Thursday, December 13, 2012

Your Choice determines God's intervention

Text: Psalm 119:173, Deuteronomy 30:19, Proverbs 1:29

The Psalmist tells us in our text that because he chose God's precepts , then he is assured of help from the hand of  God.

Holiness, Righteousness, grace, peace, riches and all blessings  from God to us is waiting for us to say, Yes, which confirms our faith and God will put them in our lives.(Provebs 1:29, Jeremiah 32:40). The choice has to be both from our heart and  from our mouth, because the eyes of the Lord is focused on our heart.(2 Chronilcles 16:9, Matthew 15:8)

Joshua in Joshua 24:15 admonished the children of Israel to choose to serve the Lord. He intoned that as for him and his house, they have chosen to serve the Lord.(Joshua 24:22)

Our Lord Jesus admonished Martha in Luke 10:42, that while she was troubled about many things, the sister, Mary had chosen the one thing that is needdful-the Word of God. Jesus said the Word of God which Mary had heard and received(Luke 10:39) is the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

The counsel today is for you and I to give attention to the Word of God and the instructions therein as the central part of our daily lives. Read, study, think and meditate on the Word of  God daily. It is Light that will shine in any area of darkness in your life and bring a turn around in your life.(2 Peter 1:19)
God's method in every situation is to give us  or show by His Spirit the way out through the Rhema Word that that will show us what to do, for God to intervene. It is the Logos Word(the written Word of God) that attracts the Rhema Word of God, because Jesus stands behind and as surety  to the Logos or written word of God. Alleluia(Hebrews 7:22). The greatest indestructible treasure for the believer is the Word of Grace and  God Himself, that is able to build us up and give us our inheritance .(Acts 20:32). Take advantage of it today, making a choice to devote time and energy and attention to the Word of God.

I recall a testimony from a sister in our church. She had on a Sunday service heard the message on the
importance of reading and studying the Word of God, because it is light that will shatter any darkness or any challenge in our life. That  day very late at night at home, she had a severe sickness and remembered the message she had heard in the church earlier that morning. She took her Bible and began to read from one of the books of the new testament. She read  many chapters until she fell asleep. She had a dream and the Lord Jesus himself appeared to her and touched her. She woke , up totally healed from the sickness, Alleluia. So choose and say Yes and engage the Bible today as your most precious possession and your life will never be the same again, Amen, Alleluia.


Text: Psalm 34:11

The recipe for living abundant prosperous life is to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the key to God’s treasure chest (Isaiah 33:6). The fear of the Lord produces in our lives wisdom, knowledge and understanding which all comes from God when we ask. (Proverbs 2:6). The fear of the Lord also produces holiness, righteousness and integrity and ability to love God and love one another and grace to obey his commandment and to maintain the good works, the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives(Philippians 2:13,Titus 3:8) The fear of the Lord is a gift of grace  for those who desire it.(Jeremiah 32:40, 31:33).The fear of the Lord is a choice we make (Proverbs 1:29),  and then ask God for it and He is willing to give to us  generously without finding fault or upbraiding us. (James 1:5, 1 Kings 3:9). So how do we practice the fear of the Lord?

The Bible in our text explains it! Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you  how to fear the Lord. Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?

a)Then keep your tongue from speaking evil ! and

 b) Keep Your lips from telling lies!
c)Turn away from evil and do good! That is:
i)Keep your eyes  and heart from evil(Job 31:1,7),
ii)Keeping your thoughts and then imaginations from evil or anything that exalts itself above the knowledge   and thought of  God.(2 Corinthians 10:5).
iii)Rather casting  down those vain imaginations and bring the thoughts to the obedience of Christ before they graduate to become imaginations and become strongholds.

d)Search for peace, and work to maintain  peace everywhere and always.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is faith(4)

Text: Romans 4: 3, 13

Faith is trusting God to keep His promise, because God cannot lie like men do.(Numbers 23:19, Romans 3:4).

Abraham trusted God to keep His promise and God counted that as righteousness.

What is faith?(3)

Hebrews 11:1, Romans 4:13, 1 Corinthians 3:21
Faith  is the title deed or the certificate of occupancy of the things hope for or that we are expecting as a seed of  Abraham.

It is the proof of things  that are already ours in the spirit realm, that we do not physically see  yet.

It is the conviction of their reality even though these things are not yet revealed to our five physical senses of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling or feeling.

What is faith?(2)

Hebrews 11:1, Romans 4:13,1 Corinthians 3:21
Faith is the certainty, confirmation, assurance  that  what we hope for or are expecting as a seed of Abraham is already waiting for us in the spirit realm  even though we cannot see them yet ahead in the physical realm.

What is faith?(1)

Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the confidence a person has that something  he or she wants is coming to fruition.Abraham offered up his son, Isaac to be slayed as a sacrifice to God, at God's command, because he had confidence(faith) that if Isaac died, God would bring him back to life again.(Hebrews 11:17-19)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Text: John 10:3-5
The most intractable problem in our lives is one word from the Lord away from complete breakthrough. The Lord knows how to turn situations of ill-health, financial crisis, family turmoil, joblessness or any challenge we are facing around. We only need to get a word from the Lord by hearing His voice. One word from the Lord came into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel uptil date providing unending breakthrough (Isaiah 9:8).
Howbeit, the Lord is always speaking to us and giving us direction from our text. Our text tells us we always hear His voice, and not that we can or are able but that we definitely do hear. The challenge is that we are not tuned in to God or giving attention to God(Matthew 6:22-23). Psalm 46:10 tells us to be still to know and then hear from God. God speaks to us in a “STILL SMALL VOICE”(1 Kings 19:12),but it is  often drowned in the busyness of the day. So to receive from Him, how do we tune in?
1)      First, by faith. That is by believing that God is already speaking  to us and for us to start listening deliberately to God

2)      God speaks to our spirits in thoughts and impressions, and our spirits speaks to us in words. Often times we mistake or confuse our personal thoughts with God’s voice and miss the leading of God.

Psalm 37:4 tells us to delight thyself in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Job 22:26-27 tells us that we delight ourselves in the Lord by lifting up our face unto God and making our prayers. This means that as we are seeking the Lord, He will put His desires into our hearts. God will make His desires our desires. Our wants become God’s desires. Alleluia.

3)      How do we know the thoughts are from God. The Bible tells us in Psalm 85:8 “ I will hear what God the Lord will speak: and he will speak peace unto His people, and to his saints: but let them not to turn again to  folly(foolishness)”, and Colossians 3;15 says “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts”

4)      Another litmus test to God leading us through His voice (thoughts and impressions)is that there will be profit, progress and prosperity and blessing in that direction and leading(Isaiah 48:17,21, Proverbs 4:18)
Our gracious heavenly Father speaks to every one of us in thoughts that cannot be numbered (Psalm 40:5) constantly, giving us needed direction and guidance that we need to be overcomers in life to subdue the challenges of life for abundant living. It is our responsibility to connect to His voice(thoughts and impressions) and receive our breakthrough, Alleluia. The Holy Spirit was sent to the Body of Christ to lead, guide and direct the believer. Infact the qualification of sonship in the Kingdom is to be led by the Spirit of God(Romans 8:14). So let us be sensitive to the presence, guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit for abundant living. Alleluia. Begin right now and turn the corner in that intractable situation.

