary as representing his old sinful self crucified with Christ, died and buried with Christ, and the new man rising with Christ and by faith is seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of the Father, God Almighty. It is for everyone who reaches out and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.Paul called it Gods’ indescribable gift (2Corinthians 9: 15)
2.Power to remain free and attain and enjoy God's goodness:
The second need of man is for goodness and blessings of good attitude, character, conduct, and manifestation of abundant life of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness and self control; provision-material (food, material, shelter, money), physical (good health, food, family) and spiritual, and protection from evil and wickedness in this world and finally for us to secure a place to LIVE with Him in eternity. All effort by man to attain this goodness and blessings failed, and met with hard labor and untold suffering yet with the inner longing of the soul remaining unsatisfied.
God heard our second cry for help, to attain goodness and blessings and answered it at Pentecost. At Pentecost God gave us another gift-the great gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 38). Our Father in heaven does not want us after receiving forgiveness for our sins to remain and live a life of defeat, discouragement and denial, but rather that we fulfill all our desires for goodness and the work of faith in Christ Jesus with power so that the name of our lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us and we in Him according to the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12). The Holy Spirit meets our needs to overcome our weaknesses to be really good and overcome our human frailties and live according to the Will of God as stated in the Scriptures in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.
Any man that makes the choice and decides to appropriate these two gifts including the work of the Son of God for us; and the work of the Spirit of God in us would live a life pleasing to God here on earth and would be assured of a place in heaven with our Father. Such a person will not only be blessed, but also be a blessing to other families on the earth as God originally planned it to be.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Your inheritance in the kingdom is dependent on your practise of righteousness

Text:Ephesians 5:5,14-17, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Isaiah 60:1-5,11, 61:6-7

Even though the believer is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.(2 Corinthians 5:21)in his spirit man, it is the responsibility of the believer to work out practically and establish this righteousness(Isaiah 54:14) by being spiritually minded or Word of God minded and actively resisting the devil by faith in the Name of Jesus(1 Peter 5:8-9). The believer must gird the loins of his mind and be sober and watchful so that the enemy does not corrupt his mind(1 Peter 1:13,2 Corinthians 11:3).
our first two texts say we will have no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God if we are whoremongers,adulterers,fornicators,effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind,thieves, drunkards,revilers,extortioners, idolaters or unclean persons. We are warned not to be deceived by vain words(from teachers and preachers who say it does not matter) because the wrath of God comes upon the persons described.
The second text concludes that such ones are those who do not practise the righteousness they received from God in Christ at salvation.Christ will give us light comes as we awake from sleep and arise from the dead(carnality) to our responsibility(spirituality) to pracctise and bring forth the fruit of righteousness which is holiness in daily living.Righteousness exalts, and sin brings reproach(Proverbs 34:14)
Our inheritance are with held up with the gentiles and they will not come to us until we arise and shine , that is when Christ shall shine his light upon us.The riches of the gentiles shall come to us; the abundance of the sea and our gates shall be continaully open so that the riches or forces of the gentiles will continually pour into our lives so thatt we can win kmore souls and expand the knigdom of God in preparation for the Lord's coming to take His people home.Righteousness and holy living is the key that opens the door to your inheritancein Christ and in God.The alternative is to lose your inheritance and suffer like the prodigal son.God forbid!Jesus said "I will say depart from me ye that work iniquity, I know you not(Matthew 7:23).We are either working righteousness or working iniquity. There is no middle ground.
Therefore be hungry and awake to righteousness for the time to shine has come.Christ is ready to shine his light upon you, and the glory of the lord waiting to rise upon you(isaiah 30:18).Then,in time of famine and destruction you shall laugh when you are established in righteousness. God bless you as you walk daily side by side with the Lord Jesus in practical holiness-the fruit of righteousness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The practice of righteousness will exalt you.

Text:Proverbs 14:34, Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:24, 6:12-18

Righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach.We become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as we believe in the finished work of the Cross and give our lives to serve Christ.The grace of God received through faith reign by righteousness(Romans 5:21). Our throne as kings and our altar as priests in Christ are established by righteousness. In fact it is an abomination for kings to do wickedness. It is the believer's responsibility to bear the fruit of righteousness which is holy living.Then blessings become a natural phenomenon.
Three things are important to our daily victorious living:
1.Our Character-Who we are inside dependent on what we look at , think and meditate on and believe we are.God has given us His Word and his son , Jesus Christ to look at continuously, think and meditate on and believe on to become like His Son Jesus Christ.
2.Our Conduct-What we do which physically is what we do but spiritually means who we have chosen honor and to love unconditionally, by what we give(loving others), how we live(our attitude) and how we give it(our motives either prideful or humble); specifically whom we have chosen to yield ourselves as servants to obey either God or righteousness or sin or the Devil. The actions are actually symptoms of our Conduct.Cain's work was evil because he offered God substabnce in the course of time(not first fruit)and that was under a curse, whereas Abel's work was righteous because he offered God substance that was acceptable and was first fruit(Genesis 4). Even though we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus it is the fruit or practice or maintenance of righteousness which is Christ centered or focused living that will distinguish us and produce blessings in our lives.
3.Our Conversation-What we say always will create our world.Our world moves in the direction of our words. What we say always is influenced by what we look at(our philospohy of life),what we think in our hearts and what we believe.So Our character and Conduct has a reflection onour words and therefore on our future and our destiny.
Our faith is judged by what we say and do. When we do and say the Word of God we liberated and blessing begin to flow into our lives and to people we related and connected.
Therefore daily:
a)Let us give thanks and worship God and rejoice because He made the day and have prepared blessings for us in Christ even before the foundation of the world.
b)Let us present our body to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable which is our reasonable service(Romans 12:1)
c)Let us look and continue to look, study and meditate on the law of liberty to renew our minds(Romans 12:2)to know the perfect will of God for the day.Let us wait upon the Holy Spirit for instructions daily and obey them.(Romans 6:14,Proverbs 8:17)
d)Let us behold the glory of God the Father and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ consciously in His Word.(2 corinthians 3:18)
e)Let us put on the new man(spirit man) created in true holiness and righteousness(Ephesians 4:23-24) to clothe our body and then our soul(renew the spirit of our minds with the Word of God) through proclamations.
f)Let us put on the whole armor of God by
i)girding our minds with the truth of the Word of God under the guardianshup of the Bishop of our soul-Jesus Christ. Be spiritually or word of God minded . Avoid carnal mindedness:it will give an open door to the enemy to come and steal the word of God, kill our joy in the Lord and destroy our relationship with God and faith in God.
ii)Put on the breastplate of righteousness through our proclamations.
iii)Put on the helmet of salvation.
iv)Take the shield of faith: the Blood of Jesus in the Name of Jesus through proclamations and quench the fiery darts of the devil-sin, sickness, lack, poverty, oppression, depression, works of the flesh,lying, stealing,strife, quarelling, moral depravity, prayerlessness, hatred, bitterness etc
v)Take the sword of the spirit-the word of God and intercede for all saints continually in the spirit
vi) Then stand giving thanks always and continual praise to God in the Name of Jesus.

God bless you as we together walk in the Spirit bringing many unto righteousness in Christ into the kingdom and waiting for the arrival of our Savior, Lord, King and Redeemer Jesus Christ to take us home.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Word of God connects us to The Author

Text: 2 corinthian 3:18

As we study the Word of God we must let it connect us to the Author of the Word . Until we connect to the Author behind the Word we cannot enjoy the benefits. Transformation of life comes as we behold the glory of Jesus Christ as by the Spirit of God as in a glass. God bless you

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Are You Truly Saved?

