Monday, June 10, 2013

Dealing the storms of life-1

Storms of life can come from God like with Jonah (Jonah 1:4, 4:8) or from the devil like with Paul(Acts 27:14) and with our Lord Jesus and His disciples(Mark 4:37). Right now you may be experiencing a storm in your life : financial, marital, health, family, job, spiritual, emotional etc.This is not new. To get to the other side you desire which Jesus paid for, you will encounter a storm to challenge your divinity or your claim that you are a Christian. Shortly after the Lord declared Jesus Christ as His beloved Son in Luke 3:22, Satan went to challenge him through temptation in Luke 4:3,9. Storm is like sitting for a promotion examination to a higher class. Strong faith is a danger to the Devil anywhere.So he goes all out to make your faith weak by bringing storms to corrupt your mind with condemnation, with mistrust and with complaining and murmuring. Those who challenged their storms are the heroes of faith today. So what should be our initial response to storm since it is the pathway to promotion and blessing. The Bible says in James 1:2 and 2 Corinthians 12:10,that we should count it all joy when you are faced with diverse temptations because it is an opportunity for God to be glorified.In James 1:12, if you stand your ground in joy to endure the storm knowing that the Lord is working for, with and by you, you will be blessed , and received the crown of life, and it is a proof that you love God.It is those that patiently endured that obtained the promises.

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