Monday, October 15, 2012

How to release anointing for manifesting your inheritaance

Text:Luke 4:18, Isaiah 10:27

Without anointing of God operating in a believer's life, he  will not be able to enjoy the full measure of abundant life, Jesus paid for already through His finished work. First and foremost, your inheritance is in occupied territory, waiting to be transferred from the illegal occupier, Satan to you.Jesus referred to the Devil as the Prince of this world who has title deed to your inheritance(John 14:30, Matthew 12:29). Until the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus to anoint him, his ministry on earth did not commence in earnest. Anointing destroys the yoke of Satan and removes the burdens on your shoulders. Whatever can comunicate the Holy Spirit will convey the anointing. So how does the believer  release anointing for victory? eLt us look at one  medium  of anointing:

1. The Word of God:  Romans 10:6, Galatians 3:2-5
The Word of God is full of spirit(anointing) and life(John 6:63). The Word of God which is rock in the Bible contains oil of anointing(Deuteronomy 32:13) and infact pours out rivers of oil (anointing)-Job 29:6.

The Word of God in our hearts and declared from our mouths will release great power. The challenge is to put the Word into our hearts through continual declaration to ourselves  until we know beyond doubt the Word had been planted in our hearts. Then when we declare it , tremendous power or anointing  is released.The woman with the issue of blood  in Mark 5:28, continued to say within  and to herself "If i may but touch him i will be made whole" and she was able to draw anointing from the Living Word of God-Lord Jesus Christ.

When the Lord spake to Ezekiel, the spirit entered him(Ezekiel 2:2). The Word of God for healing conveys the spirit of healing or anointing for healing. The Word of God on prosperity  carries the spirit of prosperity or anointing for prosperity, the word of  faith carries the spirit of faith etc.

We however need to put these anointed words into our hearts through continual self talk to hear and listening to anointed mesaages in any area you need God's help to build up pour faith inside you and then your anointing.

 It is the heart of man that answers to man as in water face answereth to face(Proverbs 27:19). The more of the Word of grace you hear and fills your heart, the more anointed you become .It is the word of grace and the Holy Spirit that is able to give us our inheritance(Acts 20:32).

It is the word of grace we continually hear that builds up our faith and anointing for abundant life, not the word of God we have heard(Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:2). So labor in the word to put the Word continually fresh in your heart. When you then  declare boldly the Word of grace in your heart, miracles and wonders is the outcome(Acts 14:3. Alleluia. Shalom.

Differentiating between relationship and fellowsip with God.

Text:2 Corinthians 5:18-21, 1 Corinthians 12:13 Man's relationship and fellowship with God was terminated at the fall(Genesis 3:24-25) Sin or disobedience to God cessates man's relationship and fellowship with God(Isaiah 59:1-2) God in Christ through the finished work on the Cross reconciled the world unto himself not imputing their tresspasses unto them; and hath committed unto us, as ambassadors for Christ, the ministry of reconciliation.(2 Corinthians 5:19) The veil in the temple, a symbol of separation between man and God was rent in twain from top to bottom....(Mathhew 27:51). Every one who believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God; as the propitiation for our sins and receives the forgiveness for his or her sins that Jesus provides freely through His blood; and accepts and receives Him as personal Lord and Savior is reconciled back to God, Almighty as a child of God and a joint heir with Christ. After salvation, fellowship with the triune God is now through the communion of the Holy Spirit. Our temple becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit, the habitation of God, the fsater and our Lord Jesus Christ. Be that AS IT MAY, IF WE SIN AFTER BEING BORN AGAIN AND DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE WE ARE SINNERS AND THANK GOD FOR THE CLEANSING BLOOD OF JESUS FROM GOD'S MERCY SEAT THAT IS CLEANSING US AND ASK FOR GRACE NOT TO SIN AGAIN, WE WILL TEMPORARILY LOSE ACTIVE FELLOWSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, EVEN THOUGH OUR RELATIONSHIP REMAINS INTACT. THE BLESSINGS IN CHRIST WHICH THE HOLY SPIRIT HELPS US TO MANIFEST ARE THEN DELAYED, AND THE BELIEVER THEN LIVES LIKE A SERVANT.So Apostle Paul lamented for believers who do not repent and maintain theIR HOLY STANDING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT,because the enemy will shortchange such an one.(2 Corinthians 12:20-21) So what do we NEED TO do to keep ourselves pure?Always acknowledge your sins before God, thanking Him for His unilateral forgiveness(1 John 2:12);then continue to declare Romans 6:14, " it is written...." to ward off the man of sin, the tempter; and until it takes root in your heart and produces a divine image inside you and you know that you know that you are free from that weight and sin that easily beests you(Hebrews 12:1) So allowing unrepented sin in our lives affects our fellowship , and the outpouring of love and grace and favor into our lives and manifestation of our inheritance, but does not affect our relationship with God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Living for Christ is to live free from sin.How?

Text:Micah 7:18-19, Philippians 2:13 Many of us believers are struggling to live for Christ daily all to no avail.Integrity or freedom from sin is the key to abundant life and prosperity.I've tried to pray this besetting sin out and I have failed!I've tried to read the Bible,but my mind keeps wandering away!I've tried to get rid of this evil or bad habits, but it keeps coming back!If this describes you, you are not alone, and do not feel condemn.Jesus has the solution for you today. A servant of God asked the Lord; what can I do to please you?The Lord answered, My greatest pleasure is when you allow me to do the work.(Philippians 2:13). So to please God , He wants us to pray the prayer He wants to hear on this matter:Lord, I can't do it, You will have to do the work."Paul's solution to his struggle wth sin in Romans 7:14,18,24-25 was to turn it over to Christ.Turn that struggle with sin, sickness,family turmoil, debt to Jesus, because He is the only One Who can subdue it.(Micah 7:18-19).You will never be able to solve your problems; quit trying and surrender to the Spirit of Christ, your Comforter and Helper,alleluia. If you do this, you will be transformed and will discover how easy it is to live for Christ. Jesus is inviting the habitual sinner or carnal believer still in adultery, drug use, strife, complaining, murmuring or any other besetting sin :"Come unto me, give the sins, iniquities to me and let me subdue them and exchange them for my burden which is light and my yoke which is easy. I paid for them with My precious blood.(Matthew 11:28-30,Ephesians 1:7) As soon as the motion of sin comes to you, give them to Jesus and give Him thanks for taking them from you.Do it as often as it comes, and the unclean seducing spirits behind the sins will have to go forever.Also Also violently resist and cast out the devils luring and deceiving you into sinning, and the Egyptian you saw a moment ago , you will not find them anymore. Alleluia , glory to God and praises and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ and our precious Holy Spirit, our senior Partner in the journey of life. God bless you richly as you do what the Lord says to enjoy the abundant life which is rightfully yours. yours.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mountain Moving faith: Speak to the Mountain