Text: Luke 13: 22-27

"Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able”-Luke 13:23-24.”For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved-Romans 10:13

In our text, Jesus said that many will seek to enter salvation and will not be able to. There are many reasons for this, but it is not because God refused salvation to anyone. "The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men . . ." (Titus. 2:11) and God "is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter. 3:9). Repentance means change of mind from our ways to God’s way of doing things as espoused by Jesus in the Word of God or else we are working in iniquity.

There is an effort involved in obtaining salvation. The effort is not for the purpose of earning salvation. That is a free gift (Romans. 5:15); but we do have to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy. 6:12). Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross and the grace of God (Jesus’ goodness) is what saves us - not our own goodness - and Satan is constantly trying to destroy our faith.(Luke 22:31-32). We have to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3). True salvation is not just mental assent, but a real heart-felt commitment that empowers us to walk in righteousness and constantly overcome the entreaties and trickery of the enemy to yield back to sinful living. Jesus saved us from sin, so we should not encourage or go back to it. Sin dethrones the believer from the position of kings and priests to the position of slaves and separates us from the Source of our blessings.(Galatians.4:1-3)
The grace (favor) for salvation can only reign in our lives through righteousness and reverence for God. (Romans 5:21). We become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus at salvation and it is our responsibility to walk according to our new nature in Christ by our dependence on the help of the Holy Spirit.(Romans 8:1,11)

1.Salvation is Reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ:2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Many people today think that going to church and associating with Christians will provide them with salvation. Some people think that they are Christians because their parents were. But salvation is having a personal relationship with the Lord. It is reconciliation with God, the Father through Jesus Christ. You cannot inherit salvation through the natural birth process. "You must be born again."
We can be rest assured that all those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (right standing with God) shall be filled (Matthew 5:6). "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."How can we be reconciled to God, and be redeemed from the power of Sin which separated us from God? You are redeemed by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Activity: If you are set for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Now I know I am born again!"

2.Spiritual Exercises for the truly born again Christian:1 Timothy 4:6-8,2 Timothy 2:19

Once you are born again there are certain regular exercises you need to do to maintain your relationship with Jesus Christ and make you stronger in the Lord and better coordinated to serve the Lord and enables you to enjoy the benefits of salvation under contention from the enemy. These include but not limited to:

a) Daily studying, praying the Word of God and Meditating the Word of God( 1 Timothy 4:13-15):This would make us shed our worldly concerns and grow closer to God which is where we want to be.

b) Regular scriptural fasting: This would enable us to take control of our physical and emotional urges and to take command of our bodies (1 Corinthian 9:27). Remember the flesh is warring against the spirit and they are contrary one to another.

c) Practice giving to the poor regularly: Sharing with the poor will help them and rid us of the desire to have things and for material wealth. It will increase the fruit of our righteousness (2 Cor. 9:8-10).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Make up your mind and Have a clear vision of who you want to be in life

Text: John 15:5,Luke 6:46-49,Matthew 7:24-28, Deuteronomy 30:19,

Every day be conscious and have a clear vision(think, believe and speak) of what you want to be or become tomorrow.What you become tomorrow is more of a function of who you believe which determines what you say, think or do.Our Savior had one consuming passion-to please God, the Father. Therefore His daily focus and consciousness was on and about the Father.His main goal was to seek and save humanity that was lost in the garden of Eden. The Father's pleasure ruled his words, thoughts and deeds.(John 8:29, 5:19). The Holy Spirit was on hand to fulfil His consuming passion to please the Father, because the Holy Spirit is given to them that obey Him(Acts 5:32, 13:2). He had the Holy Spirit without measure(John 3:34).We were all created to please God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ(Revelation 4:11)
We should have one consuming passion:to please Jesus Christ(John 15:5): to seeek and save those sinners that are lost(Luke 15:7,10) and restoration of backsliders or the dead back to life in the kingdom.(Luke 15:32). When we make up our minds and develop within us a clear vision of what we desire to be tomorrow:Christ-like in character, conduct and conversation(Romans 8:29-30) and pleasing God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit will be on hand to help us to achieve our goals and aspiration which is in reality the will of God for us.
Behind our clear VISION we should have a PURPOSE to bring it to tangible expression,and behind the purpose must be an unwavering FAITH that what we desire is already ours i.e. Christ-likeness and lost souls restored to the kingdom; and all we aspire daily is to take possession of it.(Mark 11:23-24) through unceasing prayer of faith.
God bless as you seriously and consciously consider why you are here in life and make the necessary conscious effort to do what pleases our Lord Jesus Christ and God, the Father.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Mind Set determines Your Living

Text: 1 Peter 1:13, 2 Corinthians 4:4,11:3, Romans 8:6

What you think about will determine what you believe, and what you believe will determine what you speak(Proverbs 23:7,2 Corinthians 4:13). It is instructive that we control our thoughts to be excellent and praise worthy -think on the Word of God, the triune God-God The Father, Lord Jesus Christ and the precious Holy Spirit;think on things that are true, honest, just ,pure, lovely and of good report-faith based thoughts(Phillipians 4:8).

The Devil fights to blind the mindsof unbelievers(2 Corinthians 4:4),to corrupt the thoughts and minds of believers(2 Corinthians 11:3) and to steal, kill or destroy our belief system or faith(John 10:10,Luke 22 vs 31-32).We have our faith in our spiritman as part of the fruit of the spirit which must be complimented with our faith or belief in our minds and consciousness to produce results. Faith held in a pure conscience delivers according to promises declared prophetically from the Word of God for our lives.(1 Timothy 1:19).

The state of our conscience or consciousness in our minds therefore determines the effectiveness or strength or productivity of our faith .The mystery of faith must be held in a pure, good conscience to produce.(1 Timothy 3:9). We must exercise ourselves to always have a conscience void of offence toward God and toward man for our faith to produce.(Acts 24:16)
Therefore we must girt the loins of our mind with truth of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:13, Ephesians 6:14) and be sober, watching for any negative intrusion into our minds, and casting down such words, thoughts and imaginations and replacing them with the Word of God(2 Corinthians 10:5-6), and having readiness to revenge every disobedience orchestrated by the enemy when your own obedience of faith is complete(Acts 6:7). That is our daily and moment by moment battle of life.

