Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The one single solution of God to all your problems and challenges

Text:1 Corinthians 1:18, 2 Corinthians 2:2.

Man born into this world is encumbered with many problems.As different as our faces so are our problems and challenges.Varied as the problems may be, God has only one sufficient solution to the all the problems of mankind:the cross of Christ.The basic universal problem of all humans is that we have all turned our backs on God and gone our own way.(Isaiah 53:6).The bible calls this iniquity and the punishment or evil consequences of iniquity.Jesus Himself was not guilty but the iniquity of all of us was laid upon him by the Father because of His love for humans. Jesus loves the Father and loves humans and willingly gave his life and took all the judgment, condemnation and punishment we deserve by his suffering, crucifixion, rejection from God, painful and shameful death , burial and resurrection.He literally took our place and exchanged it divinely for His own righteousness, holiness, blessings and riches, wholeness and all the blessings of abundant and eternal life.The evil due us came upon Jesus so that the good and blessings due Jesus might be offered to us who believe from the amazing grace and love of God for us . As we focus our mind and thoughts on the finished work of Christ seeing Jesus being beaten and striped for our healing and the blood being shared for our righteousness, we receive our blessings of wholeness and righteousness. Our prayers are always answered because they come from the righteous.Righteousness is now a gift exchanged for our sins on the cross(2 Cor.5:21).Our righteousness is irreversible.We should always acknowledge and confess our forgiveness of sins through the fountain of the blood of Jesus which continually cleanses us 24/7 (1John 1:7) and that we are always the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Set your mind always on the finished work of Christ on the cross.Power is released every time you do this and the devil is always defeated.(1 Cor.1:18).Your thoughts on the finished work on the cross and the resurrection creates the realities of your righteousness and releases your healing and prosperity. The battle is in the mind.The stronghold of iniquity and sin in the mind is overcome by the stronger hold of the blood of the eternal covenant(2 Cor.10:3-5,Zechariah 9 :11-12).That is the key to good health and prosperity in your life.Remember when the Jews had challenges, the Prophet was directed to cut a tree to find the mixing axe;to remove the poison from the poisonous meal, to heal them from deadly bite of fiery serpents by focusing on the bronze serpent representing finished work on the cross. It is like shining light to every dark area of our lives.The bronze represent the judgment due us laid upon Christ on the Cross,and the serpent being a cursed creature by God represents  Jesus who became the curse for us so that we might be blessed.(Galatians 3:13-14). You are always the righteousness of God. It is irreversible because it is a gift , and the gift of God are without repentance.God says in Hebrews 8:12 that your sins and iniquity he will remember no more .That means he will not visit you with your iniquity and sins like in the Old covenant, but will convict you of who you are by the Holy Spirit and empower or engrace you to live righteously.That is God's grace and His amazing love.
God bless you richly and give you greater understanding in Jesus Name, Amen.

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