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13,  Mark 11:23

There is life and death in the power of our tongue (Proverbs 18:20-21). Our words are powerful. With our words we can release life, and with our words, we can release death. There is power in our words-both positive and negative power. If you are fighting some type of challenge, you need to start speaking faith-filled words against that challenge. Speak what the word of God says about you concerning the challenge and speak it in faith.You cannot keep a thought from coming, but you can keep from taking that thought as your own(Matthew 6:31).You haven’t really taken a thought until you begin to speak it out.  How do we then operate on the word of God to receive our blessings from God? Speak to the mountain and call forth your blessings from the spirit realm in Jesus Name.!Alleluia

1.What is a mountain: Luke 17:6
What is a mountain in a believer's life? The mountain is the problem in your life. A mountain is anything that is a barrier to you completing God's Will. A mountain is anything that is slowing down or impeding your progress in the Kingdom of God. Many believers spend time praying to God about their mountain. They cry to God about what a hindrance or impossibility the mountain is in their life. Some people make up doctrines and traditions about God, to justify why the mountain is still in their life.

2.Who is responsible to speak to the mountain? Matthew  21:21, Isaiah 45:11
Many believers will pray to God for Him to speak to their mountain. God will never do what he has commanded you to do. You pray to God to receive what Jesus has made available to you (Mark 11:24).It is your responsibility to speak to the mountain in your life. Jesus didn't tell us to pray to God about our mountain. He said for us to speak to the mountain; speak to the mountain in His Name. Jesus didn't tell us to ignore or deny the mountain or problem. We are not to say, "I don't have a mountain" or "what problem?" We are not to practice positive thinking. A positive attitude is always good. But a positive attitude is not what Jesus said to do with mountains. Jesus said to speak to the mountain or problem and tell it to be moved .Jesus said that any believer can tell a mountain, "You be lifted up and thrown into the sea" (NLT), or "Go, throw yourself into the sea" (NIV), or "Go jump in the lake -no shuffling or shilly-shallying-and it's as good as done"(Message) .Jesus says, "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you"  from our text.

3.What is the role of prayer and fasting in speaking to the mountain? Matthew 17:20
Praying and fasting will not move a mountain. Prayer and fasting deals with unbelief or lack of confidence in God's Word .Many people get into natural unbelief by what they see, hear, touch, smell, taste or even feel. You must not allow natural unbelief to be a counter weight to faith(Matthew 17:20) Your spirit man must not be dominated by your unregenerated fallen flesh .Prayer is about your relationship with God through Jesus Christ and will increase your confidence about your relationship with God. God becomes your total source. Prayer and fasting will move you into a more confident [faithful] position to speak to the mountain .

4.How do we speak to the mountain: Mark 11:23, Zechariah 4:6-7

        a)Thank God whose desire is for you to prosper and be in good health, and to have abundant life

       b)Praise who through the finished work of the Cross had paid for us to receive and enjoy His blessings

      c)Command the recipient-the thing , your body, bank account, resume, family to receive and respond to the power of God in the promised word of God

d)Command the mountain to move out of the way and the blessings to come and declare or proclaim God’s favor over the situation, like Zerrubbabel did. Psalm 5:12, Zechariah 4;6-7

       e)If it does not move, continue to speak to it, the mountains may be many! Alleluia. They must bow.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Perfecting our faith: receiving the word of God

Text:Hebrews 4:2,Mark 4:20,24 Text:Hebrews 4:2, Mark 4:20-26 This month ,the Holy Spirit has been teaching us about perfecting our faith. In this blog we wish to learn the missing seed in the faith work. Our text tells us that it is the gospel of grace(Acts 13:43) that mixes with faith to produce profit. Faith is of the heart and the mixing takes place in the heart. In Mark 4:2 we are told the kingdom operates under the principle of seed time and harvest.Faith seed(Luke 17:6) mixed with the Word seed(Luke 8:11) will produce profit. When we became born again, we received the seed of faith into our heart as a component of the fruit of the spirit(Galatians 5:22). Our text tells us in Mark 4:20 that the good ground which produce 30,60 and 100 fold fruit is such as which HEAR the WORD and receive THE WORD.So until you receive the word into your heart ,conception of the fruit cannot take place.The process of receiving the word into your heart is called MEDITATION:constantly speaking the word to yourself,to others and in every situation. The word tells us that there is seed, time and then harvest.The time is a time of watering the seed with the rain of the word. Paul planteth, Apollos watereth, then God gave the increase(1 Corinthians 3:6).The process of watering is called MEDITATION:constantly speaking the word of God to yourself, to others and in every situation until it sparks an inner image or picture of the harvest you are expecting or until you receive the harvests. It is pertinent to say here that as you set out to engage yourself in the growth cycle of the word of grace to produce a harvest, Satan will work hard to take the word sown in your heart by sponsoring affliction,persecution,worries from the cares of this world,deceitfulness,lusts of the eyes(covetousness, pride,strife,contention),lusts of the flesh(adultery,fornication,ego,pride) ,unforgiveness and offences etc. Most of the happenings in the families is Satan's program to steal the word.Be wise.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Perfecting our faith: cultivating biblical hope

Text:Hebrews 6:19 ,2 Peter 2:19, Romans 8:24 , Hebrews 11:1 Bible hope is not a wish which we expect to pass. It is a spiritual seed, a dream, an inner image conceived in the soul of man by the word of God.It is what faith requires to bring the blessings of God into manifestation in the believers life. Meditation by constantly speaking God's word as it relates to the circumstance or situation to yourself, to others and in every situation-calling those things which are not as though they were is one of the ways of cultivating biblical hope. When the word of God enters into your heart, it brings light to the circumstance(2 Peter 1:19)because it enters as light.And As we continue to speak the word of God to ourselves, to others and in every situation, the light gets brighter and brighter. It grows and develops on our inside ultimately giving birth to an inner image of what we are believing to receive from God. First we have a more sure word of prophecy(2 Peter 2:19) and then a more sure and steady hope, the anchor of the soul.( Hebrews 6:19) This was what Abraham, Joshua and Peter did to manifest their destiny in God.Whereas in the past we may have seen ourselves childless like Abraham, lacking money or sick or with one challenge or the other, but once we hear the word of God concerning the situation and receive the seed of the word of God into our hearts by hearing and speaking it continuously to ourselves, to others and in every situation, we begin to see the word inside us as a bright inner image or picture or dream, and then as we declare what we see, we turn our faith loose to produce fruit. Alleluia, glory to God in the highest.