Once our mind can accept and receive the blessings throuugh faith, we then begin to experience it outwardly.
God bless you as you pray everyday for grace and mercy needed to be watchful and for your mind to be girt about with truth and for your conscience to be purified.(Hebrews 9:14, 13:20) and the grace to exercise scriptural faith in the finished work on the Cross.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Your Imagination and Expectation determines your Abundant and Victorious Living

Text:Genesis 11:6,13:15, 6:5, Proverbs 23:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Romans 8:24-25
Our hope is our imagination.When we dwell in thoughts on the word of God for some time it sparks an image-a mental picture in our minds. when the picture becomes clear, then we can see it in our minds eye and our expectation will deliver the reward.Our imagination which is hope gives substance to our faith.(Hebrews 11:1)
Since the fall of man , the thoughts and imaginations of man have tended to be negative.(Genesis 6:5). For our thoughts and imagination to agree with God's word, we must deliberately cast down all the traditions, mind sets and ideas and concepts that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and His Word and bring them to the obedience of Christ.(2 Corinthians 10:3-6).Until we do this we cannot revenge all disobedience warring against our abundant life.(2 Corinthians 10:5-6).We accomplish this by renewing our minds with the Word of God(Romans 12:2)by doing the Word of God. The more we do the word of God the more we renew our mind.
Our warfare with the enemy is principally mental and of the mind.We have the mind of Christ(1 Corithians 2:6).He triumphed, so we must triumph.He was favored by man and God so we must be favored. But Jesus always engaged in Word of God based positive thoughts and imagination which led to positive and blessed words and actions which carried power. How forcible are right words.(Job 6:25).
So the choice is ours. God will not think or imagine for us. No one can. We have to do it ourselves.The way we use our minds determine our abundant living. The carnal mind brings death and suffering, but the spiritually minded brings life and peace.(Romans 8:6).Over to you, the ball is in your court.God bless you

Monday, September 27, 2010

See it and Say it , Wait for it and then have it

Text:Hebrews 11:1, Proverbs 23:7, Mark 11:23-24
God saw the earth before He spoke it into existence. There are two ways to see things:either through the physical eyes or through imagination. Imagination is the art of painting the picture of the word of grace in our hearts which builds up our faith to receive the blessing. Patience holds up our faith until the blessing is delivered.In ephesians the essence of the spirit of wisdom and revelation is to open our understanding so that we might imagine our calling and know the graces bestowed upon us.
It is instructive to meditate on the word of grace through imagination-paiting the picture.Once the picture becomes very clear in our heart, then we can speak the blessing into existence. However we may need to wait patiently for the ship of faith to go forth and deliver the blessing.Imagination stage is like the conception stage of a woman.Zion travailed and the children were born.Imagination is ;like the (hoping stage);-----pregnancy stage is like the (faith and patience) and the delivery stage is like the " have it stage.
God bless

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Focus on God's grace to obey and serve God

Text:Job 36:11,Hebrews 4:16,12:28,Titus 2:11,Ephesians 2:8-9.

Man was created by God to willingly serve and worship Him!Whatever man focuses on outside God will attract man's attention, worship and service.The blessing and prosperity of man is contingent on man's willingness to obey and serve God(Job 36:11, 22:21-25, Isaiah 1:19).
After man sinned he fell short of God's glory and grace( favor and strength)-Romans 3:23 to remain in the presence of God.God in His Son Jesus Christ through the finished work on the Cross provided a way for man to return back to blessing by releasing the fullness of grace(power and favor) needed to obey and serve God; and also mercy that will answer to every accusation from the enemy but intead rejoice over judgment.
Grace and mercy are found in Christ Jesus.When we connect to Him through prayers, keeping our minds on Him, fellowshipping with Him and in particular obeying His words, we will enjoy prosperity and blessing here on earth and our mansions bright in heaven.
So we should daily focus on the supply of the spirit of grace from our Lord Jesus Christ through prayers; that would deliver us from sin and the wiles of the enemy and train us to reject and renouce ungodliness and worldly desires and to live a discreet , upright, devout lives in the present world; instead of focusing on the demand of obedience through self efforts which gender to works, frustrations and failures.Outside Jesus Christ we cannot achieve anything.
Therefore we must continue to pray without ceasing for mercy and grace from Jesus Christ . The act of connnecting to Christ Jesus through prayers and focus moment by moment consciously and daily is our faith in action. God bless you

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spiritual Understanding: The Principal Ingredient of Faith

Text: Psalm 119:144,82:5-7, Proverbs 21:16, 4:7, Romans 1:17,Matthew 13:23

God created the world from things formed on His inside. To see what God is saying which had been deposited inside us, we need spiritual understanding. Spiritual understanding is being able to see what God is saying in your heart. To receive anything from God you must have faith or believe for it in your heart or conceive it in your heart or see it in your heart and then confess it with your mouth.(Romans 10:9).Until you have faith in your heart, your confession will not produce. Spiritual understanding gives substance to the Word of God in our hearts. How do we get spiritual understanding?

1. Through Meditation: Every scripture carries amazing profiting, which can only be accessed through spiritual understanding and one of the channels through which you encounter that is meditation. Meditation can be defined as thinking through God’s Word on a subject matter for details. You ponder over questions like: “Why did God say this?” “What does it stand for?” “What has it to offer me?” Every scripture carries a definite profit (2 Timothy 3:16).God’s Word says: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” (1Timothy 4:15). When you meditate, you think through a subject matter for details, so you can maximize its value. Every scripture carries definite values.
Meditation can also be defined as speaking the word of God to ourselves or muttering on the word of God under our breath, until the word becomes so real to us. We need meditation time as well as intercession and supplications. We need meditation to bring out what we need to do for God’s Word to deliver results to us. In the process of pondering on the truth, light is shed on the issue which helps us to know which step to take to get to where we are going. For example, Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, engaged this channel of meditation for the wisdom that he possessed (Ecclesiastes 1:13, 16-17). Also, Isaac went to the field to meditate (Genesis 24:63).

2. Through Prayer of Seeking the Lord: Another channel through which we contact understanding is prayers. When you pray, ask, “Lord, What must I do to come out of this situation?” “What are you requiring me to do?” “What and where have I missed it?” In every area, we what can receive understanding through the prayer altar like Daniel who with the support of three other fiends including Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego who prayed earnestly to God to reveal and interpret the forgotten dream of King Nebuchadnezzar and God revealed to him the answers he was looking for. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us all that is, and that is needed for the solution.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meditation is Praying

Text: Psalm 5:1-2, Colossians 3:1, Joshua 1:8

Meditation is a form of praying. In our text the words "prayer" and "meditation “are used to mean the same thing. Therefore, communing with God through keeping our mind stayed on the things of the Lord is also prayer. (Isaiah 26:3)

When we pray through meditation we are praying the Word of God which has power within it to deliver our solution.

Meditation will help me to obey the word of God; give me good success, and make me prosperous. (Joshua 1:8)

Since in meditation we say the word of grace to ourselves and to God over and over again, muttering on it under our breath until it becomes revelation, this is like importunate praying until the answer comes.

For example we can pray John 16:13 by repeating over and over again; “I am led by the Holy Spirit. He leads me and guides me into all truth. He helps me make wise decisions so that I always say and do the right thing at the right time in the right way and at the right place”

In prayer we must also be sensitive to receive from God. It is a two way communication.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jesus Christ is All You Need

Text: Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18, 1 John 2:20, 26-27
When Peter first preached to the Gentiles in Acts 10:38, He declared to them-the Anointed and His Anointing and miracles happened. When Philip preached to the people of Samaria in Acts 8:6-8, He declared to them the Anointed and His Anointing. Many were healed and unclean spirits were driven out by the knowledge of the Anointed and his Anointing. When the Anointed with His Anointing was speaking in Luke 5:17 and Luke 6:17 , all were healed and the possessed were delivered. Eternal life or abundant life comes through the knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Anointed through His Anointing (John 17:3).
When you behold Jesus Christ through the Word of God, anointing will begin to flow through your body and circumstances, transforming you (2 Corinthians 3:18)
We are to live our life through the Anointed and His Anointing (1 John 4:9, 5:11, Galatians 2:20). How?
Meditate (Think) on the above scriptures, your mind will be renewed and you become like what you think.(Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2). Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions and your actions become your habits and your habits become your character and your character becomes your destiny.
Therefore watch your thoughts and what you say. Take no thought saying (Matthew 6:31). Once the thoughts are released through words, the process begins. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Your Blessing is in Your Tongue

