Sunday, February 24, 2013

The key reason for the believer's hardship

Text:Numbers 11:1, 1 Corinthians 10:10-11 Complaining,murmuring, grumbling or backbiting about anything or about anybody is the opposite of thanksgiving, and enables the wicked to execute his hardship on the believer, because God is displeased with such a person.It is the believer giving up his authority and power, which Jesus had given to him to the enemy, like Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden. Perilous times will mark the end of this age principally because people are unthankful(2 Timothy 3:2).Complainers, backbiters,murmurers, grumblers are on the same pedestal before God, as the proud, corrupt, lovers of money,lovers of themselves,boasters, blasphemers,unholy, disobedient to parents including God The Father.(2 Timothy 3:1-2) The major reason for corruption in the believer's life is because he is unthankful to God and to people and the root of that attitude is pride. Believers become cold in their love towards God because they are unthankful.When your love wax cold towards God and man, the scriptures say iniquity, corruption and turning away from godliness shall abound(Matthew 24:12). To prosper, Job 22:23 says you must put away iniquity far from your tabernacle that is from your body or your life. The key is in your hand.Put away ingratitude, complaining, murmuring,grumbling,and unthankfulness towards God and man, and then you will start prospering. Look for things to be thankful about in your life and in the life of others. Learn to appreciate and not be critical about others, finding faults.Every one has strengths and weaknesses. Focus on the strengths of others and your own weaknesses will attenuate considerably, and blessings will flow iyou lifer life. Watch your thoughts about others, because your thoughts will lead to your words and your words lead to actions or habits which determines your experience and destiny. The ball is in your court.Play it right. God bless you richly as you take heed.

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