Perfecting our faith: Contrasting Biblical hope from natural hope

Text:Hebrews 11:1 , Romans 8:24 From our text we can see that faith is first and foremost the substance of things hoped for.So understanding the contrasts between biblical ad natural hope is important in perfecting our faith. Natural hope is synonymous with wishing. I am hoping to get a job or a new home.Biblical hope is Holy Spirit inspired,inner image or picture or dreams within us deliberately cultivated based on the promises of God's word and heaven's unfailing and unlimited provisions. Faith gives substance to bible based hopes or inner image or picture in the spirit realm and makes it manifest in the natural realm. Biblical hope is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ-the Living Word of God.(1 Timothy 1:1) Our intense expectation that the inner image or biblical hope will come to pass guarantees that the spiritual seed of hope cultivated will produce fruit in the kingdom and results in the rewards of our inheritance. Alleluia. So when believers do not take time to cultivate biblical hope within their hearts, faith is left with nothing to do or work on and becomes ineffectual. Cultivating biblical hope is very crucial to perfecting our faith and will be the subject of the next blog. Shalom and God bless you richly.

Perfecting our faith in Jesus and His finished work.

Text:1 Thessalonians 3:9-10, Hebrews 12:2 Faith is what we live by in the kingdom .It is the currency in the kingdom of God.It is the work of God we are expected to do (John 6:29) .Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.It is by faith we please God. The children of Israel were overthrown in the wilderness because they did not please God.(1 Corinthians 10:5).They were led through the wilderness instead of a shorter route because they did not have a fighting spirit:they were not exercising faith in God(Exodus 13:17-18).Faith is the victory that overcomes the world, by it we quench the fiery darts of the devil, and the elders subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of aliens.(Hebrews 11:33-34) Our text tells us that our faith could be lacking something, thus making it ineffective.Faith works by love and has other accompaniements like patience, joy,good conscience, forgiveness etc. So when we pray day and night, focusing on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, our faith will become more potent to deliver our inheritance. The Lord promised in Luke 18:7-8 that He will answer us speedily, if we pray day and night. He also promised in Psalm 138:8 that He will perfect all that concerneth us, will not forsake us ,the work of His Hands, because His mercy for us endureth forever.Faithful is he that calleth us to live and walk by faith who will also do it.(1 Thessalonian 5 :24). Alleluia, glory to God in the highest.

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Change Negative Situations in Your Life

Text: Jonah 2:8-9, Hebrews 13:15, Ephesians 5:20
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not come only to reveal God to man and reconcile man to God bringing man back into God's family, but also quite distinctly came to teach us how to live in the kingdom, especially how to eliminate the negative situations or circumstances that crops up in our lives.

The key to living abundant life in the kingdom is to be joyful and  full of rejoicing in our heart.(Proverbs 17:22,Psalm 16:11, Joel 1:12, 1 Peter 1:8). That is the key to  manifesting good health, prosperity, God's presence, faith is joy and the grace, mercy and favor of God.(Proverbs 17:22,Psalm 16:11, Joel 1:12, 1 Peter 1:8). Howbeit the key to rejoicing is gratitude or gratefulness or thankfulness. So Apostle Paul under incarceration in the prison said " I think myself happy". Why? Because he was grateful to suffer for the sake of Christ (Acts 5:12).

Irrespective of the negative situations you find yourself, find something around you are grateful for, and as you do, you harness the power of God (His love and grace) that eliminates the negative situation. be positive to everyone you talk to and be happy. Be grateful for everything you have around you-the running water, the electricity etc. and everything will start changing for good. Give thanks for your five senses, for your physical body, soul and spirit for they are fearfully and wonderfully made(Psalm 139:14), for your home, for your family, for your friends, for your job, for your business, for the money in your hand, for your achievements, for everything that is good. Remember all good things come from God, the father of lights with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning.(James 1:17)

When you give thanks, the victory Jesus won  on the Cross for you will be manifested in your life.( 1 Corinthians 15:57)

When you give thanks to the Father, He will cause you to triumph in everything and in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

When you give thanks, God's grace or favor will be released to help you.

When you give thanks, it shows you love God and that you acknowledge His love (mercy) and goodness (grace and favor) towards you which enables God to manifest the blessings He hath prepared for you.(Psalm 136:1,1 Corinthians 2:9).

The scriptures say "He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.”-Psalm 50:23. When God comes on the scene, the spirit of fornication,uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness,foolish talking ,and jesting  will have no place in your life, because they loathe worship and thanksgiving to God, Alleluia.(Ephesians 5:1-4)

Gratitude or thanksgiving brings what you want in life. Be thankful for what you want in life as though you have already received it and sooner or later it will manifest in your life.

Gratitude for every good thing in your life eliminates the negative things (lying vanities) and is the best insurance that what you are and what you have will be sustained to continue in future and also multiply.

Our text shows that Jonah turned away from observing the lying vanities or negative circumstances he was facing in the belly of the fish, so as not forsake God's favor or mercy needed to give him the breakthrough he direly needed, but instead gave God thanks and his breakthrough was manifested. Glory to God in the highest.

Our tongue and mouth when used to bring out good things or blessings bring glory to God and becomes a tree of life.(Proverbs 15:3) The power of life and death is in our tongue :life when we use it to give thanks to God and to men and confess the word of His grace; death when we use it to criticize , find faults , condemn  God and men, and declare the negative situations happening that we are focusing on.

Change that daunting situation in your life by giving God thanks and praise continually for other good things , God hath accomplished in your life and family continually and professing the Word of his grace which abideth forever.For we are not to look or focus or meditate on the things which are seen, because they are temporal and passing away, but on the things which are not seen-the word of His grace which are eternal and abideth forever.(2 Corinthians 4:18)

God bless you and Shalom.



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mix faith with the Word of God for Profit

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7, Hebrews 4:2, 12:2

Whatever we do in the kingdom, whether praying ,fasting, confessions, giving etc, it must begin from inside our spirit man(heart), for God to be involved in it and must be founded on in the Word of God which produces a suoernatural force called faith that  moves God's hand in our favor.

Faith in the Word of God can also be seen as faith of God in us which is a gift(Ephesians 2:8-9) mixed with the word of God planted in our spirit. So without the Word of God being engrafted in our spirit (James 1:21), faith has nothing to work with. Jesus ,The Word of life in us working with the gift of faith in us produces the miracle.

The treasure is in the earthen vessel. Faith is of the inside. Until the word of God is planted in your spirit through meditation ; and you focus , look and wait on Jesus to build up your faith, and then mix the word of grace with faith there may be no miracle or grace or favor from God.

Sin condemns and dehrones, but Grace teaches and enthrones

Text: Romans 8:1-2, Galatians 4:1-6, Titus 2:11-14

Sin, which is external influence dethrones man from the miracle arena and makes him a toiler whereas the Spirit of grace which works from your inside and with your spirit(Galatians 5:18) makes you a believer- a faith man, the child of a faith God and enthrones in an arena of daily miraculous living. Alleluia.

 It is your choice to either enthrone self effort to obey the commandments or enthrone the spirit of grace by following Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to do the commandments.

In both scenarios you are a child of God; but with the former you are a servant even though you are an heir with Jesus and therefore subject to the inclement weather and sufferings of the world-sin, sickness, poverty, lack etc., because you are under the works of the law but with the latter, you are a son and then an heir, and you are experiencing constant miraculous and supernatural exploits because you are under grace.(Galatians 4:1-6) Sin cannot have dominion over you (Romans 6:14).