Text: James 3:10, Psalm 34:13-14, Isaiah 44:26
Nine of the eleven plagues that came against Israel, as recorded in the book of Numbers, were caused by misuse of the tongue. So your mouth and your words—will either work for you, and bring health and healing and blessing to your life, or they will work against you, bringing nothing but harm.
Make them work for your good from today. Make them get aligned with what God has said and is saying as from today. Speak the Word—and keep speaking it and keep speaking it. As you do, God will confirm it. And He says, you are healed, prospered, delivered, blessed, wealthy etc.What are you saying. He has said ,....... so that you may blodly say and declare,; and ultimately to testify that the Lord is my helper, there is nothing man can do to me.(Hebrews 13:5-6).The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be confirmed(2 Corinthians 13:1). God said it, I believe it and then I said it, that settles it. Alleluia.
The challenge, we have therefore, comes in holding fast and not swaying from God’s Word. And in part, that means we need to keep our tongue in line with what God says about our healing every time and everywhere.
As we meditate on the following scriptures: Proverbs 10:11, 12:18, 13:3, 15:4, 16:24, 18:20-21 ,1 Peter 3:10-11 , it becomes abundantly clear that our tongue determines the course of our nature and life.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Doing Spiritual Warfare with Prophetic Declarations

Text: Psalm 103:20, 29:1-8

The believer is the temple of the Living God. The Spirit of Christ dwells in us. Believers are children of God. When a believer declares the Word of God out of his heart: that is the Voice of his Word (Psalm 103:20). God and His Word is the same (John 1:1). When we use our voice to declare the truth of God’s Word planted in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, that becomes the more sure Word of prophecy(2 Peter 1:19).The more sure Word of prophecy causes light to shine in whatever area we are confronted with. We are releasing light when we speak the Word of God to any situation and activating angelic intervention.

Ezekiel in Ezekiel 37 was commanded by God to prophesy to the lifeless bones and to the winds. He obeyed and the results came.

Jesus admonished us in Mark 11:23 to prophesy or speak to any mountain in our lives in operating our faith before praying. In Matthew 4:4 through prophetic declarations: it is written Jesus overcame the enemy.

Today it is important to believe Hebrews 2:14 that the power of the enemy has been completely destroyed. The only power He has now is to deceive. Our battle is against the wiles (deception) of the devil (Ephesians 6:11), not the devil himself that is the deception of sin and sinful acts. When we yield to sin by believing his lies, it is like we hand over power in Christ to Satan.
Strife, complaining, murmuring, back biting , lust of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life and in fact any work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21, 1 John 2:15-16 is giving the enemy our own authority) to intimidate us. God forbid.

Our responsibility is to enforce the defeat of Satan by Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary by declaring the truth (John 8:32). When we release from our mouths the Light –the Word of God, as commanded by Jesus Christ in mark 11:23, darkness automatically bows. So Jesus defeated Satan and took the keys of hell and death from him, and made an open show of him triumphing over him (Colossians 2:15, Revelation 1:18)

What happens when we declare God’s word prophetically?

a) Power is released to accomplish the task-Psalm 29:4
b) The toughest mountain or obstacle is broken. Nothing can resist the word.- Psalm 29:5
c) The mountains will jump and skip away quickly -Psalm 29:6
d) It divides the fire released by the enemy so that we walk through unscathed like the three Hebrew children.- Psalm 29:7.

So when you diligently feed on the Word of God through meditation and study, and then release what is inside you through prophetic declaration “it is written or thus saith the Lord, you are releasing arrows against opposition and they will certainly bow and depart. The Word of God you speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit is prophetic and will liberate you anywhere and anytime. God bless

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jesus Christ-The Alpha and Omega

Text: Revelations 1:11-18, Isaiah 53:1, Romans 8:6

In the life of a man, there are many prevailing circumstances. Man is frantically looking for solution. The sick will go to the doctor; the poor and needy will look unto the government and maybe the rich and well to do for help; and man goes to toil and work to get money to meet his daily needs. For a sick person, the doctor may diagnose and give a report. For the poor or needy, the government‘s bailout or the rich may provide temporary but not sufficient relief; for the debt ridden, the bank account and the mountain of unpaid bills may speak volumes.
Our text tells us that Jesus Christ is the beginning of the beginnings; the ending of endings; the first and the last. He is the unchangeable changer in every situation or circumstance. He has the first and last word. The doctor’s report is not the final report on your health. The report of the Lord saying you are healed is the final report (1 Peter 2:24). The negative bank account balance is not the final report. The report of the Lord saying you are rich because He became poor that you might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). The redemption from the curse of poverty, sickness, barrenness, stagnation, sin and oppression of the wicked one through the finished work on the Cross of Calvary is the final report (Galatians 3:13-14). Therefore claim your release from any curse hindering your progress.
All other reports are temporal, subject to change, but the report of the Lord is forever and permanent (2 Corinthians 4:18). Whatever you receive from the Lord is forever (Ecclesiastes 3:14) but the prosperity of fools shall ultimately destroy them (Proverbs 1:32). If you believe in the report of the Lord as written in the covenanted promises-the Word of God, you have life and peace. If on the other hand, you believe in the situation report you bring death and failure to the situation.(Romans 8:6) The choice is yours.
So for any situation in your life right now, go to Jesus Christ and The Word of God for answer. It is this word of grace through which we access our inheritance in Christ ( Acts 20:32). Therefore claim your inheritance and overcome any adversary hindering you.
However, the report of the Lord will only be delivered by the arm of the Lord, to those who believe in Jesus Christ and His report in His Word(Isaiah 53:1) and are not living in disobedience to the covenant.(Luke 6:46-49;13:24-27)
Everything starts with dealing with sinner and the sin question which inhibits the delivery of the report or the blessing of the Lord. We do this by acknowledging our sinful nature, our sinful past, asking God the Father to forgive us our sin and wash us with the Blood of his Son, Jesus Christ and receiving Jesus Christ and His Word into our heart and soul, as personal Lord and Savior and becoming members of the family of God.
Then we become born again of the Spirit. We are new creation in Christ in our spirit man(2 Corinthians 5:17), created in righteousness and true holiness(Ephesians 4:24)
Let those who are willing to give their lives to Christ or be restored to genuine fellowship with the Lord : now commit themselves to the Lord as we go to the Lord in prayer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jesus Christ-The Lord of All

Text: Acts 10:36, Ephesians 1:22; John 14:13-14, 16:23-24
We had learned that Jesus Christ is the beginning of the beginnings; the first and the last. He is the unchangeable changer in every situation or circumstance. He has the first and last word. The doctor’s report is not the final report on your health. The report of the Lord saying you are healed is the final report. The negative bank account balance is not the final report. The report of the Lord saying you are rich because He became that you might be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). That the curse of poverty, sickness, sin and oppression of the wicked one was destroyed on the Cross of Calvary, is the final report (Galatians 3:13-14).
This week we learn that Jesus Christ had restored all that man lost in the Garden of Eden. He is the Lord of all .So for any situation in your life right now, go to Jesus Christ and The Word of God for answer. It is this word of grace through which we access our inheritance in Christ ( Acts 20:32).
However we cannot receive the benefits of Jesus being Lord of all things and blessings to us, unless we are members of the household of God.
Every thing starts with dealing with sinner and the sin question which inhibits he delivery of the report or the blessing of the Lord. We do this by acknowledging our sinful nature, our sinful past, asking God the Father to forgive us our sin and wash us with the Blood of his Son, Jesus Christ and receiving Jesus Christ and His Word into our heart and soul, as personal Lord and Savior and becoming members of the family of God.
Then we become born again of the Spirit.
Let those who are willing to give their lives to Christ now commit themselves to the Lord as we go to the Lord in prayer.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Miracle is Inside You-The Ball is in Your Court

