Sunday, February 24, 2013

Restoration begins when our reasoning and understanding (mind) returns to us

Text: Daniel 4:28-35 Our minds play a pivotal role in whether we experience good health and prosperity in life (3 John 2). The issues of our lives come out of the thinking of our hearts in our minds.(Proverbs 4:23; 23:7). So the devil works hard every day using all his seducing demons to blind the minds of those who are unbelievers so that they will not receive the glorious gospel and be translated into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ(2 Corinthians 4:4), and for believers, corrupts their minds so that they cannot experience the abundant life in Christ.(2 Corinthians 11:3). He does the latter by making believers ignore the truth that they have the mind of Christ(1 Corinthians 2:16) and that they have received this sound mind from God because they are in Christ ( 1 Timothy 1:6-7). Our reasoning and understanding which takes place in our minds determine whether we will experience abundant life or not.No matter how much seed of good deeds or word we sow into our hearts, if we have no proper reasoning or understanding, they will not bear fruit(Matthew 13:23). Our level of understanding determines the level of harvest. The scriptures tells us in Proverbs 21:16, that any one that wander out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead or unfruitful people. So there is a way of understanding which the believer can wander from. Through our minds we can return to the reasoning and way of understanding.How? Our text tells us in verse 32 that we must acknowledge that the Almighty rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He wills.Therefore your hard work, self help and skills are not enough. Nothing can come to pass except God hath commanded it.(Lamentations 3:37) The labor is in vain except the Lord builds the house(Psalm 127:1). It is the blessing of God that makes us rich and nothing else(Proverbs 10:22) Our text also tells us in verse 35 that all inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing before God almighty. So when Jesus took on the form of a servant, He immediately made Himself of no reputation before God.(Philippians 2:7) God does according to His will in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain God or say to Him " what doest thou? In verse 34, Nebuchadnezzar's reasoning and understanding returned to him and all his blessings were restored when he lifted up his eyes to heaven in prayers, praise and worship to bless the most High, praise and honor Him who lives for ever.His dominion is everlasting dominion. His kingdom is from generation to generation. As you acknowledge and give God thanks, the glory, honor and splendor and blessings are restored and return to you and excellency is added to you.Praise and extol and honor the king of heaven, all of whose works are truth and His ways , justice. Those who walk in pride, He is able to abase. So when reasoning and understanding come to anyone they too will worship and thank God, and the result will be restoration, alleluia.

The key reason for the believer's hardship

Text:Numbers 11:1, 1 Corinthians 10:10-11 Complaining,murmuring, grumbling or backbiting about anything or about anybody is the opposite of thanksgiving, and enables the wicked to execute his hardship on the believer, because God is displeased with such a person.It is the believer giving up his authority and power, which Jesus had given to him to the enemy, like Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. Perilous times will mark the end of this age principally because people are unthankful(2 Timothy 3:2).Complainers, backbiters,murmurers, grumblers are on the same pedestal before God, as the proud, corrupt, lovers of money,lovers of themselves,boasters, blasphemers,unholy, disobedient to parents including God The Father.(2 Timothy 3:1-2) The major reason for corruption in the believer's life is because he is unthankful to God and to people and the root of that attitude is pride. Believers become cold in their love towards God because they are unthankful.When your love wax cold towards God and man, the scriptures say iniquity, corruption and turning away from godliness shall abound(Matthew 24:12). To prosper, Job 22:23 says you must put away iniquity far from your tabernacle that is from your body or your life. The key is in your hand.Put away ingratitude, complaining, murmuring,grumbling,and unthankfulness towards God and man, and then you will start prospering. Look for things to be thankful about in your life and in the life of others. Learn to appreciate and not be critical about others, finding faults.Every one has strengths and weaknesses. Focus on the strengths of others and your own weaknesses will attenuate considerably, and blessings will flow iyou lifer life. Watch your thoughts about others, because your thoughts will lead to your words and your words lead to actions or habits which determines your experience and destiny. The ball is in your court.Play it right. God bless you richly as you take heed.


Text: Hebrews 13:15 If there is a debt we owe that Jesus Christ could not pay for us, which we need to pay continually is thanksgiving and praise to God Almighty Abba Father and to our Lord Jesus Christ.It is the key that keeps the plug of faith continually on the switch that turns on our breakthrough in every circumstance.Naturally, we give thanks when something has happened.Spiritually, the wisdom of God : the scriptures say we give thanks for things to happen. The Bible calls it sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. For God to hear us, we give thanks.To provoke the manifestations we give thanks.To perfect his hand in our lives, we give thanks.To multiply the offering and tithes we have given we continually give thanks. To resurrect anything not working right in our lives, give God the sacrifice of thanksgiving. For revelation, give God thanks. That was the secret behind Albert Einstein's revelation which culminated in relativity theory.When you appreciate anyone, your wife,children,brethren, neighbor you are appreciating God in them.Albert Einstein gave thanks to 100 people every day and revelation explode in his life. God,s wisdom for enforcing a turn around is sacrifice. The most potent sacrifice which everyone can give is THANKSGIVING. BE THANKFUL.BE GRATEFUL IN THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS.BE GRATEFUL IN GOD's MERCY WHICH ARE NEW EVERY MORNING.BE GRATEFUL IN THE WORD OF GOD's GRACE AND MERCY GIVEN TO US FREELY! IT WAS VERY SCARCE IN THE DAYS OF ELI.BE GRATEFUL IN YOUR LIFE! IN YOUR FAMILY!IN YOUR LOVED ONES!IN HUMANITY! IN ALL THINGS. WHEN YOU MAINTAIN A GRATEFUL ATTITUDE IN ALL THINGS KNOWING THAT GOD ALREADY PROVIDED A WAY OF ESCAPE AND SOLUTION BEFORE YOU ENCOUNTERED IT,BREAKTHROUGHS AND MIRACLES WILL BE YOUR CONSTANT EXPERIENCE!THAT LIGHT AFFLICTION IS WORKING OUT FOR YOU TO EXPERIENCE EXCEEDING WEIGHT OF GOD'S GLORY.BRING GOD's GLORY INTO THE SITUATION, BY GIVING GOD HOT PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING, AND PROVOKE GOD TO BRING ABOUT A TURN AROUND, ALLELUIA