In fact temptations are actually your route to stardom and supernatural exploits (James 1:2,12).

Whilst the child(believer under the works of the law) will be complaining and murmuring because of temptations, sons are counting all joy , because they see temptations as a route and source of blessings as they are awaiting a crown of life, Alleluia(James1:2,120. After Jesus was tempted He came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14)

 The commandments to obey through self effort are the works of the law including the ten commandments engraved in tables of stones and 600 of do’s and don’ts which ministers death and condemnation to the practitioners if they fail in one of them and makes Jesus of no effect(2 Corinthians 3:3-7,James 2:10, Galatians 5:4)

The commandment to do and follow through the Spirit of grace includes believing on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ and loving one another as He gave us commandment(1 John 3:23, Galatians 5;14) which is the epistle of Christ written with the Spirit of  the living God in fleshy tables of the heart(2 Corinthians 3:3)

When you follow the Holy Spirit in your daily activities through prayers, meditation and word study, you are under grace based on the word of God.(Hebrews 4:15-16), 13:5-6).

When you follow your senses and other people based on your intellect  or externalities, you are under the law.(Romans 8:14)

How can the believer work in the supernatural miracle realm?

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7, Haggai 2:6-9

God is a miracle working God, and has put in the believer the miracle working capacity that enable him to be a witty inventor and discover many great things-computers, internet, airplane, electricity etc.Believers who work from their inside(their spirit) out are partnering with God to work miracles. Believers who work from outside(their flesh) can never be miracle workers. God partners with the believer from the inside to change the outside world.

 As long as the believer allows his spirit to dominate the flesh through praying without ceasing or regular praying coupled with fasting as and when led by the Spirit, he will walk in the supernatural, miracle realm. Otherwise if the believer does pray regularly i.e. prayerless which allows his mind or intellect to dominate his spirit, the believer will suffer the shaking of nations instead of the latter house which God says will be more glorious than the former and will be full of silver and gold.(Haggai 2:6-9)

More Prayers, More blessings and More Power

Text: Matthew 7:7-11, Isaiah 49:15, Romans 8:32,  James 5:16

The more we pray continuously, the more Christ supplies us  continuously with His Spirit (Luke 11:13) and the more we pray continuously , the more faith He sees and finds in us continuously and He continuously supplies us with our needs(Luke 18:8), the more we pray continuously, the more power we receive continuously.

The key word here is continual praying which is emphasized in Luke 11:8 as ‘importunity’ and in Luke 18:7 as “cry day and night unto God”. We are admonished in 2 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing”.

The enemy of our soul and destiny accuses the believer before God day and night (Revelation 12:10), and the believer must give our Advocate, Our Lord Jesus Christ our prayers and our claim for justice day and night to win the battle  in the Courts of our God. God says to the believer, bring forth your strong reasons in the Court(Isaiah 41:21).

Our spirit man has been reborn and inhabited by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and cannot sin because the seed of God remains there and is sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.(John 3:5, Ephesians 1:13, 4:24)

Our souls have been purchased but not yet redeemed.Our souls are in sin before God without the atoning Blood of Jesus cleansing us. (Romans 11:32, James 2:10, 4:17), because we are being renewed day by day and being transformed from glory to g;lory into the image of Christ by the Spirit of God. Sometimes our mind, emotions ,will and conscience yield to the flesh and we sin.The scriptures posits that "the end of our faith is the salvation of our souls".(1 Peter 1:9).

We also do well to bring our body under subjection(1 Corinthians 9:27), but occasionally we falter.Apostles Paul admonishes us to gird our mind with diligence.

We therefore must plead the Blood of Jesus in prayers(1 John 1:7, Hebrews 9:22,12:24)continuously or as often as we can and bring our testimonies of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross before the Judge of the Universe to keep the enemy off our backs and not give him opportunity to steal our faith(Ephesians 4:27, Jeremiah 20:10-11, 1 Peter 5:7-9).

Remember Christ is in you, from whom you expect God's glory or God's miracle working power.(Colossians 1:27) as you pray and worship Him. Shalom.

Wait on Jesus Christ for Your Miracle

Text: Galatians 3:5

Jesus Christ , Our Savior ministers to the believer: the Holy Spirit and Miracles(God's favor or grace continuously as He hears your faith in Him.(Hebrews 8:2,7:22). As you focus and wait on Him, He will exchange your challenges for blessings and give you faith to overcome your challenges and receive your miracles.

Other texts:Phillipians 1:19, Isaiah 30:18,40:28-31,64:4

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is The Finished work of Christ effective in your life?

Text: Galatians 5:3-5, Collosians 1:20-22

Man that is born into this life that depends totally on God's favor and omnipotence to survive, because the earth, it's fullness and all that is therein  belong to God.(Psalm 24:1).Favor of God distinguishes men and nations.It is righteousness that exalts a nation, sin (the debts owed God) is a reproachto any people(Proverbs 14:34). By strength shall no prevail(1 Samuel 2:9).

The children of Israel prevailed in all their sojourn through God's favor.(Exodus 12:36, Psalm 44:3).What qualifies us for favor is our right standing with God(righteousness), which is made possible when we pay the debts we owe God due to our sins.the psalmist says in Psalm 5:12 that God will bless the righteous and compass him about with favour like a shield.

Since the fall of man, God hath concluded every man a sinner so that He may have mercy on man.(Romans 11:32).We cannot pay the debts of our sins to God  and be in right standing with God to receive and enjoy God's divine favor, through circumcision or obeying the ten commandments and over 600 other laws(that is we cannot be justfied by works or obedience to these laws and commandments).

If we choose obedience to these laws  and circumcision as a means of paying the debt we owe God to be in right standing with Him and enjoy His divine favor, we have to obey ALL the laws and commandments without failing in any one of them, which is impossible.The bible say if we fail in one we fail in all.(James 2:10).And our text tells us if we go via the route of  the works of the law, we make Christ of no effect in our lives and are fallen from grace.

Howbeit if we place our trust and belief solely on the vicarious death of Christ on the cross of calvary and the shedding of His blood to atone for our sins and  as complete and final payments for the debts we owe God due to our past, present and future sins against God(that is justification by faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross and faith in the blood of Jesus) we will be in right standing before God to receive His favor that would unleash immeasurable blessings into our lives through our Lord Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. Under these circumstances, Christ and His grace is made effectual in our lives and we start enjoying the benefits of the Cross of Christ.

Our text tells us that what is therefore needed now is only our faith in the blood of Jesus as sufficient payments of the debts we owe God and activating this faith through words, thoughts and deeds of  love because faith works by love to enjoy right standing with God to receive His favor.(Galatians 5:6).

The resultant effect and impact of grace on our lives will be walking in the newness of life and holiness; and abounding in goods works by the help of the Holy Spirit.(Romans 6:4,22;Ephesians 2:10, 2 Corinthians 9:8)

Our consciousness of this basis for our justification creates a flow of God's blessings, inspiration and direction into every area of  our lives, and we are transformed into the same image of Christ from glory to glory as by the Spirit of God.(2 Corinthians 9:8)

May the Holy Spirit give us more understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.