Text: Matthew 9:27-30, 12:35; 2 Corinthians 4:6-7;Mark 11:23, Philemon 6
God works on what is already inside of you when He wants to perform a miracle. It is what you acknowledge consistently in Christ released with your mouth that you receive.
In our text Jesus Christ performed the miracles on two blind men because they believed that He could heal them. Jesus said it should be unto them according to their faith and their eyes were opened. What they believed came out of their mouth. The Bible tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. You can have whatsoever you say (Mark 11:23). When you speak according to your faith, that which you say is what you will have.
The power of life and death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The Bible says in Proverbs 15:2 - “The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” You are the one to determine whether you will have miracles or just keep on watching those who get their miracles.
Those who are not yet born again have to believe the report of the Lord, which says that if you shall call on the name of the Lord, you shall be saved. Many of those who are not born again remain so because they do not believe that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins. If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved. Everyone who comes to Him will not be cast out. With Christ, your miracles are assured.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Mystery of Godliness Will Swallow the Mystery of Iniquity

Text: 1 Timothy 3:16, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
The Bible in Proverbs 21:16 says “he that wandereth out of the way of understanding abideth in the congregation of the dead. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding all founded on Jesus Christ are the keys to victory in the kingdom-Proverbs 24:3-4. The purpose of Christ finished work on the Cross is to redeem and purify man from past iniquities (lawlessness and rebellion against constituted authority) to become a people zealous of good works -Titus 2:14; and to turn us away from future iniquities in order to bless us-Acts 3:26. This is the action of the mystery of godliness-Christ and the Holy Spirit -Colossians 1:27, 1 John 4:4 against the mystery of iniquity. The Bible says in our text that the mystery of godliness is greater than the mystery of iniquity.

The reason why a person works in the flesh is because of the operation of the mystery of iniquity (Satan and it’s cohorts) already at work on the earth which is releasing continually unclean and seducing spirits into people’s lives from their mouths.- Revelation 16:13-14, 1 Timothy 4:1-3.

The Bible tells us in Romans 8:2, that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus had made us free from the law of sin and death. We activate the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus: by feeding on the Word of God(Micah 7:14): studying and meditating continuously on the blessings from the finished work on the cross and better things that accompany salvation(Hebrews 6:9; Colossians 2:15, Ephesians 2:6, Romans 16:20, 8:37,Hebrews 2:14).

The rod of Aaron in Moses hand swallowed the rod of Pharaoh’s magicians. Jesus gave the believer against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease(Matthew 10:1).The power is in the Word of God.(Luke 5:17, 6:17).Jesus had given the believer a mouth and wisdom (Word of God) so that the adversary cannot gainsay (Luke 21:15.So like Aaron's rod in Moses hand,the Word of God in the believer’s mouth as a two-edged sword will become a standard used by the Spirit of God living inside us to swallow the flood of unclean and seducing spirits released by the adversary against man.(Isaiah 59:19)

The Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord who God had redeemed from his enemies say and declare that he is redeemed (Psalm 107:2)

That is the essence of praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The enemy is releasing enchantments continually .The believer must consume these divinations and enchantments (Numbers 23:23) with the Word of God as a two edged sword in his mouth. We pray the answer. Power of life and death -Proverbs 18:21; blessing and cursing -James 3:10 are in the mouth. ).
The ball is in the believers Court. Over to you brother and Sister. The battle is raging in your mind. Will you keep your mouth shut. God told Joshua that the key to success is to speaking the Word of God to himself daily(meditate) to generate the power needed to observe to do the Word. In Ephesians 5:18, we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit always .How? By speaking psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to ourselves and singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord,giving continuous thanks to God for all things in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
God bless you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prayer Changes Things in Our Lives and Blesses the People and Community around Us

Text: Ezekiel 47:1-12, Luke 11:5-13, Luk:18:1-8

Our first text speaks about a river — the river of God — that flows from the altar in the temple of God. This river, as it flows, gets ever broader and deeper, and it brings life and enrichment to wherever it flows to. It is buoyant with life and brings fruit wherever it flows. That is also a picture of the church and the work of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Out of the church flows the work of the Spirit on earth — first through the church and then out through the doors into the surrounding community, bringing life and fruit wherever it flows through prayer.
The transforming, life-giving work of the Holy Spirit only comes through powerful praying without ceasing. It comes through prayer-saturated churches.

Our second text, Luke 11:5-13 even though speaks about persevering in prayer, has a hidden little message in its powerful thoughts. At the end, Jesus says, “How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” The passage initially wasn’t about the Holy Spirit; it was about asking for what we need — ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. And what do we get as we pray more and more? The Holy Spirit through Luke says we get the Holy Spirit! We get the river of God that flows in and through us.

Our third text, Luke 18:1-8 tells us that importunate praying (prayer of knocking intensity until I receive my answer) generates faith for service ; the type of faith that Jesus is looking out for to bless.

The Apostles waited in the upper room for ten days in prayer and fasting: the result was infilling and baptism in the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4). The Apostles prayed in Acts 4:23-31 when they were threatened: the result was in filling of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is what we get when we pray (Philippians 1:19) and the result: direction, guidance, wisdom, strength on what to do, how to do and when to do and how to access the resources needed to accomplish the assignment.

The Bible says that God hath revealed to the Holy Spirit the blessings he hath prepared for His children; and that through the Holy Spirit we will know the things our Father God hath freely given to us(1 Corinthians 2:9-12). So when we pray we don’t receive answers because we either ask amiss (James 4:3) or we are looking for the answer in the wrong format and/or place. May God give us understanding and revelation knowledge in Jesus Name. Through faith we have access and are able to receive God’s favor and grace from the throne of grace(Romans 5:2, Hebrews 4:16)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thanksgiving and Deeds of Love the sickle required to Receiving and Keeping

Text: Ephesians 3:10, 1:19-23, 1 Corinthians 3:21, Colossians 2:10,1 Peter 2:24

Our first text tells us we are to teach principalities and powers the many-sided complicated wisdom of God. How? Through the instrumentality of thanksgiving and love. All virtues and gifts of the Spirit are made impotent in the absence of gratitude and deeds of love to God and to man.

Our second text represents the climax of the redemptive work of Christ. He is exalted high and far above, with all powers, authority and dominion under His Feet. Colossians 1:18 says we are His feet and body. Therefore all that is beneath His Feet are beneath you and me. His victory is ours for the taking by faith. Faith is for taking. In His redemption we have perfect righteousness which enables us to come boldly to the throne of grace to enjoy the fullness of our blessings in Christ.( 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 4:25, 5:1).Proverbs 28:1 says the righteous is as bold as a lion.

Ephesians 1:3 says He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings and 2 Peter 1:3-4 says all that pertain to life and godliness have already been provided to the believer. Therefore I have every need supplied (Philippians 4:19) so that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me(Philippians 4:13). There is no more fasting, long prayers or struggle to receive healing or any blessing.

