Sunday, September 18, 2011

Before You Pray , Do You have a Faith Vision?

Text: Mark 11:24, Habakkuk 2:2, Genesis 13:15, Matthew 8:13, Proverbs 29:18 Without faith vision in prayers, we may not get the expected results. To make our praying different we must pray FROM THE ANSWER...WITH THE ANSWER IN MIND...from the answer to the issue or circumstances. This is how we pray. We pray from God's promise which is His answer already formed or painted on the canvas of our hearts as a vision or image and expect it to be fulfilled. This is calling those things that be not (in the physical but exist in the spiritual realm in our hearts) as though they were-that is faith. The Bible answers to every situation. We learn always to do "everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving" and learn to "live by every Word of God" according to Philippians 4:6, 7; Luke 4:4. However before we pray we must hold the vision of the answer clearly in our heart and mind first. Start seeing on the inside of you, the person you prayed for as already healed; start seeing your bank account filled with the financial breakthrough you prayed for. See yourself healed and prospering; enjoying abundant life; living in a better accommodation; anointed and healing the sick; see yourself bringing many souls into the kingdom; see yourself as an overcomer ; see that intractable problem resolved etc.Habbakuk 2:2 says we should first have a vision; then write down the vision. In Genesis 13:15, God told Abraham that all the land which he sees will be given to him. We don’t get what we pray for, but what we believe we receive when we pray. Jesus in Mark 11:24 tells us that what we believe after praying is what we will have. Therefore when you are praying pay attention to what you are seeing in your inside. If the vision is not the right vision or there is no vision at all, stop! change it before you pray. Prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, the people perish for lack of vision. There must be faith for prayers to be answered. Faith is impotent without faith vision-which is your hope built into a picture or image in your heart. We do this through our thoughts and imaginations empowered by our feelings and strong emotions. We have learnt that promises of God predict the answers to our prayers and they are the formwork into which we pour our prayers. Promises like “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:22); If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14), when applied to any situation or circumstances in our lives through first visioning and then released with our mouth with our heart believing and seeing the answer on the inside will cause the blessings to come, because the Triune God, Angels, even the adversaries, mankind and the whole creation all respond when the Word of God is released into the air from our hearts or spirit man through our mouths. God bless you richly in Jesus Name.

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