The Christian is part of the seed of Abraham-Jesus Christ

Text:EphesiaRomans 4:13, 8:17, Acts 17:28, Galatians 2:20

From our text, God before the foundation chose every man in His Son,Jesus Christ to be holy and without blame before him in love.We are only accepted by God in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit baptised us into Christ when we became born again(1 Corinthians 12:13,Galatians 3:27), and we have put on Christ as the clothing of our spirit man and therefore should not make provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof.(Romans 13:14).

The Christian is a member of the body of Christ, of His flesh and of His bones(Ephesians 5;30,
1 Corinthians 12:27).

God sees the Christian inside Christ chosen before the foundation of the world. So on the cross, the christian was inside the loins of Christ spiritually just like the jews were in the loins of Abraham.(Romans 6:3,Hebrews 7:5). On the cross our old man is crucified with Christ that the body of sin might be destroyed,that henceforth we should not serve sin, but rather be servants of righteousness and servants to God(romans 6:6,18-22), and bear fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life.

God had sworn and made Abraham and his seed the heir of the world through the righteousness of faith which speaketh(Romans 4:13, 10:5).Isaac is like the Christian, a part of the seed(Galatians 4:28), in Christ are heirs according to the promise.

The promise to be the heir of the world was made to Abraham and his seed, and not to seeds as of many, but as of one seed.Abraham had one seed. Jesus Christ is the only seed of Abraham(Galatians 3:16).

Isaac, the Jews and all believers are joint heirs with Christ and therefore seed of Abraham and are seen as part of Christ by God, the Father. Therefore the whole world belong to Christ; and also to the Jews and Christians baptised into Christ; and in and through Christ, the believer receives, takes and enjoy God's bountiful blessings. Jesus Christ is our Source , and God, the Father is His Source.Alleluia.We are complete in Christ.(Collosians 2:10) As He is in this world so we are in this world(1 John 4:17).All things are ours; we are Christ's and Christ is God's.(1 Corinthians 3:21-23). In Christ we are righteous, redeemed, sanctified, full of wisdom, full of knowledge, anointed and full of power.(1 Corinthians 1:24,30).

That is the way God sees us. That is the way we get our needs met-in and through Christ. That is heaven's protocol for the Christian.All we need for life and godliness are in Christ. God demonstrated this during the sojourn of Isrealites to and from the promised land. The manna they ate, the Rock Moses struck that gave water which they drank from were actually Jesus and Jesus crucified.

Through the Cross of Christ where we receive mercy through the blood of Jesus and help from the Spirit of grace from the throne of grace. God sees us in Christ. All that is Christ is ours. The more we are conscious of this truth and behold Jesus Christ through prayers, praises, scripture reading, study, meditation, confession, seeing the word of grace in our minds as pictures and listening to the instructions of the Spirit of grace and promptly obeying and confessing or declaring the rhema word from the Holy Spirit seen in our minds, the more our needs are met and we are transformed from glory to glory(Genesis 13:15, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 4:18)

Alleluia, glory to God in the highestSshalom. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding, give you the grace to make the right choices and bless you richly, Amen

Monday, April 9, 2012

Harvesting Seed Sown:Puting Pressure on the Seed to Produce

Text:Genesis 8:22, Galatians 6:7, Romans 4:17,  Hebrews 4:2

From our text, God had put down a spiritual law to guide every area of life for all  mankind- the law of seed time and harvest:'Be not deceived, God is not mocked:what soever a man sows , that shall he also reap;"........ seed time and harvest shall not cease as long as the earth remaineth.....".

Jesus Christ our Lord is the Seed of Abraham(Galatians 3:16).God sowed His only begotten son as seed (Genesis 3:15).God put pressure on the seed sown by continually declaring the word of promise through the mouths of His prophets and servants until it became a reality,when the word was made flesh-Jesus Christ(John 1:14)

The Bible is a book of seeds.The seed is the word of God(Luke 8:11). The  sower soweth the word(Mark 4:14)

Every word spoken, something thought about, or action  or deed done are seeds sown into that situation or circumstances.

If the word , thoughts or deed align with the word of God(that aligns with the word of God-"He hath said,..........that we may boldly say", something thought about or meditated on that gives us a picture of what we need) : that is sowing to the Spirit(John 6:63, Ezekiel 2:2, Ephesians 6:17) then they will produce abundant life, peace and life everlasting or if sown to the flesh(contrary to the word of grace and works of the law), they will produce hardship and corruption.

So we put pressure on the seed we have sown by continually declaring the word of His grace or divine promises concerning the seed sown until manifestation.

You have been giving tithe and offerings and you have not reaped the harvest: continue to thank God for the harvest and put pressure on the tithe and offering seed sown by declaring Phillipians 4:19 until the word becomes abundant and is manifested into a harvest.

You have prayed for healing and you have not received the healing:continue to thank God for the healing  and put pressure on the prayer seed sown by declaring either of 1st Peter 2:24, or  Isaiah 53:5, or Matthew 8:17  until the word becomes abundant  and is manifested into a harvest.

Summary: Plant the seed(word, thought or action in alignment with God's word) and continue to pressure the seed by thanking God and declarring the word of grace pertaining to the seed until the harvests manifest.

Shalom and God bless you richly. Alleluia.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Power of the Cross

Text:1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:2

Our text tells us that the preaching of the cross is the power of God to them that are saved and foolishness to them that  perish, that is the unsaved. When we are preaching the cross, power is evidently released to manifest the blessings of God in the life of the believer. The Cross is the place of exchange of unconditional love for hatred and wickedness,eternal death for eternal life, curses for blessing, sickness and disease for wholeness and good health, poverty for riches, shame for glory, rejection for love, defeat for victory, failure for success, captivity and imprisonment for freedom and liberty, lack for abundance and prosperity, barrenness for fruitfulness, darkness for light, short life for long life etc, etc.

No wonder when Paul came to the Corinthians  church , he was unequivocal in tellling them  that all he was interested in  knowing among them was Jesus and Jesus crucfied.(1 Corinthians 2:2). There was a lot happening in this church:strife, fornication , all sorts of division and different types of sinful acts.Paul was only concerned about their focus on Jesus Christ and Him criucified. Why? This is because, the root cause of those problems was their lack of attention and focus on the Cross of Jesus which will release power to overcome the spirit of iniquity plaguing the church.((2 Cor.2:11, 4:4,11:3). The happenings were symptoms of the fact that their minds and hearts were focused on lying vanities, resulting in them forsaking God's mercy and grace to live right.(Jonah 2:8). The Cross of Jesus depicts the pure amazing grace, love  and mercy of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures say  in Romans 6:14 sin shall not have dominion over us, because we are under grace and not under the law(doing right or doing wrong). So focusing on the happenings in the Corithians church would have brought Paul ubder the law and made Christ of no effect, God forbid.(Galatians 5:3). You are controlled and limited by what you focus your mind and attention on; and if on the  Jesus Christ(the word of grace) and the cross of Jesus, then we are under grace, and if on our performance and effort, the good things and the bad things we do or not do, under the law. So beware.