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:21 that “All things are ours” and in Colossians 2:1, “we are complete in Him” and in Ephesians 1:22 “All things are beneath our feet” and Satan has been conquered and we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.(Romans 8:31). Therefore we do not need to cry or beg anymore, but to get our blessings through unceasing thanksgiving and display of love to God and our neighbor and through the exercise of authority and power given to us(Luke 9:1, 10:19, Ephesians 1:19) .

Thanksgiving opens the gate to His Court of our blessings and Praise grants access into the Court (Psalm 100:4). Deeds of love to God and man are the seed that determines how much harvest will can draw from the treasuries of God in heavenly places (Genesis 8:22)

Thanksgiving releases our faith to receive and the shield of faith to overcome the world and the fiery darts of the devil. Those who keep their eyes on Christ in love and the Word of God engaged in the deeds of love to God, His House and man and expecting the delivery of his blessings are in for a great blessing. Expect a miracle today.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Text: Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:4, 1 Peter 2:24, James 4:7
Jesus did not only shed his blood to forgive our sins, but also was manifested to destroy the works of the devil including sickness, diseases, poverty, curses etc(1 John 3:5,8).Therefore divine healing to our physical body belongs to us through the grace of God and the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. Therefore anyone who needs healing can receive healing once he receives and confesses Christ Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. And also those who have been healed can stay healed, and maintain their healing, inspite of the enemy’s avowed stance to steal the healing.(John 10:10, Luke 13:11) as long as you keep your mind focused on the mercy and grace of God through Jesus and His finished work on the Cross; and violently resist Satan and command the sickness to leave your body. Boldly refuse to tolerate sickness in your body-the dwelling place of the triune God(Matthew 11:12, Philippians 1:28)
When God heals, He does heal us physically, but through our human spirit, because the instrument of healing; faith is of the heart (spirit).For the Bible says” For with the heart man believeth…….”(Romans 10:10).God contacts us through our spirit, not through our minds or physical body. So when we quit trying to contact God through our minds but start believing in our hearts, we are healed instantly. When we contact God with our minds we reason it out using our five senses. When we believe with our hearts we accept what the Word of God in our minds and senses says as final truth irrespective of obvious physical contradictions. And if we hold fast to the profession of the Word of God in our mouth and mind(thoughts), sooner or later the blessing will manifest.
We receive all our blessings by faith. How does faith come? When we meditate on the above scriptures long enough, feed on them and put them in our spirit and mind (consciousness or conscience) until we know they have become part of our inner consciousness, they build up our faith and belief. Then we can release our faith to enable our body accept and receive God’s unmerited favor of healing.
The Bible says in Mark 9:23 “If thou canst believe, nothing shall be impossible to them that believe” and in 2 Corinthians 4:13 “.I believe and I spoke.”.So what we speak determines whether we believe or not. We all have the measure of the faith of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:3, Galatians 2:16, 20), but our souls have to agree(believe) to receive the blessings and transmit to the body. The Bible says our soul prosperity determines our good health in our body and our general well being and prosperity (3 John 2) Any time we agree with the Word of God in our words in apparent contradiction to prevailing circumstances, our belief in our consciousness is strengthened, and faith is released to go forth and procure the blessings. When the supernatural comes in, the natural must give way. That is the way we submit to God (to the Word of God).
Satan will bring lying symptoms, to challenge the healing you have received. When lying symptoms come from the devil, we should resist the devil with the Word of God and command his power broken saying “devil you can’t put that back on me”! The Lord has already healed me. I won’t accept it back. I don’t have to get it, and because He got it for me, I accept it, claim it, and have it. Therefore we laugh it off imitating our Heavenly Father in Psalm 2:1-4, and persistently resist the devil(James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8-9). We must stand in faith, and keep the switch of faith turned on by our words. When doubt (fear, sickness etc) comes, just say “Doubt (fear, sickness) I resist you in Jesus Name, I refuse to doubt (fear or to be sick), you must go in Jesus Name. Stand against the devil and everything that is of the devil. Whatever is not a blessing in your life is not from God in heaven. I am not going to accept whatever is not from heaven. The kingdom of God must be established on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I exercise authority over this body of mine. Sickness and disease, I refuse to allow you to stay. This body belongs to God. It God’s temple. Whatever defiles it is destroyed. Satan, you have no right to trespass on or defile God’s property or else you will be destroyed according to the Scriptures Now you get out. You leave my body. I’ve got authority over you. I know it, And God knows it. I hold fast to what I have. I’m keeping my healing in Jesus Name.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Consider the Apostle and High Priest of Our Profession-Christ Jesus

Text: Hebrews 3:1; Mark 6:52

Our text says they did not consider the miracle of the loaves because their hearts was hardened. In Hebrews 3:8, 10 and 12, a hardened heart is described as an evil heart of unbelief, which always errs from the ways of God. The Holy Spirit in John 16:9 and Hebrews 3:7-8 is convincing and demonstrating to the world to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. In Mark 8:17-21, Jesus said because they did not see(in their minds-meditate on),hear with their spirit man , nor perceive in their hearts, nor remember in their mind, they could therefore not understand the purpose and efficacy of the miracles he performed. This led to unbelief and fear came and their faith was negated. So in Hebrews God is telling the believer to consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus who prevailed on the Cross and overcame everything that can ever separate us from the love of our Abba Father. All power in heaven and earth is given unto Him. He is the Governor among all nations; the King of kings and Lord of lords. He prevailed and took and opened the Book and wailing and weeping stopped. He was manifested to take away our iniquities and to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:5, 8). He is seated at the right hand of God the Father, far above principalities, powers and dominion. He destroyed him that had the power of death (Hebrews 2:140 and made an open shame of principalities and power triumphing over them in it(Colossians 2:15). In Him we are complete. He says “ I will never leave you nor forsake you, so that you may boldly say” the Lord is my helper, I do not fear any man(Hebrews 13:5).
His Name is JESUS CHRIST.”ALLELLUIA”. His Name is higher than other names. His Name is JESUS, His Name is Lord.
Compared to the Father of faith, Abraham considered not his own body or the circumstances prevailing (Romans 4:19) and therefore did not stagger through unbelief, but rather gave glory to God (Romans 4:20)

It is instructive for every believer to meditate constantly on all the miracles done by the person of Jesus Christ, the focus, the author and finisher of our faith. That will strengthen our belief and drive out any doubts. Every day will be for signs and wonders In Jesus Name. God bless you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

When Money Fails, Covenant of Prosperity Will Prevail

Text: Genesis 47:13, 15,27

Prosperity of the believer is a covenant to be practiced. God has done His part, then you do your part to enjoy the blessings.(Psalm 89:34, Deuteronomy 8:18).You enter into the covenant of prosperity by seeking God as the Israelites did in 2 Chronicles 15:12,15.When men are cast down, then the believer shall say there is a lifting up, because his prosperity is not environment dependent.(Job 22:29). You seek God through your words, thoughts and actions as directed by the Holy Spirit. So stop looking around and lift up your eyes to the hills in prayer and your help will come (Psalm 121:1-2). Engage the covenant requirements and your blessings will start flowing. Because you are doing right things, your inheritance are realized.(Psalm 37:18, Proverbs 10:6,22)
Our first text says money failed and the covenant took over in the land of Canaan and Egypt. When money fails like it has today, covenant prevails. In verse 27, there was national crisis in the land of Egypt, but in Goshen where covenant people dwelt the people had possessions, grew and multiplied exceedingly. While the famine prevailed over the Egyptians, the covenant prevailed for covenant people. The covenant may be slow but it is sure. Smartness and intelligence cannot help under this environment, only the covenant. Pray for God’s help to stand strong under the covenant covering as a life style
What should I do now?

