Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Making your faith work(3)-dealing with unbelief.

In Matthew 17;20, Our Lord Jesus taught us to fast and pray to reduce the unbelief in the soul(mind)occasioned by the flesh.In Matthew 9:27-30,Jesus asked the two blind men if they believed in His ability to open their blind eyes, and they answered Yes, and he counted that as their faith. In Proverbs 19:2, we are told that the Word of God which we meditate and confess will prosper our souls, and reduce unbelief. In Jeremiah 31:12, when we sing and rejoice together in the Church, our souls shall be as a watered garden and reduce unbelief. In Philemon 1:6, we are taught that our faith is made to work, once we acknowledge what we already have in Christ through the redemptive work on the Cross, even though we have not seen them, Alleluia. In Matthew 11:28, we are taught that fellowship with Jesus Christ will bring rest or prosperity to our souls. In Proverbs 6:32, keeping away from adultery will proper the soul and reduce unbelief. In 2 Peter 2:7-8, keeping ourselves from filthy conversations and unlawful deeds in the world around us through the print and electronic media will reduce unbelief and strengthen our faith, Alleluia. In 1 Peter 2:25, surrendering daily to and following after the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, Our Lord Jesus Christ will prosper our soul and reduce unbelief. He helped the man, who prayed to Him to help his unbelief. He can also do that for you and for me, Alleluia. In Mark 16: 17 and Luke 10:19, the believer was given authority and dominion over all the enemies. Unbelief is a spirit and can be cast out in the name of Jesus, Alleluia.

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