Also Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 said the only thing he glories in , is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to him and he unto the world. The cross of Jesus represents a climatic exchange of heavens good for the evil of the earth that crosses out the world out of our minds and brings inti our heart affection for heaven and the King of kings.

So spend time to think and imagine the beatibng of Jesus with stripes for your healing and the shedding of Hios blood for your righteousness that requirement for anserwered prayers  and for the flow of the covenant blessings into your life.

May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What do you see before or around you?

Text:Proverbs 15:30, Titus 1:15,Phillipians 4:8,1John2:4-6 Some people see good always around them, while others see nothing but only evil.The difference comes from what we expose our minds to, either thinking and meditating on the finished work of the cross and thinking and meditating on the word of grace and allow the Holy Spirit to control our minds or focusing and giving more attention to the world and it's allurements.(Matthew 6:22-23).If our heart is pure and believing, we will see all things as pure.If our heart is defiled and unbelieving, we see everything as impure.Our mind and conscience filters all that we see around based on whether our heart is believing or unbelieving.What we choose to fill our minds with or think about determines how we perceive things and the way we act.Phillipians 4:8 tells us what to think about:should be excellent , praiseworthy and be of good report. When we turn our thoughts to God and His word, we will discover more goodness even in situations that seems contrary.Such minds have little or no room for what is evil. From Titus 1:16 we see that our conduct reflect what we believe.Our lifestyle speaks about what we value in life and whether we have ordered our lives around what is important in the kingdom of God. By watching our lives, people will know about God and about our faith. Set your affection and mind on things that are above that is spiritual things than on physical things we see that are temporal and subject to change. God bless you as you read.

The one single solution of God to all your problems and challenges

Text:1 Corinthians 1:18, 2 Corinthians 2:2.

Man born into this world is encumbered with many problems.As different as our faces so are our problems and challenges.Varied as the problems may be, God has only one sufficient solution to the all the problems of mankind:the cross of Christ.The basic universal problem of all humans is that we have all turned our backs on God and gone our own way.(Isaiah 53:6).The bible calls this iniquity and the punishment or evil consequences of iniquity.Jesus Himself was not guilty but the iniquity of all of us was laid upon him by the Father because of His love for humans. Jesus loves the Father and loves humans and willingly gave his life and took all the judgment, condemnation and punishment we deserve by his suffering, crucifixion, rejection from God, painful and shameful death , burial and resurrection.He literally took our place and exchanged it divinely for His own righteousness, holiness, blessings and riches, wholeness and all the blessings of abundant and eternal life.The evil due us came upon Jesus so that the good and blessings due Jesus might be offered to us who believe from the amazing grace and love of God for us . As we focus our mind and thoughts on the finished work of Christ seeing Jesus being beaten and striped for our healing and the blood being shared for our righteousness, we receive our blessings of wholeness and righteousness. Our prayers are always answered because they come from the righteous.Righteousness is now a gift exchanged for our sins on the cross(2 Cor.5:21).Our righteousness is irreversible.We should always acknowledge and confess our forgiveness of sins through the fountain of the blood of Jesus which continually cleanses us 24/7 (1John 1:7) and that we are always the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Set your mind always on the finished work of Christ on the cross.Power is released every time you do this and the devil is always defeated.(1 Cor.1:18).Your thoughts on the finished work on the cross and the resurrection creates the realities of your righteousness and releases your healing and prosperity. The battle is in the mind.The stronghold of iniquity and sin in the mind is overcome by the stronger hold of the blood of the eternal covenant(2 Cor.10:3-5,Zechariah 9 :11-12).That is the key to good health and prosperity in your life.Remember when the Jews had challenges, the Prophet was directed to cut a tree to find the mixing axe;to remove the poison from the poisonous meal, to heal them from deadly bite of fiery serpents by focusing on the bronze serpent representing finished work on the cross. It is like shining light to every dark area of our lives.The bronze represent the judgment due us laid upon Christ on the Cross,and the serpent being a cursed creature by God represents  Jesus who became the curse for us so that we might be blessed.(Galatians 3:13-14). You are always the righteousness of God. It is irreversible because it is a gift , and the gift of God are without repentance.God says in Hebrews 8:12 that your sins and iniquity he will remember no more .That means he will not visit you with your iniquity and sins like in the Old covenant, but will convict you of who you are by the Holy Spirit and empower or engrace you to live righteously.That is God's grace and His amazing love.
God bless you richly and give you greater understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is True Repentance? Repentance from deadworks.

Text:Hebrews 6:1, Mark 1:15, Hebrews 9:14

Repentance means a change of mind.Jesus was preaching the gospel in our text saying repent and believe the gospel-the good news.The goodnews is 'I will suffer and die for your sins,and through My blood that i will give, all your sins will be forgiven and you will be made right(reconciled) with God, the Father and you will receive eternal life (abundant life).

We have learnt so much about repentance from sin. In the New testament sin is a fruit of the tree of good and evil which has as its root ; dead works. Our first text tells us that this and faith towards God is the first foundation of our faith.So when we repent from deadworks(the root), we automatically take care of sin(the fruit), and then faith will be released.The blood of Jesus purges us from deadworks the root of the tree of good and evil to serve the living God.

Our faith sometimes seems impotent because it is founded on deadworks.So then what is
deadworks. Deadworks are goodworks based on the law or self effort which we do to make us right with God or to gain righteousness.

For example if we study the Bible or pray or give tithe and offering or do anything in the kingdom outside the help or prompting of the Holy Spirit, our Helper, thinking that will make us right with God that is deadworks.

If on the other hand we study the Bible or pray or pay tithe and offering depending on the help and the prompting of the Holy Spirit based on the Word of God, because we know we are already right with God and that we are the beloved of God only because of the finished work of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that we are righteous based on the Word of God(John 16:10,13; Ephesians 1:5-6,2:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

 That is because we are under grace ; and thus God will answer our prayers as we pray(1 Peter 3:10) , give us revelation knowledge through the Holy Spirit as we study the Bible(2 Corinthians 3:7,9) and meet our needs according to His riches in glory and of his grace through the Holy Spirit(2 Corinthians 9:8) , then faith power, revelation and grace to meet sufficiency in all things will be released by the Holy Spirit who witnesses to the truth.god bless.

May the Holy Spirit give you understanding in Jesus Name,Amen

Monday, March 5, 2012

The interplay of spirit, soul and body in man's redemption

Text:1 Thessalonians 5:23, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 9:27, 2 Corinthian 7:1.

Man is a tripartite being .He is a spirit with a soul and housed in a physical body. Man assesses: the physical world with his body, the intellectual or sensual realm with his mind, the spirit world with his spirit. The Bible calls the flesh which I believe is comprised of the soul(mind) plus the body, and I believe the heart comprises the spirit and soul(mind).