1.THE FOUNDATION FOR PROSPERITYIS TO FEAR GOD AND GREATLY DELIGHT IN HIS COMMANDMENTS .FEAR GOD AND RECEIVE HIS WORD CHEERFULLY AND JOYFULLY AND DO IT (Psalm 112:1-3); ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH GOD (BE CLOSE TO HIM THROUGH FELLOWSHIP AND OBEDIENCE (Job 22:21,24). LOVE JESUS. The fear of the Lord is the determining factor for wealth and riches in the kingdom of God, in addition to obedient response to the word of god when we hear it.

2.BE A GIVER, A THINKER AND A WORKER, then things will always work for you; you will be satisfied in famine.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Keep Saying the Same Thing

Text: 2 Corinthians 1:17
The worldly man who purposes according to the flesh is always saying yes and no. He asks for one thing; changes it tomorrow and on and on. For Jesus Christ who was preached to us was not Yes or Nay, but in Him was always a divine Yes (verse.17 of the Amplified version). All the promises of God in Him are yea and in Him Amen (verse 20).
To live and walk in the Spirit we have to maintain the same word toward one another, toward God and toward ourselves to live , otherwise we are operating in the fleshy realm.
God had already anointed us in Christ to declare yes only (verse.21). It is therefore our choice and watchfulness that determine the result. Any time we change our word, from yes to nay, we move into the flesh and it profits nothing(John 6:63) and we empower the flesh against the spirit man.(Galatians 5:17)
So let us examine our conversation with God and see where we have mingled the seed and change course from today. Let us watch what we say from our mouths always. If it is yea and nay, it is purposed according to the flesh. By faith in Christ (welcome conviction that Jesus is Lord and Savior) we stand and our words should be helpers of our joy (verse.24)
What do we Do Now? Renew your mind. How? Changing your mind is repentance. To renew your mind means to exchange your mind. Replace your mind with the mind of Christ.(1 Corinthians 2:16). How? By storing different materials in there, to create a different image there. We live our lives through Christ (1John 4:9), by the faith of Christ(Galatians 2:20).
Therefore replace the words of men , circumstances and problems with the Word of God.
Your words will begin to align only with the Word of God.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Purpose of Jesus Christ on Earth

Text: 1 John 1:3,7; Isaiah 59:1-2, Habakkuk 1:13, Acts 3:26

God’s purpose on earth is that we might fellowship in love with His Son (1 Corinthian 1:9) to be blessed and therefore He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
Jesus Christ purpose on earth is to reestablish the fellowship of love between mankind and God, the Father which was lost through disobedience in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve to enable man receive God’s blessing(John 17:21-23) and therefore came to take away man’s past iniquities and to turn man away from his(future) iniquities(Acts 3:26). Jesus Christ in John 17:3 described this intimate fellowship of any man with God the Father and Himself as eternal life (like Adam knew Eve his wife in Genesis 4:1).
The Holy Spirit’s purpose on earth is that mankind might have fellowship of love with God, the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ and with one another(1 John 1:3,7) and therefore He convicts mankind of unbelief in and not following Jesus Christ (the answer to man’s iniquities-Isaiah 53:5, Romans 4:25. which had separated man from God; sheds the love of God the Father and Our Lord Jesus in the heart of believers (Romans 5:5); teaches, directs and guides believers to be focused on Jesus Christ, the finished work on the Cross and the grace of God; and is preparing the church as a bride without blemish for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

It is instructive to note that man cannot turn himself away from iniquities from our text. Man can only follow Jesus Christ first and foremost and Jesus turns man away from our
iniquities. When we follow Jesus Christ-the way, the truth and the life –the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then goodness and mercy and grace to do right will be given to us.
Following comes before doing not the other way round. Doing first brings frustration because we can only do all things as Jesus gives us strength- Philippians 4:13
How do we follow? We must deliberately place our consciousness on Christ and the finished work on the Cross and refuse to be conscious of sin, the world, self or the devil etc. We will speak and act on what we are thinking about or conscious of. That is the battle arena, keeping our minds and heart on Jesus Christ and the Word of God.(Isaiah 26:3, Proverb 23:7, 1 Peter 1:13).
We focus on Jesus Christ as
1. The Son of God-1John 4:14; proved His Sonship by the resurrection of the dead-Romans 1:4
2. The Savior of the World -1 John 4:14
3. The Lord of Heaven and Earth-Matthew 28:18; The Lord of All-Acts 10:36
4. The Head of the Church and Apostle and High priest of the believer’s confession-Hebrews3:1
5. Our sufficiency in all things-Colossians 2:10, 1 Corinthians 3:21,23.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Before You Pray: What do You See on the Inside of You

Text: Mark 11:24, Habakkuk 2:2, Genesis 13:15, Matthew 8:13

In one of the recent blogs I mentioned that our prayers should be different to get expected results. To make our praying different we must pray FROM THE ANSWER...WITH THE ANSWER IN MIND...from the answer to the issue or circumstances. This is how we pray. We pray from God's promise which is His answer already formed or painted on the canvas of our hearts as a vision or image and expect it to be fulfilled. This is calling those things that be not (in the physical but exist in the spiritual realm in our hearts) as though they were-that is faith. The Bible answers to every situation. We learn always to do "everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving" and learn to "live by every Word of God" according to Philippians 4:6, 7; Luke 4:4.
However before we pray we must hold the vision of the answer clearly in our heart and mind first. Start seeing on the inside of you, the person you prayed for as already healed; start seeing your bank account filled with the financial breakthrough you prayed for. See yourself healed and prospering; enjoying abundant life; living in a better accommodation; anointed and healing the sick; see yourself bringing many souls into the kingdom; see yourself as an overcomer ; see that intractable problem resolved etc.Habbakuk 2:2 says we should first have a vision; then write down the vision. In Genesis 13:15, God told Abraham that all the land which he sees will be given to him. We don’t get what we pray for, but what we believe we receive when we pray.
Jesus in Mark 11:24 tells us that what we believe after praying is what we will have. Therefore when you are praying pay attention to what you are seeing. If the vision is not the right vision, stop, change it before you pray. Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, the people perish. There must be faith for prayers to be answered. Faith is impotent without faith vision-which is your hope built into a picture or image in your heart.
We have learnt that promises of God predict the answers to our prayers and they are the formwork into which we pour our prayers. Promises like “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22); If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14), when applied to any situation or circumstances in our lives through first visioning and then released with our mouth with our heart believing and seeing the answer on the inside will cause the blessings to come, because the Triune God, Angels, even the adversaries, mankind and the whole creation all respond when the Word of God is released into the air from our mouths.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Worship God in your Prayers

Text: Philemon 6, John 4:23-24, Mark 5:6-9, Psalm 8:2

Prayer is not an opportunity to recount every negative thing in our lives. God knows what's going on with you more than you do. Prayer is a principally an opportunity to acknowledge God’s provision through the finished work of Christ on the Cross and to principally worship God and let the Holy Spirit guide ,instruct and show us things that have been freely given to us.

We should spend most of the time in praising God for the answer. Rather than spending endless hours seeking God, why not spend time worshipping and let God seek you out. When God comes, all the problems are resolved(Psalm 114:1-7)

God has a provision for your problem before you even had the problem. For example, Jesus already died to produce your healing. By His stripes you were healed — that's past tense
(1 Peter. 2:24).