So we can see that the soul(mind) is the intercession of the spirit realm and the physical realm and is the theatre of war or the spiritual battle ground.The physical realm has no access to the spirit realm except through the soul(mind); and the spirit has no access to the physical body except through the soul(mind).

The soul(mind) is the focus of the enemy.He blinds the mind of the unsaved(2Corinthians 4:4) so that they cannot translate into the kingdom of God.(Collosians 1:13).So intercessors are enjoined in Acts 26:18 to preach the gospel so that the eyes of gentiles(unbelievers) be opened, to turm them from darknes to light , and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins.For believers Satan labors day and night to corrupt their minds by complicated the gospel of grace(2 Corinthians11:3) and replacing with the gospel of works, thus making Christ of no effect.(Galatians 5:4).

The knowledge, thought and imagination which all happen in the mind of man of the believer is under attack of the enemy, and is the theatre of warfare and the stronghold of Satan against the believer.(2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Once Satan can get you into living by the principle of good and evil(works) based on the five senses- instead of living by the principle of faith in Christ depending on the leadership and direction of the Spirit of grace(Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) you are held in bondage. A believer then lives like an unbeliever, because he is a babe in Christ and still under the law(Galatians 4:1-4), and will likely be a roller coster as far as the issue of sin is concerned because sin has dominion over him(Romans 6:14)

Therefore it is instructive we set our minds on Jesus Christ and The Word of God to release our faith to ward off the incursion of the enemy. Spend quality time in prayer, reading ,studying and meditating the word(to hide the word in your heart) and be ready to release the word of grace against any attack on your mind at any time. God bless you.

The constant awareness of the spirit realm is the key

Text: Proverbs 19:2, 2 Corinthians 4:18

It is the ignorance of the interplay of the spirit realm with the physical realm that makes a believer suffer deprivation.There is a spiritual realm that controls and originates all that happen in the physical realm.Seeking to know and focus on what is happening in the spirit realm constantly and acting on our knowledge and instructions received is what pulls us over in the challenges of life.People are disobedient because of the negative influence of the spirit of disobedience.(Ephesians 2:2).And people are obedient because of the positive influence of the Holy Spirit.(1 Peter 1:22). All our blessings in Christ are stored up in the spirit realm .(Ephesians 1:3).So how can I assess the spirit realm for my breakthrough?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Love conquered Satan on the Cross

Text:Luke 23:33-35

In our text, Jesus unilaterally forgave thosewho derided and accused him on the Cross.,
even though the did not ask .That is agape love conquering Satan, sickness, poerty and
spiritual death. Anytime you release unconditional love of God , the situation is bound to
bow to you, and faith and grace will produce as expected.Alleluia, glory be to God.
Thank you Jesus.

Love is the secret to the supernatural life

Text:John 3:16,13:33-35

Agape or unconditional love is the secret, foundation, the engine or the prime mover of supernatural life.Love is the most powerful force in the universe and is the hinge that turns every spiritual virtue into reality. Faith, grace, patience, gentleness,goodness or kindness,joy,peace,self control, discipline are all facets of love expressed and all activated or work by love. In our text, God who is Love personified, demonstrated love to mankind , when He sent His only Son to pay the supreme price for man's redemption and restoration to relationship with God. Jesus who is Love, loved mankind and voluntarily laid down His life, suffered shame and pain to redeem man and restore man's blessings lost in the garden.He received the Holy Spirit from God,the Father and poured to everyone that believes.(Acts 3:26) The Holy Spirit who is Love loved mankind and chose to live with man forever(John 14:16)and also shares the love of God in our hearts (Romans 5:5) and directs our heart towards God,Alleluia.(2 Thess. 3:5) Love is the key to all blessings. The faithful man shall abound with blessing.(Proverbs 28:20)Therefore seek first the revelation of the Love of God and all other things will be added to you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Praise and worship , the unfailing solution at all times

Text:Psalm 34:1,100:4,103:1-5 This year is the year of demonstration or manifestation of God's glory in the church.This will be brought forth through praise and thanksgiving to God,the Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I read a story of a sister who was sick of acute small pox infection.While she sought the Lord, He showed her a vision of two baskets-one containing her praises that was half full,and the other containing her testings or trials which was completely full.The Lord told her that the praise basket must be full to counter balance the trial/testing basket to receive her healing. So she kept singing,praising and worshipping God until the Lord showed her that her praise basket was full and overflowing.She saw the praise basket sink and the trial basket rise in the air, and in a moment, all related sypmtoms of her sickness disappeared leaving no scars.Glory to God, Alleluia. The praise medication works all the time. The price for it's efficacy was the blood of the Lamb which had been paid by our loving Jesus Christ through His finished work on the Cross.(1 Peter 1:19) You can virtually praise yourself into perfect health and your neeeded miracles today. But how long should you praise God?Until your basket of praise is full to overturn your trial/testing basket.The Psalmist in Psalm 34 says we should praise God at all times. And also following the Word of God in Psalm 103:1-6 diligently would provide solution to all your needs and challenges: "Worship the Lord O my soul : and all that is within me, worship His holy name.Worship the Lord O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgiveth all thine iniquities;who healeth all thine diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction;who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;who satisfieth thy mouth with giood things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's;The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed".In Jeremiah 30:19-22 and Isaiah 42:12-15 God says He will purnish your oppressors and bless you and your family if you worship Him.Glory to God in the highest.Alleluia. You have prayed for a long time for a needed miracle or breakthrough or even for a current need. The missing miracle seed is praise and worship that will give God His deserved glory. It is the unfailing solution to all human needs without conditionalities. Go for it today and receive your overdue miracles in Jesus Name. Thanksgiving opens the door to your miracles.Praises keep the doors it every time.Shalom and God bless you. richly this year, in Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Setting the pace for delivery of your miracles this year-2012

Text:Exodus 14:15,Isaiah 42:10-16,45:2-3 This is the year of the demonstration of God's glory in the Church. There will be surprise miracles this year for addicted heartfelt thanksgivers.The grace of God will produce miracles beyond expectation for addicted heart worshippers this year. They will receive exceedingly ,abundantly above what they have been expecting all these years(that they have been thinking about and saying) (Ephesians 3:20) Be blessing and miracles conscious(grace conscious)by remembering the finished work on the cross and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they will manifest in your life. But how can I connect to my blessings and miracles this year? By the continuous hearing of the gospel of grace and keeping it in your memory(Galatians 3:5) and giving glory to God through thanksgiving, praise and worship continuously and see God manifest His goodness, grace, mercy and the blessings in proclaiming His covenant names this year in your life, family and ministry.(Exodus 33:18-19) When you sing,praise and worship God continually this year, God will prevail against the enemies of your breakthrough:make waste mountains and hills,make rivers islands,dry up the pools hindering the manifestation of your long awaited miracles. He will bring his servant who is blind in the way of breakthrough by making darkness light and making the crooked paths straight: by breaking the gates of brass and bars of iron obstructing their blessings and giving them the riches of secret places. God will do this unto you and will not forsake you.So be ready to join the heavenly choir in heart felt singing, thanksgiving,praise and worship this year. That is the key that will unlock all miracles this year.