God already made the provision, whatever your need is, before you ever had the need.
Praise and Worship will draw out the blessings and a powerful tool against Satan. He cannot stand seeing God worshipped. One thing reserved for God alone is worship. The Father seeks those who will worship Him. He’s waiting for you. Why not begin now?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Praying to Get Results: Plead the Promises of God

Text: Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 21:22; John 14:14; Isaiah 41:21, Jeremiah 1:12

Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door. There must be faith for prayers to be answered. Where does faith come from? From hearing...the WORD OF GOD. We should pray Scripture after Scripture, reminding God of Promise after promise, pleading these like a lawyer does his case-the Holy Spirit pouring in His assurance of being heard. We should search the Scriptures...meditate...mark its many promises...memorize, memorize, MEMORIZE! There are thousands of promises: a promise for every need, burden, problem, situation study Bible to know the promises

We must learn to plead the promises of God!" "In Him all the promises of God are yes." (2 Corinthians 1:20).According to D.L.Moody “tarry at the promise, and God will meet you there” . Promises predict the answers. They are the formwork into which we pour our prayers. They foretell what to expect. They shape our praying. They motivate, direct, and determine our supplication. Promises like these, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3); All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22); If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14). God, the Holy Spirit, Angels even the adversaries, mankind and the whole creation all respond when the word of God is released into the air.

This makes our praying different. How? We pray FROM THE ANSWER...WITH THE ANSWER IN MIND...from the answer to the issue or circumstances. This is the way of the Lord, the way of faith. He promises-we believe. We act on His Word. In this way answered prayer not only satisfies us; it delights the heart of God by fulfilling His own Word.
This is how we pray. We pray from God's promise which is His answer, and expect it to be fulfilled. The Bible contains thousands of promises, and these hold the answers to our thousands of needs and prayers. They are so varied-all sizes and shapes. With them, our praying takes on another form, and moves into God's action. THE BIBLE BECOMES OUR ANSWER BOOK!
So we find the promise that fits our need. The Bible answers to every situation. The promises are for our living. We learn always to do "everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving" and learn to "live by every Word of God". Philippians 4:6, 7; Luke 4:4. We must learn to make the bible our prayer book!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Your Tongue determines the Direction of Your Life Whether Success or Failure

Text: James 3:10, Psalm 34:13-14
Nine of the eleven plagues that came against Israel, as recorded in the book of Numbers, were caused by misuse of the tongue. So your mouth and your words—will either work for you, and bring health and healing and blessing to your life, or they will work against you, bringing nothing but harm.
Make them work for your good from today. Make them get aligned with what God has said and is saying as from today. Speak the Word of God—and keep speaking it and keep speaking it until it is abundant in your heart and forms a clear image or substance which give materiality to your hope(faith), and delivers the blessing when released with your mouth. As you do, God will confirm it. And He says, you are healed, prospered, delivered, blessed, wealthy etc
The challenge, we have therefore, comes in holding fast and not swaying from God’s Word until it is abundant in our heart and we can see a clear image inside us called faith vision. And in part, that means we need to keep our tongue in line with what God says about our healing or blessing every time and every where until our receipt of blessing is consumated.
As we meditate on the following scriptures: Proverbs 10:11, 12:18, 13:3, 15:4, 16:24, 18:20-21 ,1 Peter 3:10-11 , it becomes abundantly clear that our tongue determines the course of our nature and life.

Friday, August 13, 2010

We Need the Help of the Holy Spirit

Text: John 14:26, 15:26, 16:7-14, 1 John 5:6; Acts 8:15-17, 26:18,
Man is under captivity of sin, sickness and the devil. The soul is under a constant pool to the earth-the physical world being pulled by the body; and a pool to the spirit realm by the spirit. The work of Christ came to deal with both realms. Jesus came to forgive sins(1 John 3:5), heal the sick and cast out devils afflicting or oppressing man’s soul and spirit (1John 3:8). Believers are not expected to fight the world, the flesh, and the devil with only their own means but with the gospel. The Gospel is the “power of God” Romans 1:16 – that is, by the Holy Spirit, but not when we ignore Him. Believers are expected to give the Holy Spirit the chance to do the work. The Lord’s commandment and the great commission cannot be achieved without the Spirit’s help or anointing. Ephesians 5:18 shows us the New Testament pattern that we should be Spirit-driven. He is the motivator and the motivating power. The supreme work of the Spirit is salvation. Our own individual virtues of ours are subsumed in a wave of His sanctifying presence.

The apostles needed the help of the Spirit and we do in the Church.Today there are almost 6.5 billion on earth and most of them are unevangelized. We have a commission to reach out to 3 billion souls. We need to do what the apostles did. If we do, God will give us what He gave them. What did they do? They asked and prayed fervently and they received (Luke 11:13,Acts 4:23-31,8:15)

In 2 Chronicles 15:1-4,12, when the Spirit of God came to the scene through Prophet Azariah help came for the king, and in 2 Chronicles 26:5,7-10,15 help came from the Holy Spirit by Prophet Zechariah. In 2 Kings 3:15, help from the Holy Spirit came through Prophet Elijah. If the Spirit of God is ignored, help will not come, and such a person will be walking on a slippery downward slope. When the Spirit comes, everything changes.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jesus Commands Us to Pray

Text: Luke 11:9-10, John 14:13-14, 15:16 , Mark 11:24
The Lord Jesus Christ taught us how to pray(Luke 11:2-4), commanded us to pray (Luke 18:1-8) and admonished us to pray (Matthew 26:38-45). He taught us “when we Pray”; (Matthew 6:5-7)“when we fast.”(Matthew 6:16-18). In fact the Lord said in Matthew 21:13, told us the church is a house of prayer. The question therefore is not when to pray, but how to pray to get results.

Jesus overcame the world, the flesh and the devil through prevailing prayers. We can also prevail through prayers. Jesus spent much time in prayer, always praying the answer and not the problem .He used the written word to overcome Satan and always spoke directly to the problem, such as trees, storms, demons, sickness, disease and Satan and they all obeyed Him. When we speak boldly the written word of God, the devil will leave us hastily. The spoken word will work for you as you continuously confess it.

1. How can we prevail in prayers? Luke 11:9-10
We must totally depend on the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ for our answers (John 14:13-14, 15:16). I addition to forsaking sin and forgiving others, asking according to His Word, we must persevere in prayer until we receive the answer.

2.Case Study: Prayer for Healing
God has a provision for your problem before you even had the problem. Jesus already died to produce your healing. By His stripes you were healed — that's past tense (1 Peter. 2:24).
God already made the provision, whatever your need is, before you ever had the need.

God has already generated the power needed to accomplish our blessings according to Ephesians 1:19 and Philippians 4:19.

Let us pray “Father I pray right now that the Holy Spirit would right now quicken on the inside of us whatever it is that needs to change so that we can receive what God has already done.

According to 2 Peter 1:3 all that pertain to life and godliness are given to us through the knowledge of Him.

Let us pray “Father I ask you to impart to me the knowledge I need right now to release and experience your power.

I speak to the problem right now, in the name of Jesus. I command it to bow or die or wither away in the name of Jesus. You………… die in the name of Jesus. Father I loose your anointing to flow into the problem to release the captive right now.

In Jesus name I command fear and unbelief to be gone, faith to come, and love to flow into the situation now. I believe receive the blessing now in Jesus Name